Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Save Wall Street - Privatize Social Security

How many private savings accounts do Americans really need? And would the privatization of Social Security & Medicare really benefit the working class or is it just another unconscionable Republican ploy to once again take advantage of American workers? All impartial experts are in general agreement and would presumably say the latter while pointing to the undeniable fact that we as a hard working populous already have an over abundance of private savings account options to satisfy even the most risk adverse demographic -

It has become crystal clear over the last decade, that two of the Republican's shortcomings are unquestionably national security and the rudimentary subject of "American History", both of which are certainly not the Republican's strong suit, but are they really that far detached from the reality of every day fundamental financial matters to the point of complete ignorance regarding the latest and greatest "Private" individual savings vehicles such as the Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, Fixed Annuity, Variable Annuity. 401 K Plan, etc.? Perhaps the thick layer of personal accountants required and hired by the average Republican to sort out and reconcile multi million and billion dollar financial matters is a little too thick to be visually penetrated? An obstructed view of reality caused by monumental stacks and stacks of hundred dollar bills attained by taking advantage of overly generous, immoral, and borderline illegal loopholes in tax law that undoubtedly favor the wealthiest citizens? It's really not surprising at all and certainly par for the course as usual -

For the benefit of all Republicans, you are invited to read the following to get up to speed. At present, there are a whole host of "Private Retirement Plans" that I can think of just off the top of my cranium that are already in existence and have been for decades. "Privatized Savings Accounts" the haunting republican mantra, in which individuals and can make voluntary contributions up to a specified limit, and just like social security, the funds cannot be accessed or withdrawn prior to age 59 1/2. If a withdrawal is made prior to vesting, the owner is subject to a rather substantial penalty that can reach the 30% threshold. So what's the Republican's big rush and push to squeeze in one more privatized savings option like Social Security that we really don't need? Why is the GOP so adamant about taking Social Security, one of the most successful Federally sponsored programs in our nations history, and strip away the consumer protection "No Risk" element, eliminate the convenient automatic contribution mechanism, and simply convert it over to another extremely volatile stock market participation vehicle?

These risky options are already available by the truck load and every expert on the subject agrees there is absolutely nothing for current or future retirees to gain by privatizing social security. However, on the flip side, there is one demographic that would benefit to the point of ad nauseam. "Wall Street Execs" will undoubtedly reap the ultimate harvest by raking in astronomical transaction and management fees if Republicans manage to get there way -

A huge bounty to be had by Wall Street if indeed these shrewd opportunists were allowed to divert trillions in social security assets designed for senior years which is currently sitting in a risk free federal government account earning a modest, no risk return. A sudden re-direction of substantial assets into third party brokerage accounts on Wall Street and their proxies to be allocated into non FDIC Insured investments, which is exactly what will happen if privatization of Social Security is adopted, is unquestionably a recipe for disaster. For the majority of hard working Americans of course, not necessarily wall Street Tycoons -

For the Republican Party's immediate consideration, here is just a partial list of currently available "Private Retirement Account" options. Do we really need to "Privatize" Social Security or is the persistent "Republican Mantra" just another ploy to once again monetize and reap untold financial benefits on the backs of hard working Americans?

  • PRIVATE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT - Traditional IRA - A private individual savings plan that can be established by simply visiting your bank or alternative financial institution and setting up the account with a representative. It even provides the depositor with "Rights of Survivorship" by merely adding a beneficiary(s). Risk and product line ranges from FDIC Insured, which means your deposit is backed by the "Full Faith & Credit of the United States Government", all the way to the opposite end of the spectrum including extremely high risk international or emerging market stock investments, and just about everything in between -

  • PRIVATE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT - Roth IRA - Same basic principle as the Traditional IRA except withdrawal rules are more liberal. Same risk factors as well -

  • PRIVATE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT - Fixed Annuity - Essentially, a deposit with an insurance company as opposed to a bank, mutual fund, or brokerage firm The account principle and interest accrued is guaranteed by the issuing company and NOT FDIC Insured, which means there is inherent risk involved. If the company remains solvent during your investment period chances are, you will be paid all accrued interest in addition to the entire principle amount invested. This distribution traditionally can be received in either a one lump sum or, incremental payments -

  • PRIVATE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT - Variable Annuity - Same basic principle as the "Fixed Annuity" with one main difference. A variable annuity account is invested in securities that are either components of major stock indices or, deposited in a basket of equities in which the strategy implemented is to either "Mirror" or exceed performance results of a particular stock index. Some contracts guarantee the principle amount even if the underlying stocks under perform however, always read the fine print to ensure the legitimacy of these claims -

  • PRIVATE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT - 401 K Plan - An employee sponsored voluntary retirement savings account in which a worker has a designated amount automatically deducted from a paycheck and deposited in a third party trust account for future access. A complete menu of investment choices are available to the participant including stock funds, bond funds, or a combination of both. Conservative to very risky options can be applied by either contacting the participating trust company to authorize and deposit funds into your investment selections, or, a client can simply log on to the Internet and navigate to the respective web page to make manual adjustments without the assistance of a third party -

After taking a brief look at all the existing "Private Retirement Savings Plans" currently available through traditional banks, insurance companies, and or brokerage firms, why on gods good green earth is there a massive push by the Republicans for overkill regarding this issue? Simply visit a local bank and you will find an extensive menu of private savings accounts from which to choose that are designed exclusively for retirement? So why are the Republicans so anxious to dismantle a safe, proven, convenient, way for hard working Americans to save money in an account that is guaranteed by the Full Faith & Credit of the Untied States Government?

Unquestionably, one motivation is the following. If individuals do not have automatic deductions taken from weekly or bi-weekly paychecks and deposited into an FDIC account for retirement, they will ultimately be faced with tough choices regarding where to invest their money. Some would get discouraged due to lack of financial knowledge or possibly even time constraints and just end up not saving at all, and the rest would be forced to seek advise from Republican cronies on Wall Street such as the much admired Stock Broker, which of course equates to billions upon billions in commission fees paid for said advise resulting in millions upon millions in donations to the Republican Party -

It doesn't really take much effort or due diligence to expose the Republicans true ulterior motives for attempting to tear down one of the most efficient and popular retirement income programs in the history of this great nation. Right now, with the current social security program in place, unfortunately for Wall Street Tycoons, Corporate America, and shrewd Opportunists like Mitt Romney, there is "Zero" third party profit to be made from the existing social security trust fund. The money flows from employee pay checks directly into a safe, secure, FDIC insured savings account which sits idle in zero risk, moderate return treasury bills, notes, and bonds, which are guaranteed by the Full Faith & Credit of the U.S., until drawn upon by hard working retirees. The funds are now isolated from the Mitt Romneys and Rick Perrys of the world who would if given the chance, take these funds and hand them over to all the devoted cronies who now finance their election campaigns, to be used for high risk bets in the stock market -

- Custom Photography by A. P. -

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Benefits of the Obama Administration's Health Care Plan

It's been approximately two years since Congress overwhelmingly passed the comprehensive health care bill referred to in legal terminology as "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" and "The Health Care & Education Reconciliation Act of 2010" both of which are designed to protect consumers against a wide array of unethical practices including the act of "Cherry Picking" customers to the detriment of fellow hard working Americans who actually need access to immediate insurance protection, and inflated premiums commonly referred to as price gouging. Prior to the new law passage, when insurance companies did decide to write a policy to provide coverage for an individual who may have been in less than spectacular physical condition with medical records to support this unfortunate situation, the premium charged was, and still is to this very day, until of course the condition in the new health care bill that prohibits this kind of unethical action takes effect, what many experts would consider exorbitant.

Essentially, a "Tax" imposed on an individuals health that appears to the average American as a penalty mark up based on random figures as opposed to an established, consistent formula applicable to all consumers. Most would agree it's nothing less than unconscionable for insurance companies to impose an unaffordable nose bleed cost on those who are guilty of nothing more than simply enduring a painful or immobilizing medical condition subsequent to becoming the recipients of unavoidable consequences that may have emanated from a tragic accident, natural aging, or any number of other causes. Up until the new health care bill was passed into law, not only did Americans who suffer from debilitating medical circumstances have to live a life enveloped by physical and mental anguish, but one engulfed financial pain as an unfortunate result -

If you don't follow politics or congressional legislation proceedings on a regular basis, please read on to get yourself up to speed on specific dynamics of the new health care law dubbed by the Republicans, who wish to abolish affordable health care period, as "Obamacare". A legislative bill that was enthusiastically signed into law by the majority in March 2010 which has yet to be implemented in it's entirety as it continues to be rolled out in stages, that contains several important consumer protection clauses including a restriction that will prevent insurance companies from taking advantage of customers by charging inflated premiums to those who have no choice but to comply and pay to protect themselves against potential future medical requirements. Republicans, who are inherently determined to shield big business like insurance companies from common sense consumer protection rules that require them to operate in a fair and equitable manner toward the general public, will always attempt to brand this type of "Assurance Against Inflated Insurance Premiums" as evil "Over Regulation." The GOP's rather delusional and Big Business Bias stance regarding this extremely important issue has always been articulated as a recommendation to allow "For Profit" insurance companies, which of course are some of the Repubs biggest financial backers, to essentially compete amongst themselves in honest, ethical jousting, robust marketing, and civil negotiations with only one goal in mind, to pass on the most comprehensive, attractive, and affordable insurance policy to the consumer. Even if the insurance company's entire congregation of affluent and influential shareholders must suffer as a result. We applaud Corporate America's integrity and willingness above all else, to sacrifice payment of an inflated dividend in favor of compassion toward all of humanity. Our trust is unabashedly with them -

The Obama Administration's Health Plan, as it's rolled out in phases over the next few years, is certainly not the best this great nation can do, and it's unquestionably exceedingly better than any Republican idea which is simply to eliminate medicare and or all assurances against excessive premiums, will have to suffice in the interim until we as Americans achieve the ultimate goal of federal government sponsored and administered universal health care for ALL citizens regardless of age, physical condition, or income -

BENEFITS of Health Care Act - "OBAMACARES"

)( No Discrimination Against Pre-Existing Conditions

I'm fairly confident there are thousands of Americans, especially young adults, who may not be fully engaged in the complex world of politics and therefore don't completely understand the basic concept of what this one phrase actually means to them personally, and how vitally important it is to eliminate "Pre-Existing Condition" from the underwriting vocabulary if we as a nation of tightly woven states are serious about defending our population at the voting booth against the radical Republican agenda of protecting "For Profit" insurance companies. Our inherent choice must be to help all American Citizens preserve their dignity, and more importantly, life savings if an unexpected illness or accident occurs -

I will try to provide perspective including a brief and very general definition targeted at those of you who are not familiar with the term "Pre-Existing Condition", and briefly touch on the potential consequences of simply having an existing medical condition, regardless of severity, prior to shopping for a health insurance policy -

In layman's terms, if you have a back injury, arthritis condition, carpal tunnel, bad knee joint, or any other mild to severe medical condition regardless of cause, chances are extremely high that you will end up paying a significant premium above and beyond that of a person of the same age and gender for the same exact health insurance policy regardless of potential mitigating factors. Which in effect, will eliminate the option of obtaining insurance due to the exorbitant costs. Furthermore, in some cases, insurance companies will not even accept you as a customer simply because you may need to exercise your rights as policy holder, hence, all future health related expenses will need to come out of your pockets if you require medical care regardless of extremely high costs and financial hardship -

Essentially, you are being penalized by the insurance companies for simply having to endure a chronic or painful medical condition. In stark contrast, OBAMACARES will eventually strip away this excuse to rake the American public over the proverbial coals by eliminating "Pre-existing Condition" from the profit driven health insurance play book which will then hopefully eliminate this type of unconscionable health care discrimination which is so prevalent within the industry. Bottom line, OBAMACARES will cover all insured Americans regardless of existing medical conditions. Those who need health care and treatment the most will receive affordable coverage -

)( Coverage Until Age 27 Verses 21

Prior to the passage of "Obamacares", a child could not remain on his/her parents plan after reaching the age of 21. The very second after a son or daughter celebrated this milestone of a birthday he/she needed to ensure finding a health insurance policy regardless of affordability, was a top priority above all else or risk placing themselves and parents in a potential financial disaster if a sudden illness, or unavoidable catastrophe occurred such as being struck by an intoxicated driver, or any one of an infinite number of scenarios played out which required immediate extended stay medical hospitalization and treatment. Even a short stay at a hospital or one hour visit to the emergency room to treat a minor injury could conceivably drain any and all personal savings resulting in severe, life changing financial hardship. Loss of cash reserves in savings, automobiles, second homes, primary residences, or endless list of other assets could be seized and sold to pay for medical bills if the child is not insured -

Most experts would agree the previous "21 & Out" rule, which was in effect up until President Obama's plan was enacted into law, was certainly not extensive enough coverage considering most young adults at that age are barely out of high school and virtually years away from finishing college studies and a part time employment position, which is the only alternative due to heavy academic loads, typically do not provide health insurance to employees. So once again, Americans were stuck between the proverbial "Rock & Hard Place". But now, as the new health care plan is rolled out in stages, Americans should become more familiar with the new coverage expiration age which has been pushed out to 27 in an effort to accommodate the majority of young adults and respective families. Now, parents can sleep a little sounder knowing their children are covered under their plans until the "High School to Career Gap" is closed. Now, under the new law, our children have a reasonable time frame in which to complete the natural progression from college studies, to finding a good paying full time job that will allow them to seamlessly convert over to an employee sponsored health insurance plan -

)( Affordable Coverage For All

Bottom line? When you navigate through all the Republican rhetoric, which is unfortunately an unavoidable time wasting task in present day politics, if you are of relative sound mind, I believe you really have no other alternative but to draw one logical conclusion. "Obamacares" and the self indulgent Tea Party led GOP Doesn't" -

If the Republican position on this subject wasn't so absurd and potentially destructive to the quality of life for the vast majority of Americans and their families, it would indeed be laughable to the point of absurdity. Listening to the GOP try to reconcile their blatant fact based medicare dismantling campaign with their feeble, disingenuous attempt at bamboozling working class American votes by intermittently espousing random shallow words of health care compassion which everyone knows will never materialize into tangible affordable health care, is unfortunately a despicable display of gutter politics that may indeed adversely effect ALL Americans including the working class Republican base as well. It's borderline unconstitutional behavior in my humble opinion. I guess from this point in time until election day, in addition to maintaining an active roll in supporting Democrats to be elected and re-elected, we can only keep our fingers crossed and pray that the Republicans don't get hold of our lives in 2012, and the inherent benefits of "Obamcares" continues to be rolled out to the majority of Americans, some of whom are already receiving essential, tangible, relief from the program and will continue to benefit greatly going forward -

Unquestionably, Obamacares will indeed provide the most comprehensive and affordable health insurance coverage short of universal single payer policies. One of the inherent mechanisms that will drive prices lower is the mandate within the law that requires all Americans to be covered, or at the very minimum, pay their fair share into the reimbursement pool if he/she can afford to enroll but refuses to participate. This mandate will inevitably bring an initial 10 million more customers into the health care market with thousands more incrementally added thereafter as under aged young adults reach the age and become eligible to participate on their own without parents as sponsors. 10 million plus additional potential customers for insurance companies to compete for will unquestionably provide a large enough monetary windfall incentive that it will inevitably cost them more in the long run if they do not strive to attain a portion of this new client base even if it takes deep discount incentives to attract customers. A growing customer pipeline is the life's blood of any "For Profit" corporation, and maintaining this ongoing client build creates new opportunities to sell them "Add On" or "Upgraded" services in the future -

  • FINAL NOTE - We should not underestimate the American public's apparent susceptibility toward being easily bamboozled into voting for a Republican candidate that does not have their best interests at heart. Not so bright GOP candidates who blatantly espouse the intent to tear down essential retirement income generating programs like social security. As is the case with all Republicans if you study history or simply tune into a present day cable news channel. Exhibit A - In the year 2000 we essentially elected Rick Perry in drag. And look what happened. Exhibit B - Willard "Mitt" Romney, not so bright, however, he has built a rather dubious reputation as an extremely efficient opportunist, willing to organize a group of affluent investors, purchase companies, tear them apart piece by piece, then sell the remnants off to the highest bidder for profit despite the number of jobs eliminated and families torn apart as a result. Although it doesn't take a high flying IQ to accomplish this endeavor, it's a very efficient and shrewd strategy that has made a small group of money motivated folks extremely rich, but it's not such a good thing for city and state tax rolls, the local economy, or, the hard working Americans who were ultimately served pink slips as a result of his actions -

- Always remember, handing complete control of the health care industry over to "For Profit" insurance companies as Republicans have a long history of advocating, is like handing a bag of milk chocolates to a 5 year old and saying "Please don't eat too much" -

<> Original Custom Photography by A.P. <>

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Media Accepts Governor Rick Perry As Legitimate Presidential Candidate?

It's a rather disturbing awkward television moment to watch Fox News "Anchors" and so called "Reporters" from her sister networks virtually salivate into their clip on microphones every time they air a news byte of Governor Rick Perry, with his god given slow to the drawl "Dubya Bush" impersonation, merely uttering the sacred words "Social Security", "Ponzi Scheme", and "Privatization" in the same chewing tobacco scented breath. It's especially alarming when you calculate the future widespread detrimental financial impact on the majority of Americans including senior citizens, if we as a nation lackadaisically allow the Republican Party, backed by grossly sized Corporate Entities that just happen to be major campaign contributors, to privatize this superbly engineered income program that has supported so many Americans since it's inception in 1935 and cash distributions began in 1940. A conversion from current "Non Profit" status to "For Profit Privatization" would then allow "Fox" and their "Free Enterprise" cohorts to not only control benefit amounts and administration aspects of this essential retirement mechanism until the sum total of distributions to hard working Americans eventually becomes zero, but to also capitalize enormously in monetary consideration as they always seem to do on the sore backs of the working class, by collecting astronomical fund management fees and or commissions for financial transactions as our tax dollars are funneled right back into the pockets of those who already covertly control our lives. Corporate America - 

As workers continue to set aside in good faith, a portion of hard earned monies designed to be available once they reach their golden years, the funds will not continue to be directed into a stable FDIC insured account if privatized as the Republicans are so anxious to do, but sliced up and placed into risky, speculative, uninsured "Wall Street Stock Portfolios" that offer no consumer protection, and or guarantees that it will be there in whole when senior citizens transition from employment phase of life into retirement. The only guarantee I can possibly think of is the following, "If we Privatize the wealthy will once again Monetize". This according to many experts, is just one more of a plethora of important mainstream issues that will ultimately plague Governor Perry as we slowly peel away the seemingly deceitful layers of his Presidential Campaign and begin to uncover his master plan piece by piece which includes an immediate, if humanly possible, dismantling of extremely popular and important social income programs which in turn will severely degrade every hard working Americans quality of life. A vitally important subject briefly touched on in this article, and one that will be covered extensively in the near future right here at "PPF" - 

But now back to exploring the serious issue at hand, the Texas Governors true underlying intentions for his slick oil backed presidential run, and why monitoring and intense scrutiny by the media and independent bloggers is critical in an effort to uncover the entire truth before it's too late. It's essential that we as a nation do all we can to ensure his unconscionable and potentially unconstitutional motives are of his own design and not a product that is influenced by any additional mal-intended radical elements such as the Tea Party. Last I checked, any individual who admits to the fact that he/she would entertain the concept of placing all of his/her constituents in jeopardy and financial hardship by initiating the process of seceding from our tightly knitted United States of America, is by any measure, borderline unlawful at an absolute minimum. Oral remarks made in the recent past which many experts would agree, exhibits apparent disdain and disloyalty toward the very structure and fabric of our democracy. Apparently, according to reports, Mr Perry would be quite satisfied with a loosely intertwined collection of separate land masses called "The States" where competition between the individual colonies or tribes is essential for survival, verses what our ancestors died for to preserve, "The United States of America" - 

- Photography by A.P. -

Just think about it, seriously, sit down and completely digest his statements and incendiary language contained within. Understand what they actually mean and the potential future consequences regarding this very pressing issue that needs to be addressed by all voters in 2012 and beyond. Take a good look at this Texas Governor's long history of what appear to be preplanned public remarks that would inevitably lead any reasonable American to question his genuine allegiance to this country, and what would really happen if someone of his character was handed the "Federal Government Reigns of Power". A legitimate Presidential Candidate? Or, suspicious inarticulate Texas rancher who will try his best if elected, to systematically undermine the existing social and economic fabric that we as a people have strived so mightily to build and strengthen over the decades? If his underlying inner emotions and feelings dictate the uncontrollable need to verbally express an immediate revocation of his home states longstanding relationship with the union every time the Federal Government does not cower to and comply with his every demand in accordance with how he thinks the country should be run, what do you think will happen if and when he becomes the leader of the free world? "Executive Privilege" and enormous inherent power at his fingertips? Strip the Federal Government down to a literal skeleton crew which would presumably consist of a few oil and gas lobbyists, a gaggle of Constitutional Lawyers personally commissioned by him to burn the proverbial midnight oil in an effort to identify each and every loophole that could be used to immorally deliver even more tax breaks/cash gifts to the wealthy,  personally appointed a partisan "Health Insurance Review Panel" authorized to perform one single solitary task, repeal Medicare and subsequently empower the "Free Market System", which consists of "For Profit" mega insurance companies who have a fiduciary obligation to please shareholders as top priority verses providing quality affordable care to all Americans? How does this sound to you. Handing complete control of Medicare and related health care coverage guidelines and respective policies for all Americans over to profit driven Insurance Companies?

Didn't we already spend 8 excruciatingly painful years with an inarticulate, not so bright, religious zealot Texan President? And how did that work out for the American people once you look past minor mistakes such as him leaving all of us a legacy of trillions in national debt because he felt the wealthiest citizens were falling behind on their race to own the galaxy? If it wasn't so serious it would be ludicrous -

Governor Perry has already expressed in no uncertain terms, via published books and numerous public statements, a proclamation that Social Security and Medicare in his opinion, are both "Ponzi Schemes" and complete "Failures". Two of society's fundamental bedrocks established in 1935 that have provided our senior citizens at time of post employment, with the modest income and health protection necessary to support a comfortable quality of life for the remaining time they have left on this good earth. "Failure"? "Ponzi Scheme"? Tell that to the millions of Americans who have drawn their fair share of benefits, of which they earned subsequent to decades of dedicated hard work and payroll contributions set aside in a secure, zero risk trust account - 

Secede from the union? No more Federal Government sponsored life enhancement programs such as Social Security & Medicare benefits for Texans? Very strong and telling words indeed - 

The media should be asking pertinent questions about his patriotism or lack there of, in a sincere effort to try to determine prior to election day 2012, what his true agenda really is. I realize the press has an obligation to remain as impartial as possible, of course with the exemption of Fox News which is unquestionably a Republican/Tea Party proxy, but when we have a Presidential Candidate who actually entertains a vision of placing millions of Texans in an unprecedented and some would say dangerous position of having their citizenship stripped and social security benefits revoked due to the severing of a legal relationship between state and federal government, the media in my opinion should be all over this one like "Sarah on a Polar Bear Hunting Contest". conducting a continuous probe to explore who this candidate actually is, and the influences behind his radical anti everything American stance -

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vote Democrat or Republican? Parties Core Values and Traditional Views - Pt 1

So you're more than a little confused about which major political party has you're best interest at heart as you anxiously contemplate which one in it's entirety to support once you enter the local voting station to proudly exercise your constitutional right via ballot box? A little too busy or pre-occupied as most Americans are with essential every day life commitments and income generating necessities like work, or taking care of the kids, to try to stay abreast of current political developments? A daily physical grind and mentally exhausting routine which significantly erodes your available time tick by invaluable tick to the point of significantly inhibiting your ability to effectively engage in thorough cable television news ( Legitimate sources such as ESPN), or online political research which can provide the essential information that enables you to weigh the pros and cons and ensures you make the most educated decisions possible? If the answer is yes, you are certainly not alone, and as a matter of fact, I would venture a guess and say the vast majority of hard working people living in this great country today are probably in the same time restrictive position and typically must resort to randomly piecing together a spare minute here and there as futile an attempt as it may be, to try to enlighten themselves and family members regarding important political issues -

If given the choice, we would have to assume everyone would prefer to walk in the appropriate venue on election day to vote with the utmost confidence that he/she will be making the most educated choices possible to ensure their candidate(s) if elected, will pursue an agenda designed to enhance their family's quality of life and not pander once again to the wealthy by "Enriching the Rich". Trying to avoid inadvertently supporting a candidate that will inevitably endorse another massive distribution of our hard earned dollars in the form of a handout to those who certainly don't need the money is always a concern for many Americans. A concern for Americans, and unfortunately standard operating procedure by the Republican Party. The GOP has a long controversial history of "Gifting" corporate conglomerates and well to do individuals with grotesque amounts of free tax payer cash which is rarely if ever used for job creation and almost assuredly funneled into executives front pockets in the form of "Bonuses" to be used for the construction of yet another 10,000 square foot summer home in a high end community like La Jolla California which overlooks the outdated 5,000 square foot summer home that was simply just too small and claustrophobic to comfortably accommodate an active and growing family. As in the reported case of Willard "Mitt" Romney -

If time is not on your side when it comes to either enjoying a little quality entertainment, helping the kids with homework, or performing adequate research to enable you to draw well informed, sensible, and logical conclusions regarding political candidates and politics in general, you've come to the right place. I've personally compiled a virtual mountain of pertinent information and compressed it into a convenient, condensed, time friendly and easy to understand bullet point menu of the major political issues complete with corresponding traditional mainstream views of the major political party's. With a quick glance, you can virtually scan a topic and read a brief synopsis of each respective party's historical stance on said issue. This should provide the reader with at least a basic foundation of knowledge from which to begin the decision making process. Re-visiting these extremely important subjects which can have a significant negative or positive impact on our day to day lives whether we realize it or not, is an exercise I do frequently to re-enforce my own personal knowledge file folder. So in an effort to keep you informed in a timely fashion right along side yours truly, of all relevant political platforms and or respective views, I will publish frequent blog articles right here as an ongoing series  designed to address and define a different small group of political issues in each new entry, on a regular basis. I will essentially report my personal findings to you, my friends and peers, via this online "PPF" venue - 

The following information was gathered from a multitude of readily available sources including but not limited to, the Internet and personal observations via visual media. The views articulated in paraphrase, accurately reflect the general consensus of the majority of local, state, and federal representatives from each distinct party. The views and or positions have been established over the previous decades and although they may have changed slightly throughout the years, the core beliefs still remain intact. If you have the time to explore the issues yourself, please do. I'm confident your conclusions will mirror the following almost verbatim - 


  • PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATIC - Unquestionably a very difficult subject for just about everyone who has a conscience to discuss except perhaps the unwavering, hard core, evangelical wing of the Republican Conservative Party who are feverishly adamant about the subject. In contrast, Democrats traditionally have held a more realistic, non faith based view and believe that while abortion is certainly not a "Contraceptive" and should never be preplanned as one, the majority of Progressives understand the fact that intercourse between young adults will inevitably occur as a natural biological function regardless of up bringing and or religious faith, and every conceivable, reasonable precaution to prevent pre-marital pregnancy should be taken. The Democrats as a whole, believe abortion is justified in certain circumstances during certain trimesters and can be considered as one alternative by the mother in conjunction with extensive consultation with Medical Professionals, family members, and anyone else she feels can provide invaluable advise prior to making the extremely difficult decision. Essentially, Democrats believe in the case of incest, rape, or medical safety of the mother, the ultimate decision rests with the mother of the unborn child and as a last resort, abortion is an option - 

  • CONSERVATIVE TEA PARTY/REPUBLICAN - Traditionally, even the more moderate conservatives, who are still positioned at the extreme left of center, have maintained a non negotiable biblical stance in regard to this very sensitive and controversial issue. A hard line position established centuries ago mainly by the Evangelical Christian stalwarts, and continuously re-affirmed throughout the years by the religious movements television "Celebrities" and "Personalities" such as Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, and literally hundreds of other revered reverends and pretentious preachers. Essentially, even though this issue has been a struggle for some members of the right wing Conservative Party, there is still no give at all in the 21st Century when it comes to abortion. Life begins at inception, even though the living organism is barely visible through a high powered microscope, and regardless of the situation, Conservatives consider this legally authorized act to be both immoral and unlawful despite critical circumstances that may endanger the mother. Abortion at any time under any circumstances, is believed to be against gods will period -


  • PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATIC - The Progressive left has a longstanding and well documented history of vigorously supporting core elements of Labor Unions general principles, the members which now number in the multi millions, and overall concept of workers rights which apply to tens of millions of American citizens who wake up each and every morning only to begin the day with full or part time employment obligations. Democrats have always demonstrated persistence and insistence in securing basic fundamental aspects such as raising the minimum wage to the highest level possible on a consistent basis despite significant resistance from the Republican side of the isle, which is evident during most legislative proceedings. Meetings and negotiations (Or lack there of in the case of Republicans) that are conveniently aired live via well respected public access cable networks such as the popular family of C-SPAN channels. Unions and American workers in general, although still display independent tendencies when evaluating all respective candidates regardless of party affiliation, have a long documented history of casting their ballots in favor of the Progressive Left Democratic Party for very obvious reasons, the party that has consistently exhibited steadfast support for American workers since it's very inception. Democrats have traditionally been rock solid advocates of the middle and upper middle working class for decades and the relationship established between the two has become progressively stronger over the decades as a result - 

  • CONSERVATIVE TEA PARTY/REPUBLICAN - "Let the Market Place which is controlled by the largest corporations and most influential special interest groups decide a fair minimum wage for workers" is the typical phrase shouted out and espoused almost daily by the vast majority of Republican Politicians, and this pro corporate position has only become more and more prevalent within the ranks ever since the Tea Party faction assumed complete control of the GOP agenda by employing what some would consider undue influential tactics. Essentially, this one simple sentence defines the nucleus of the policy and overrides all other considerations regardless of prevailing economic factors which can and do put an enormous, sometimes unbearable strain on workers and their families. The one positive aspect of keeping a "Hermetically Sealed Lid" on American workers wages and essential benefits is the potential monetary gain corporations inherently reap in the form of increased net profit as a result of hoarding revenues to be used for company executive perks verses sharing a little more with employees who desperately need it. This strategy which is practiced regularly by Wall Street and Corporate America, always places considerable strain on the family unit, however, on the positive side, it can indeed result in an increased common stock price for corporations to the benefit of shareholders, who practice this type of "Tight on Employee Wages & Benefits" strategy - 

- Next Installment - SOCIAL SECURITY & HEALTH CARE -

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bigger United States Federal Government Is Always Better

It will be very interesting to say the least, as it always is during flamboyant Presidential Election cycles, to watch the body language of, and listen to the Republicans who have been pressured out of fear for their own jobs, into an allegiance of necessity that forces each and every elected representative to adhere to an agenda that may or may not be consistent with their true deeply held values and beliefs. A longstanding corporate cozy political party which is at present, virtually controlled and manipulated from top to proverbial bottom by the extreme, insignificantly sized, sub-faction "Tea Party" element. Observing the Republican Candidates as they verbally maneuver to try and reconcile contradictory policy positions by attempting to adequately explain their unambiguous and unconscionable "Pro Federal Government Dismantling" agenda, which will inevitably lead to thousands of job losses, and trying to contrast it to a rather weak, insincere "Job Creation Mantra". The rhetoric is certainly somewhat surreal and quite unsettling, considering the potential negative impact on the vast majority of Americans if a GOP Controlled Administration emerges in the near future, to watch the same "Tea Party Repubs" try to articulate a genuine concern and compassion about job creation, or lack there of, while their current, well documented actions that of course always speak so much louder than fleeting "Mantras", include unconscionable tactics such as blatant attempts to undermine fundamental social benefits and workers rights that everyone agrees actually strengthen our national fabric such as Labor Union Rights, Minimum Wage Laws, and, Social Security, which is designed to provide a reasonable income to ensure the highest quality of life possible for those who deserve it, retired American workers - 

How can a political party successfully project the perception of sincerity and compassion necessary to win an election when talking about his/her future plans to create new jobs, when the most persistent and consistent themes boisterously articulated throughout the entire narrative revolves around a small, power hungry sliver of Americans (Who still don't completely understand the true concept of the "Boston Tea Party") who apparently have an uncontrollable insatiable appetite to eliminate as much so called "Intrusive Government", as humanly possible? To this small minority of folks,  the Federal Government is, and presumably always will be, "Intrusive & Evil" especially when not needed for life enhancing benefits, or when performing fair and legal tax collecting as it has for centuries, to be funneled right back into the national economy for the common good. However, on the other proverbial hand, the Federal Government is considered by the very same individuals, as an "Essential Element of a Unified Society" when important "Life Bridging" agencies such as FEMA are the only financial and to a certain degree, humanitarian solutions to a natural disaster. Yes, an evil Federal Agency that on occasion, removes it's protruding forehead horn ornaments and provides critical disaster gap closing services to all local jurisdictions who qualify for assistance. Any reasonable person or entity will say we undoubtedly need to expand essential Federal Agencies like FEMA in an effort to keep up with, and maintain the ability to serve our nations growing population. I may be wrong, but I personally have yet to read a single solitary report about an "Anti Everything Federal Government Republican Governor" refusing financial aid from this agency when in time of need. If he/she did refuse, in my opinion it would be an example of gross negligence in serving constituents. My opinion anyway -

With this in mind, why not just be honest and admit to an inevitable negative job growth number right out of the gate on inauguration day if elected? Correct me if I'm wrong, but when a department or agency is downsized or eliminated by any company whether it be private or public, the typical outcome unless transferred to another position elsewhere, is a loss of jobs, unemployment, layed off workers, or any other term we wish to use to describe an economically painful force reduction which will indeed happen under Republican rule. It's almost inconceivable how certain Tea Party Republican Candidates can actually look into a camera or interact with a live crowd during a stump speech, and with a slightly twitching straight face, try to convince the audience that he/she will do everything within his/her power if elected, to pursue and pass job creation friendly legislation through Congress, while at the same time, continue to exuberantly chastise the very existence of, and promise to thoroughly "gut", as much of the American work force as humanly possible starting with the Federal Government and working down from there. Our Federal Government is the adhesive that bonds all individual states together creating a unified country from north to south, east to west. Without it, or, if we try to degrade the underlying fabric with necessary force reductions in the face of consistent population growth, we will surely falter and become less secure as a nation -

The prudent approach is to allow the Federal Government to naturally expand and contract in conjunction with said population growth just like wood does with changing temperature, humidity, and climate, so the capability to serve citizens is adjusted according to our social needs, and not according to an extreme self indulgent ideological desire or covert underlying plan designed to degrade it's strength, a plan which might have been conjured up by a radical tiny fringe element  who will probably not be satisfied until state borders are transformed into national borders. We need to grow the Federal Government even if the short term outcome results in "Over Serving" our citizens. I believe the vast majority of people would agree this scenario is a much more preferred and safer option verses the opposite end of the social spectrum, "Under Serving" - 

  • Federal Government Expansion - Creates good paying permanent jobs -
  • Federal Government Expansion - Creates a stronger more secure union. Without it, there is no common thread and we simply become a collection of loosely intertwined and contiguous "STATES" that are essentially responsible for separate individual security and social services within respective borders -
  • Federal Government Expansion - Creates the global perception of a stronger United States -
  • Federal Government Expansion - Creates a tighter social and economical network between the states and results in seamless commerce, tourism etc -

Unfortunately, some folks remain in a stagnant mental state, holding on to the grand delusion that we still live in the post-Jurassic, pre-modernized 1700's or 1800's and saddle up horses or nag drawn wagons to deliver correspondence between destinations, and our country is only at the very beginning stages of designing a basic infrastructure and forging a legal system template for uncivilized peoples to follow. It might be time for these folks to exit the Delorean, exchange the car keys for a door key to the psychologists office, and hope the end result is another opportunity to check back into the twenty first century's version of club reality, if and when a proper diagnosis and treatment can be administered. I think the vast majority believe check in time is long overdue. The sooner this fringe minority understands what the majority has already comprehended centuries ago, the better off this great nation will be. We are no longer a scraggly rag tag group of distinct "Colonies" striving for new direction in between expeditions to hunt and gather our next meal. Last I checked, there really is no pressing need for great tenacious explorers like "Lewis & Clark" to leave family behind and embark upon long arduous journeys in an effort to explore and discover what secrets may lie between Missouri and Colorado. It's already a done deal, at least I think it's already a done deal. A complete network of asphalt highways and back roads have already been surveyed and built, albeit some are in desperate need of repair and maintenance, but essentially they still provide convenient traveling routes between the United States regardless of physical condition. Our mail is now delivered via a maned and womaned fleet of fuel powered (Soon to be all electrically powered) steel vehicles that are able to perform the same "Pony Express" function in a more timely and efficient manner. Letters, believe it or not, are now received in relatively immaculate condition. Minus hoof prints -

Needless to say, we have progressed, not withstanding our share of mistakes and shortcomings in the process, but nevertheless, even though we as a tightly woven united country have many challenges yet to overcome going forward, they will be taken on and ultimately conquered as they have in the past if we do indeed maintain a strong and growing national presence. A strong presence which is accomplished by consistently expanding the one thread that bonds this nation together like a warm quilt blanket. The United States Federal Government -

"Our Federal Government, conceived and forged by our forefathers, has progressed in the right direction for over two centuries - We as a people in common, have been endowed with the inherent obligation to ensure she continues to expand in conjunction and complete harmony with population growth, which should inevitably result in a continued strengthening of our core existence" - A.P. -

Friday, September 9, 2011

Millions of Federal Government Jobs Placed in Jeopardy by Republicans

As we gaze into the rear view mirror at an aging image that depicts what the vast majority of Americans would presumably consider surprising, and somewhat unsatisfactory midterm election results, we collectively realize it's time to lay this data which has been carefully archived, to rest, and begin to gear up for, and re-focus our sights on, the future which will inevitably include another illustrious campaign culminating in the November, 2012 Presidential Election. Votes will be tallied and polling results published which will ultimately reveal one of two likely scenarios, or, possibly a combination of both. An accurate reflection of the genuine pulse of our nations collective political and moral sentiment, or, a determination of which cable news media outlet currently holds sway over the hearts and minds of Americans. It will indeed be interesting to find out which will emerge victorious.

As a pre-amble that set the stage for the aforementioned, we were all witness to what most experts would consider a sneak preview of what this campaign might look like as it progresses. The two major political parties fresh off an unprecedented, GOP neo-ideological and fear driven group of meetings that were forcibly centered on what had been previously considered by all congressional members as a rather mundane, routine matter, to once again be swiftly settled without the typical political injection or usual blatant attempt to cater to closely held special interests. A process which had always, prior to this latest Republican driven fiasco, ensured the solvency of, and maintained the "Good Faith & Credit" of, the United States of America by providing a necessary monetary lubricant to the national and global financial system. A simplistic, non complicated, non debatable process that ensures a vital working financial element for the benefit of this nations day to day economic operations. Namely, debt ceiling adjustment. If you had a chance to observe via cable news, or read about it via Internet Blogs etc., you would have recognized the fact that each party has already, as expected, drawn distinct positional lines in relation to respective hard core traditional beliefs and values which were reflected in negotiations and once again re-affirmed by respective Congressional Representatives in said meetings. Is this what to expect during campaign season?

The Democrats, notwithstanding a chronic spine ailment diagnosed by many constituents and experts in unison, known in the medical field as "Spinicus Non Existenticus" , a chronic yet treatable condition which apparently impedes an entire legislative body's ability to engage in robust, no holds barred head to head discourse with opposition that typically rewards the most persistent, righteous, and unwavering of participants with a potential wealth of benefits to be distributed amongst their respective supporters, are by all accounts, still ready, willing, and obviously capable of digging way deep down inside when up against the proverbial wall, to drive said ailment into remission, and courageously summons the intestinal fortitude to exuberantly stand up, and fight with sincere conviction, as devoted longstanding champions of lower income, and working class Americans.

Despite what some experts and self proclaimed pundits describe as either submission to the aforementioned medical condition, or, just an unwillingness to engage, or inability to participate in, rough and tumble politics and or associated negotiations in an effort to maintain a certain degree of resistance or "Push Back" on the opposition, which is crucial to any successful negotiations, when it comes to standing up for their core base,  a sincere effort to accomplish traditional goals designed to benefit the vast majority of citizens, does indeed materialize. In most cases.

One of the fundamental differences between the two major political parties as I'm sure we all realize by now, is distinct job creation philosophies. A subject which will be covered extensively in future blogs and touched on briefly in this article. Case in point, President Obama's Stimulus Plan, which focused mainly on desperately needed national infrastructure improvement and related projects which passed through Congress and  implemented shortly after inauguration day, was considered in retrospect by the majority of experts, to be a moderate success verses a cure all. Even though the plan unquestionably resulted in significant achievements, the positive progress was diluted by subsequently released jobs data that indicated modest  job creation progress, but an overall short fall in satisfying the ultimate goal of full employment. A much larger "Stim" according to most economists, probably would have produced more sustained results going forward. The Republican response? Even though jobs were indeed added as a result of the plans implementation, but not nearly enough to satisfy even it's supporters, You guessed it, "Total Failure". But what else could they possibly proclaim in an election year?

So, with the aforementioned unprecedented political jostling meticulously documented and annotated in appropriate history books for all future generations to review and draw their own respective conclusions, I will now, with eyes turned away from the rear view and re-focused intently through the crystal clear windshield, briefly explore, in an attempt to shed light on, the Republican Party , or what I now refer to as the "TeaPublicans", and their self proclaimed less than accommodating intentions toward lower income, and working class Americans. Intentions which have been universally articulated via one collective voice, by ALL Republican Presidential Candidates in relation to job creation and or reduction, and what could happen if they are given the chance to act on said intentions in the unlikely event of a successful Election 2012 outcome.

Let's just say it appears as if the decibel level regarding this subject is on the increase, and I for one, can hear the rumbling audio of millions of rather anxious United States Federal Government Employees that we would have to assume are organizing as we speak in an effort to begin a political "Push Back" on the Tea Party controlled GOP. An ideological driven group of individuals who have overtly admitted, without hesitation, nor compassion or concern, an aggressive, unprecedented agenda to blatantly implement a massive Federal Government Employee force reduction and job elimination to the magnitude that has never been seen before in this country. All in the name of quote unquote, "Smaller Government". An extremely radical agenda even by traditional Conservative measure, which if implemented, will not only put thousands of hard working Americans out of work, but inevitably result in untold negative consequences including the systematic degradation of our ability to administer essential social services to all citizens including our seniors who depend on regular monthly income checks, and,  potentially severe limitations on our capability to perform vitally important national defense exercises. It's really no secret, nor is this breaking news. All candidates from Michelle Bachman to Ron Paul to Rick Perry to Willard "Mitt" Romney, have adopted the "Tea Party's" extreme views and beliefs, including a job reduction policy and strategy which will, according to all Republican Candidates, eliminate as many government jobs in as many different departments as possible. This job slashing agenda will be pursued ASAP subsequent to inauguration day as expressed by the GOP candidates themselves.

Essentially, under a Republican Majority, no Federal Government job is safe. Furthermore, if we take the strong anti labor rhetoric seriously as we should based upon the GOP's past performance at the state level, adding every other job industry to the list of uncertainty is probably the prudent thing to do. The clearly articulated intent by all GOP Candidates in harmony with a significant number of current members of Congress, to go after the IRS, EPA, Pentagon, Federal Defense related Agencies and Departments, Postal Workers, Maintenance and Construction Crews, Medicare & Social Security Administration, GAO, and or countless other branches, is not only unprecedented, but presumably would be considered an unconscionable act to the average lower, middle, and upper middle income working class American. The number of Federal Government Departments that will undoubtedly be on the proverbial chopping block if the 2012 Election ushers in a "TeaPublican" rule, is virtually infinite.

The apparent utter disdain exhibited by the GOP for our Federal Government (Which of course was conceived as a result of extensive due diligence by our Forefathers), and hard working Americans both unionized and not, is really no closely held secret. Just tune into the Cable News Network of choice, or "YouTube" a Republican campaign speech, or "Google" an almost endless supply of Internet content related to this extremely important subject, and the GOP's true intent will be revealed in glorious unambiguous "Hi-Def", and or "Broadband" splendor. Bottom line - The uncertainty of which agencies and or departments will be severely downsized or eliminated completely, and timeline of these inevitable events, will indeed be an unnecessary stressor hanging over all current and future Federal Employees right up until election results are delivered in November 2012. An extraordinarily heavy psychological burden placed on the shoulders of all American workers. After all is said and done, for those who end up losing a job as a result, it's almost guaranteed given the Republican Tea Party's well documented anti labor history, that their leadership will do everything within their power to scale down or even eliminate severance packages for all layed off and fired workers. Severance benefits that were legitimately earned through years of dedicated service. 

When you really think about it in common sense terms, unless there is something more important than maintaining your job, it's almost inconceivable to think that any hard working Federal Employee could possible enter a voting venue in 2012, and cast a good faith ballot for the Republican ticket - What do you think potential consequences of  a "TeaPublican" Administration would be? -