Monday, March 16, 2015

Decisively Defeated and Humiliated Presidential Candidate and Moroni Follower Mitt Romney - Exposing Alien Intrusion

As a pre-curser to the above title and related entry which follows below, here is a brief disclaimer or explanation for the content herein ~ I still love my country and wish it well, I just think it falls short of being a great nation and yes, as I write this piece, I’m considering alternative places to call my home while constitution amendments are contemplated and hopefully enacted ~ Despite impotent efforts by republican owned propaganda entities such as the Fox Loose Channel” to paint me as a liberal loon, I contend an expression of my opinion regardless of subject matter does not make me any less patriotic than an imbecile corporate criminal like Mitt Romney who uses and plunders America and her hard working peoples primarily for personal enrichment, nor does it make me less patriotic than a stand-up, legendary, iconic man of history like George Washington. It simply means I believe the United States is no longer a land where dreams can be pursued fairly or unimpeded by the vast majority of working or retired American Citizens ~ How can an individual or family legitimately and vigorously pursue a dream while under constant suppressive activities deployed by the grotesquely wealthy such as Mitt? As expressed in previous entries, I believe a more concentrated effort toward rooting out the “Hostile Republican Alien Contingent” must commence immediately before it’s too late, so “We The Real People“, not necessarily the filthy rich, can re-claim realizable, genuinely attainable and reachable AMERICAN DREAMS ~

During the interim, until we as a nation make the desperately needed changes, I’ll continue on with my personal public service quest to expose the hostile alien republican force commingled among us, report on terrestrial and super-natural “Counter-Pushback“, and of course, explore other more suitable lands using all mediums ~ Periodically, as I rigorously rifle through my standard television selections tucked deeply betwixed a plethora of investigative paranormal offerings, I’ll arrive at a terrestrial airwave destination which involves a segment or two of an interview with defeated Mitt Romney, former republican presidential candidate and current American disgrace. The piece is usually hosted by a “Fox Loose” network ultra-conservative propaganda peddler such as Sean Hannity or B. O’Reilly. It typically begins with something like this, with Romney proclaiming emphatically “See, I told you I was right”, and ends with something like this “See, I told you I was right”. Ridiculous to say the least because Mitt, as he always does, either embellishes, conveniently contorts, or manically manipulates the truth, or, simply lies without repentance in the same style as his republican and tea party cohorts. Nevertheless, he is granted precious airtime even though he is by all accounts, a loser in every way. An ultra-greedy profiteer that tenaciously tore apart solvent American companies to be sold of as scrap for personal gain, stripping paychecks along with the dignity away from our terrestrial brethren and sistren, only to leave them confused, vulnerable, and understandably angry. He ex-patriated millions in legal or perhaps some would successfully argue ill-gotten millions to foreign, off-shore bank and investment accounts, allowing the depositees the benefit of his filthy fortunes. He is also a lost soul who vowed vigorously to suppress our working class, deny our senior citizen population adequate healthcare and hard earned social security benefits, and make early life miserable for our blossoming students while enriching his cohorts and remaining balance of the wealthiest humans on this and perhaps other distant planets. All, presumably at the sacred order of his high and mighty space traveling deity, Moroni ~ I guess Moroni “Blessed” Mitt’s destructively effective dismantling tactics whereby working Americans were plundered relentlessly of their negligible fortunes and unrealizable dreams ~

Everyone who intimately follows politics should understand the fact that scatter brained corporate criminal, and in-direct alien spawn of Moroni Mitt Romney, was decisively defeated by a youthful, intellectually solvent, compassionately progressive Senator Barrack Obama ~ A vibrant man of African American decent who is a brilliant, calculating child of the good angels ~ The victory was certainly impressive as it should have been, but the process also left many un-answered questions including the following critical query ~ Why did so many voters situated in the middle or upper middle income class get snowballed into casting a ballot for Romney when this sentiment would rub firmly against their best interest? Was it a mass brainwashing effort by an alternative sinister force, namely Mitt’s Moroni? It’s extremely difficult to believe that any mentally sound individual with a modicum of common sense and concern for his/her job, life savings, health, country, and personal family welfare could ever conceive of voting for a slickly polished con-man like this shallow, money grabbing Wall Street Raider. After all, he, his cohorts, and other like minded, ruthless, greedy mal-humans have one goal above all ~ To strip and siphon away any and all wealth and or valuable possessions from the majority of hard working and retired Americans, then re-direct these assets against a natural gravitational pull, unto the upper echelon in a concerted effort to create even a larger pile of treasure for a select few individuals and corporations. And that’s an unfortunate fact ~

If our beloved Constitution of the United States provides a legitimate pathway for an utterly despicable individual like Romney to legally campaign for and occupy public office if successful, this antiquated, error riddled document must be amended, modified, augmented, synthesized and changed immediately to reflect “Good Faith“ sentiment. At the very least, we need a gigantic Chinese Wall in the form of a “Moral Character Test” to act as buffer between us as concerned American citizens, and evil power hungry entities like Romney, a protective shield so to speak. EXAMPLE question on said required test - “Have you or your business associates ever dismantled an American company primarily for personal financial gain? ~ Yes, I understand the old worn out motto, “ Allowing Despicable Individuals Like Romney To Run For President Is What Makes This Country Great”. Well, that’s what a pretend news network like Fox would like you to believe, but as usual, it’s far south of the truth. Ask yourself this simple question, How does allowing someone who has made a dirty, some would argue, unlawful or illegal living out of raping and pillaging our nation, its humanity and resources, only to amass grotesquely immense personal wealth make this country great? I would say emphatically that it doesn’t, and I believe if un-locked and liberated from undue extra-terrestrial influence, such as a possible “Gray Matter” vacuum manipulation action executed by Romney’s Moroni, everyone would truly understand this. In my opinion, destructive externally non-indigenous, malevolent republican alien forces are at work again right here on planet Earth. I firmly believe, any genuine American who is lucid, and of quasi-sound mind could never conceivably vote for such a mal-intended individual such as Romney, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush or any bush et al under his/her free will, it’s just out of the realm of possibilities ~

Fortunately, for the un-affected, we have the “Progressively Democratic Angelic Force” actively at work to counter this evil menace in every way possible, and we as a spearhead for good, righteous values and positive change which will benefit all workers, retirees, and students, are winning the battle ~ We fend off the mal-intended Hostile Republican Alien Contingent to champion common sense causes like affordable or government subsidized health care for ALL Americans, a value which is a constitutional right by the way. A strong labor union to ensure workers have a shield and legal recourse and or remedy against intrusive, belligerent, power hungry managers and corporate executives. A breed which is unfortunately growing in numbers. And of course, we demand a solvent social security and medicare payout program for our current and future senior population augmented by an affordable or completely subsidized student loan program for our youth ~ They deserve adequate funds to finance the college of choice ~ This among many other values we as a hard working nation demand, and we do not accept vicious alien-intrusion nor suppression in the guise of republican public servants ~ We know you’ve arrived on this planet from another distant star system, we know you’ve covertly invaded and have already corrupted republican representatives en-mass, and we will never surrender our dignity, resources, nor minds to your mal-intentions, ~ For we are the “Good of our Earth” and will prevail <>

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