Receding deep into thought and imagining a harmonious universe where money is no longer a primary deciding factor in elections held here on planet Earth and perhaps elsewhere on distant celestial bodies ~ Imagine stripping suspected hostile alien spawned individuals or entities like Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, or cretinous Rand Paul of their only true asset in which they zealously use to attempt mal-manipulation, spread disingenuous propaganda, control public thought, and thereafter steal public servant seats within the Government of the United States and elsewhere throughout the globe ~
The proposed partial solution? Discontinue unearned, unnecessary, absurdly unfair subsidies that directly enrich the pockets of oil & gas company execs ~ Vast filthy fortunes generated out of taxpayer dollars which equate to billions each and every year, and then re-direct a tiny fraction of these funds toward federally financed “Level Field” elections. Can anyone amongst us who is of sound mind conjure a better way to spend our riches? Environmentally un-sound oil companies certainly do not need the cash, their annual greed driven profits surpass 99% of other Wall Street enterprises, which means they are grossly stockpiled with OUR hard earned greenbacks. It’s a truly insane reality and the underlying reason why they are unconditionally granted this unnecessary treasure chest for alleged “Reaesrch” purposes is a mystery to be solved one future day right here ~
It’s time to dedicate conditional millions not BILLIONS, of equal amounts to be disbursed to each individual presidential candidate, to be used specifically and pre-conditionally for commercials, campaign convoys, staff compensation etc subsequent to submitting proof of “Presidential Integrity & Worthyness“ to the appropriate governing authority ~ What a world this could be if we would just transform this tiny piece of legislation that gifts billions of our dollars to those greedy corporate outlaws who don‘t need it, into a “Fair & Reasonable” election program which will benefit all of mankind. The only roadblock toward re-tweaking this pending patriotic program is congress, a “Dungeon of Doom” which is now, unfortunately comprised of a republican majority, a creepy, regressive alien clan which is obviously sympathetic to, and/or part of, the purported “Hostile Republican Alien Contingent”. An evil force which I believe now plots behind closed doors to undermine the United States of America ~
Why are only republicans ready, willing, & eagerly able to gift our hard earned tax dollars to filthy, environment destroying oil companies when we still have thousands of homeless American individuals walking within and sleeping on our streets? A sin of biblical proportions and it just doesn’t make legal, ethical, nor moral sense ~ A real time scenario which leads me and all other sane Earthlings to the obvious conclusion that there is a malevolent force right now living within the fabric of our planet which is working tirelessly to transform our home into fertile, alien receptive real estate. A place which once was, but is no longer conducive to the human species. Reverse “Terra-Firma activity if you will ~
Massive, poisonous oil spills have destroyed the gulf states subsequent to a preventable underground eruption, explosion, and subsequent breach of pipeline containment. An enormous sludge like brown toxic cocktail that arbitrarily wiped out the indigenous and exotic wildlife for thousands of square miles in every direction, infected the water to the point of irreversible contamination, and obliterated without conscience the economy, forcing untold local, global, and international companies into either force reduction status, foreclosure, or even involuntary or voluntary liquidation ~ Our human, flesh and blood brothers and sisters left hopeless without jobs, without income, without homes, and without a viable future ~ Blatant Insanity ~
Rescind,, Invalidate, Overturn, Cancel, & Repeal these deadly oil company subsidies, let’s discontinue our public financing of these catastrophic spill events which always have detrimental and in the end catastrophic global consequences, and thereafter re-direct the taxpayer monies into a program designed to inject fairness, illuminate transparency thereby ensuring a higher degree off integrity for our national and local election process ~ Let’s enact legislation which will prohibit and discontinue the gratuitous infusion of dirty, ill-gotten corporate money into public servant contests and replace it with untainted, genuine “Patriotic Financing” ~
“Advocate Federally Funded Elections NOW, Giving ALL QUALIFIED an Equal Opportunity” to revive the United States of America from the very brink <>