GLOBAL Travesty “RED Alert” ~ The “HRAC” (Hostile Republican ALIEN Contingent), in the “Terrestrial Manifestation” of the Republican Party which is comprised of several different factions of “Hostile Entities“, is one step closer toward “Invading, Infiltrating & OCCUPYING” OUR Sovereign White House ~ Unless of course the “Electoral College” comprised of Voter Operatives, justifiably intervenes on this Ailing Planet’s behalf to Legally BLOCK this INSANE “Catastrophe in Waiting” ~ Although Unprecedented, Extremely DANGEROUS Planet THREATENING Circumstances such as Donald Trump attaining ultimate EARTHLY Power is an Egregiously Warped & Perverted Notion which is irrefutably rejected by most Americans“, The “COLLEGE” in all REALITY, will probably “AFFIRM” the Trump Presidency Despite his LOSING the Majority VOTE & Aggressive Petitions by “WE the PEOPLE” to ask for a “Nullification“ of the Ultra-Flawed Illegitimate Regional Result to prevent Trump and his OBVIOUS Psychological Shortcomings, Nazi Proxies & Communist Influence from Endangering Earth via the most POWERFUL Platform located in Washington DC ~
This horrifically nightmarish possibility is absolutely unacceptable however, as immediate “Precautionary Measures” to accept and assume the worst case is upon us if the “Electoral COLLEGE” Fails to act in accordance to OUR Founders INTENT to BLOCK Madmen from our White House, we must begin the critical adjustment period to “Prepare & Ready” ourselves & children for a much more Unstable, ERRATIC & VIOLENT Culture, filled to the utmost brim with “Racist Tendencies, Ignorance of Foreign Policy, Misunderstandings of Social Frame-Work, Routine Nuclear Exchanges & LEWD Public Behavior perpetrated by those “TWISTED” non-human individuals who now believe in “LEADERSHIP by Example“ ~ We must ASSUME this will occur if of course we SURVIVE to ENDURE it ~ “We Must RESIST the Temptation to “PRETEND” this “Transfer of POWER” is “Legitimate” ~ The “NORMALIZATION” of Trump which is now being “Cultivated & Propagated” by the MEDIA must END Immediately ~
The Criminal Act of SUBVERTING the United States ELECTION with Blatant SABOTAGE Committed by Communist Agents, some of who may have be embedded within a specific branch of the FBI and may have close ties to Trump himself, seems to have resulted in a successful endeavor and is absolutely a determinative factor as to WHY we now must involuntarily “Live to Survive” in a world which will soon reach an unprecedented level of “Uncomfortable Instability“ and perhaps sustained global strife ~ The Cuban Nuclear Missile Crisis of the 1960’s was CHILD’s Play compared to what is about to engulf us ~ Fortunately, we had a Lucid Rational President in JFK at the time and the unprecedented dyer circumstances still pushed the very limits of an unprecedented “Bona Fide” “Nuclear Incident” & Perhaps WAR which could have led directly to the efficient EXTERMINATION our Fragile Existence here on Earth ~
Fast Forward to the present, via a Manipulated Undermined U.S. Election Result, and we’ve now taken a GIGANTIC Backward Leap Toward the “COLD War” era and perhaps worse, where outlying incidents notwithstanding, Super-Powers remained “FROZEN” in a state of relative “STALE-Mate” by “Mutually Assured Nuclear Destruction”, CALM & Steady Temperament in LEADERSHIP”, at least on the side of the USA in JFK, RK etc, and of course an Abundance of Knowledgeable Experienced Establishment Professionals in POWER who understood Psychology, Diplomacy & Effective Negotiations ~ A scenario and necessary attributes which are Clearly ABSCENT following Trump being “GIFTED” the Presidency of the United States of America by a Covert HOSTILE Entity within the FBI & possibly the Kremlin ~ SOON, if the political process remains uninterrupted, Planet Earth will be a Celestial Body Shepherded by DARK Individuals such as Steve Bannon who possess Severely Detrimental Attributes which will inevitably induce “Highly COMBUSTIBLE” Interludes, “Dis-functional Instabilities”, “Erratic Bouts of WORLD Domination Delusions”, Uncontrollable Narcissistic Overtones & of course, will usher in the “Epitome of Unpredictability Leading to Imminent Danger & Turmoil” Globally ~ This Dyer Scenario could easily be Averted if the “Electoral COLLEGE” Acknowledged & COUNTED ALL Votes, a majority of which were cast for Hillary Clinton, and invoked a LUCID, Rational Intervention on behalf of the Planet which would include a REBUKE & Rejection of an UNPRECEDENTED, Deranged Meglomaniacal EVIL Nuisance called Donald Trump <>
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