It's a rather disturbing awkward television moment to watch Fox News "Anchors" and so called "Reporters" from her sister networks virtually salivate into their clip on microphones every time they air a news byte of Governor Rick Perry, with his god given slow to the drawl "Dubya Bush" impersonation, merely uttering the sacred words "Social Security", "Ponzi Scheme", and "Privatization" in the same chewing tobacco scented breath. It's especially alarming when you calculate the future widespread detrimental financial impact on the majority of Americans including senior citizens, if we as a nation lackadaisically allow the Republican Party, backed by grossly sized Corporate Entities that just happen to be major campaign contributors, to privatize this superbly engineered income program that has supported so many Americans since it's inception in 1935 and cash distributions began in 1940. A conversion from current "Non Profit" status to "For Profit Privatization" would then allow "Fox" and their "Free Enterprise" cohorts to not only control benefit amounts and administration aspects of this essential retirement mechanism until the sum total of distributions to hard working Americans eventually becomes zero, but to also capitalize enormously in monetary consideration as they always seem to do on the sore backs of the working class, by collecting astronomical fund management fees and or commissions for financial transactions as our tax dollars are funneled right back into the pockets of those who already covertly control our lives. Corporate America -
As workers continue to set aside in good faith, a portion of hard earned monies designed to be available once they reach their golden years, the funds will not continue to be directed into a stable FDIC insured account if privatized as the Republicans are so anxious to do, but sliced up and placed into risky, speculative, uninsured "Wall Street Stock Portfolios" that offer no consumer protection, and or guarantees that it will be there in whole when senior citizens transition from employment phase of life into retirement. The only guarantee I can possibly think of is the following, "If we Privatize the wealthy will once again Monetize". This according to many experts, is just one more of a plethora of important mainstream issues that will ultimately plague Governor Perry as we slowly peel away the seemingly deceitful layers of his Presidential Campaign and begin to uncover his master plan piece by piece which includes an immediate, if humanly possible, dismantling of extremely popular and important social income programs which in turn will severely degrade every hard working Americans quality of life. A vitally important subject briefly touched on in this article, and one that will be covered extensively in the near future right here at "PPF" -
But now back to exploring the serious issue at hand, the Texas Governors true underlying intentions for his slick oil backed presidential run, and why monitoring and intense scrutiny by the media and independent bloggers is critical in an effort to uncover the entire truth before it's too late. It's essential that we as a nation do all we can to ensure his unconscionable and potentially unconstitutional motives are of his own design and not a product that is influenced by any additional mal-intended radical elements such as the Tea Party. Last I checked, any individual who admits to the fact that he/she would entertain the concept of placing all of his/her constituents in jeopardy and financial hardship by initiating the process of seceding from our tightly knitted United States of America, is by any measure, borderline unlawful at an absolute minimum. Oral remarks made in the recent past which many experts would agree, exhibits apparent disdain and disloyalty toward the very structure and fabric of our democracy. Apparently, according to reports, Mr Perry would be quite satisfied with a loosely intertwined collection of separate land masses called "The States" where competition between the individual colonies or tribes is essential for survival, verses what our ancestors died for to preserve, "The United States of America" -
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- Photography by A.P. - |
Just think about it, seriously, sit down and completely digest his statements and incendiary language contained within. Understand what they actually mean and the potential future consequences regarding this very pressing issue that needs to be addressed by all voters in 2012 and beyond. Take a good look at this Texas Governor's long history of what appear to be preplanned public remarks that would inevitably lead any reasonable American to question his genuine allegiance to this country, and what would really happen if someone of his character was handed the "Federal Government Reigns of Power". A legitimate Presidential Candidate? Or, suspicious inarticulate Texas rancher who will try his best if elected, to systematically undermine the existing social and economic fabric that we as a people have strived so mightily to build and strengthen over the decades? If his underlying inner emotions and feelings dictate the uncontrollable need to verbally express an immediate revocation of his home states longstanding relationship with the union every time the Federal Government does not cower to and comply with his every demand in accordance with how he thinks the country should be run, what do you think will happen if and when he becomes the leader of the free world? "Executive Privilege" and enormous inherent power at his fingertips? Strip the Federal Government down to a literal skeleton crew which would presumably consist of a few oil and gas lobbyists, a gaggle of Constitutional Lawyers personally commissioned by him to burn the proverbial midnight oil in an effort to identify each and every loophole that could be used to immorally deliver even more tax breaks/cash gifts to the wealthy, personally appointed a partisan "Health Insurance Review Panel" authorized to perform one single solitary task, repeal Medicare and subsequently empower the "Free Market System", which consists of "For Profit" mega insurance companies who have a fiduciary obligation to please shareholders as top priority verses providing quality affordable care to all Americans? How does this sound to you. Handing complete control of Medicare and related health care coverage guidelines and respective policies for all Americans over to profit driven Insurance Companies?
Didn't we already spend 8 excruciatingly painful years with an inarticulate, not so bright, religious zealot Texan President? And how did that work out for the American people once you look past minor mistakes such as him leaving all of us a legacy of trillions in national debt because he felt the wealthiest citizens were falling behind on their race to own the galaxy? If it wasn't so serious it would be ludicrous -
Governor Perry has already expressed in no uncertain terms, via published books and numerous public statements, a proclamation that Social Security and Medicare in his opinion, are both "Ponzi Schemes" and complete "Failures". Two of society's fundamental bedrocks established in 1935 that have provided our senior citizens at time of post employment, with the modest income and health protection necessary to support a comfortable quality of life for the remaining time they have left on this good earth. "Failure"? "Ponzi Scheme"? Tell that to the millions of Americans who have drawn their fair share of benefits, of which they earned subsequent to decades of dedicated hard work and payroll contributions set aside in a secure, zero risk trust account -
Secede from the union? No more Federal Government sponsored life enhancement programs such as Social Security & Medicare benefits for Texans? Very strong and telling words indeed -
The media should be asking pertinent questions about his patriotism or lack there of, in a sincere effort to try to determine prior to election day 2012, what his true agenda really is. I realize the press has an obligation to remain as impartial as possible, of course with the exemption of Fox News which is unquestionably a Republican/Tea Party proxy, but when we have a Presidential Candidate who actually entertains a vision of placing millions of Texans in an unprecedented and some would say dangerous position of having their citizenship stripped and social security benefits revoked due to the severing of a legal relationship between state and federal government, the media in my opinion should be all over this one like "Sarah on a Polar Bear Hunting Contest". conducting a continuous probe to explore who this candidate actually is, and the influences behind his radical anti everything American stance -
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