Friday, July 17, 2015

2.75 BILLION in Past Year Issued to Top 100 Athletes - Why?

When I read this highly offensive headline it triggered a lightening bolt sized shiver up and then back down my frigid spine, dividing the nose bleed numbers to determine individual allotments was immaterial ~ Then, I thought to myself, unless one of these very special individuals is the second coming of Leonardo DaVinci or Christ our Sacred Savior, a salary and or bonus based income of this gargantuan magnitude would be considered obscene, insane, and certainly not warranted nor earned by any measure ~ Nobody on this good Earth that I can think of, whether he/she be athlete, scientist, doctor, lawyer or anyone else, neither deserves nor even comes close to genuinely earning this grotesquely absurd kind of money ~ The payment of this astronomically outrageous figure if accurate as reported by Forbes, is utterly ridiculous and should be rescinded immediately and discontinued into the future ~ Contracts must be rendered void and re-negotiated ASAP, for humanity sake ~

Billons issued to mere athletes who play games for our amusement yet the majority of God’s population living Brazil, or Argentina, or even the United States of America struggle mightily to survive while enduring a turbulent, painful life in which some can’t even find the strength to make it past infancy, adolescence, or young adulthood ~ Rarely is an older age enjoyed by the majority in poverty stricken nations ~ Insane ~ “Salary Caps” must be mandatory actions taken now to end this insulting and injurious wealth accumulation and hoarding which is a sharp slap in the proverbial face to all humanity ~

Who amongst us can possibly look at this intentional distribution imbalance of assets and say, yes, I believe this immensely lop-sided, un-earned compensation should continue into perpetuity, while the rest of the globe suffers? ~ Appalling ~ In reality, athletes merely play games, that’s it period, they don’t brainstorm with incredibly super-human intellect to solve sustenance shortfalls that still exist all across the globe, or intensively study asteroid belts floating aimlessly in the heavens to uncover which massive extra-terrestrial celestial body has the potential to swiftly alter trajectory and slam unapologetically into Earth, nor do they even gaze into a microscope to unveil a dangerous biological invader ~ No, athletes do not perform critically important job duties, they merely score goals, throw a ball, or shoot hoops while lining their deep pockets with cold hard cash in between innings or at half time ~

Once I read the headline, I couldn’t even proceed to read the first sentence of the article because it disturbed and disgusted me to the point of feeling physically ill ~ Who got what slice of this pie to me is irrelevant, all I needed to know was the unfortunate overt fact that a greed driven, massive wealth transfer had occurred, an enormous pile of money given to a relatively microscopic group on Earthlings ~ An exchange of sporting services for cold hard cash ~ I’m at the defining point where I refuse to watch most sports and athletic competition regardless of form, especially here in the United States where greed is the primary motivating factor even within the gaming arena ~ I’m still however attracted to the world cup, a global event spectacular which in my opinion has many redeeming qualities even though the players always collect a generous pocket full of cash for their soccer ball manipulation efforts ~

We have unfortunately become desensitized or acclimated to the incredibly grotesque wealth transfer and imbalance that occurs daily within the world of athletics ~ Are they taller, faster, stronger, more agile than the average human or alien living amongst us? Probably so ~ Does this justify astronomically divergent compensation verses the average homo-sapien? Absolutely not ~

Always remember, when this magnitude of our wealth becomes concentrated within the greedy hands of so few on the planet, regardless of philanthropic intent or promises of good will, the social ramifications and or consequences are inevitable and often are profoundly detrimental <>

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