Monday, August 14, 2017

Pseudo-President Trump ~ N. Korea ~ CHINA ~ Russia and the “HRAC” ~ "Flirting with Annihilation"

Deadly ACCURATE “Prognostication*Report” ~ Although the Pathetically Dysfunctional Republican Majority Congress Comprised Primarily of what I’ve declared as the “HRAC”, Hostile Republican Alien Contingent, has a constitutional mandate & or legal obligation to immediately REMOVE & Imprison the Psychologically Compromised Babbling Imbecile who is now the unlikely moronic guardian of OUR White House before even more irreversible damage is done to the world, unfortunately for the balance of flesh and blood humans residing on Fragile Planet EARTH, they have failed miserably to fulfill that duty and as a direct result, Unprecedented Disaster LOOMs in the form of a Massive TOXIC Canopy enveloping our entire celestial body and eventually DOOM to all terrestrial creatures will Prevail ~

NOW, as a UNIVERSE Altering Detrimental Consequence which could easily evolve into Devastating Nuclear Conflict or even extended war between the United States of AMERICA led by an Idiotic Deranged ET, and North Korea, China, and perhaps if inclined to participate, even Vladimir Putin’s Russia, the ALIEN Entity wandering, creeping & conspiring within OUR Oval Office, appears to be intentionally “Inciting, Inviting & Maniacally INDUCING” the unabated heated friction between himself and the other Mentally Unstable party who resides in Pyongyang ~ A Volatile EXPLOSIVE Recipe for Global Incineration or at the very least, Tribal Extermination & Extinction ~ Which Tribes will be preserved and which will dissapear if this “Powder Keg of DEATH & DANGER” is not defused immediately by either a Tight Fitting Permanent MUZZLE rapped around his elderly lips, or Swift Congressional Removal of said Pseudo-President of the United States of AMERICA? ~
A “Regression & Update” ~ Just a reminder that yours truly, an avid “Follower, Researcher, INVESTIGATOR & Expert” pertaining to the “HRAC”, accurately predicted this Unprecedented CRISIS of Gargantuan Proportions between Earthly & ALIEN Powers months ago ~ A Prediction which didn’t require “Albert Einstein’s Brother’s” Brain-Cell Proclivities nor Nicola Tesla’s IMAGINATIVE Excellence ~ Earth’s Resistance in the form of Human INTERVENTION, has to date, been successful at “Beating Back” the Oval Office HRAC which recently came extremely close to successfully triggering an unprecedented “HealthCARE Holocaust” by implementing “TrumpSCARE”, a Republican (HRAC) Legislative Scheme to DRAIN HealthCARE Funds from essential life preserving programs and re-deposit said funds into the Bank Accounts of Corrupt Wall Street EXECUTIVEs ~ ALL to be MOOT if the HRAC via Vladimir Putin’s RUSSIAN Stranglehold succeeds with maintaining complete control of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue <>