Essentially, a "Tax" imposed on an individuals health that appears to the average American as a penalty mark up based on random figures as opposed to an established, consistent formula applicable to all consumers. Most would agree it's nothing less than unconscionable for insurance companies to impose an unaffordable nose bleed cost on those who are guilty of nothing more than simply enduring a painful or immobilizing medical condition subsequent to becoming the recipients of unavoidable consequences that may have emanated from a tragic accident, natural aging, or any number of other causes. Up until the new health care bill was passed into law, not only did Americans who suffer from debilitating medical circumstances have to live a life enveloped by physical and mental anguish, but one engulfed financial pain as an unfortunate result -
If you don't follow politics or congressional legislation proceedings on a regular basis, please read on to get yourself up to speed on specific dynamics of the new health care law dubbed by the Republicans, who wish to abolish affordable health care period, as "Obamacare". A legislative bill that was enthusiastically signed into law by the majority in March 2010 which has yet to be implemented in it's entirety as it continues to be rolled out in stages, that contains several important consumer protection clauses including a restriction that will prevent insurance companies from taking advantage of customers by charging inflated premiums to those who have no choice but to comply and pay to protect themselves against potential future medical requirements. Republicans, who are inherently determined to shield big business like insurance companies from common sense consumer protection rules that require them to operate in a fair and equitable manner toward the general public, will always attempt to brand this type of "Assurance Against Inflated Insurance Premiums" as evil "Over Regulation." The GOP's rather delusional and Big Business Bias stance regarding this extremely important issue has always been articulated as a recommendation to allow "For Profit" insurance companies, which of course are some of the Repubs biggest financial backers, to essentially compete amongst themselves in honest, ethical jousting, robust marketing, and civil negotiations with only one goal in mind, to pass on the most comprehensive, attractive, and affordable insurance policy to the consumer. Even if the insurance company's entire congregation of affluent and influential shareholders must suffer as a result. We applaud Corporate America's integrity and willingness above all else, to sacrifice payment of an inflated dividend in favor of compassion toward all of humanity. Our trust is unabashedly with them -
The Obama Administration's Health Plan, as it's rolled out in phases over the next few years, is certainly not the best this great nation can do, and it's unquestionably exceedingly better than any Republican idea which is simply to eliminate medicare and or all assurances against excessive premiums, will have to suffice in the interim until we as Americans achieve the ultimate goal of federal government sponsored and administered universal health care for ALL citizens regardless of age, physical condition, or income -
BENEFITS of Health Care Act - "OBAMACARES"
)( No Discrimination Against Pre-Existing Conditions
I'm fairly confident there are thousands of Americans, especially young adults, who may not be fully engaged in the complex world of politics and therefore don't completely understand the basic concept of what this one phrase actually means to them personally, and how vitally important it is to eliminate "Pre-Existing Condition" from the underwriting vocabulary if we as a nation of tightly woven states are serious about defending our population at the voting booth against the radical Republican agenda of protecting "For Profit" insurance companies. Our inherent choice must be to help all American Citizens preserve their dignity, and more importantly, life savings if an unexpected illness or accident occurs -
I will try to provide perspective including a brief and very general definition targeted at those of you who are not familiar with the term "Pre-Existing Condition", and briefly touch on the potential consequences of simply having an existing medical condition, regardless of severity, prior to shopping for a health insurance policy -
In layman's terms, if you have a back injury, arthritis condition, carpal tunnel, bad knee joint, or any other mild to severe medical condition regardless of cause, chances are extremely high that you will end up paying a significant premium above and beyond that of a person of the same age and gender for the same exact health insurance policy regardless of potential mitigating factors. Which in effect, will eliminate the option of obtaining insurance due to the exorbitant costs. Furthermore, in some cases, insurance companies will not even accept you as a customer simply because you may need to exercise your rights as policy holder, hence, all future health related expenses will need to come out of your pockets if you require medical care regardless of extremely high costs and financial hardship -
Essentially, you are being penalized by the insurance companies for simply having to endure a chronic or painful medical condition. In stark contrast, OBAMACARES will eventually strip away this excuse to rake the American public over the proverbial coals by eliminating "Pre-existing Condition" from the profit driven health insurance play book which will then hopefully eliminate this type of unconscionable health care discrimination which is so prevalent within the industry. Bottom line, OBAMACARES will cover all insured Americans regardless of existing medical conditions. Those who need health care and treatment the most will receive affordable coverage -
)( Coverage Until Age 27 Verses 21
Prior to the passage of "Obamacares", a child could not remain on his/her parents plan after reaching the age of 21. The very second after a son or daughter celebrated this milestone of a birthday he/she needed to ensure finding a health insurance policy regardless of affordability, was a top priority above all else or risk placing themselves and parents in a potential financial disaster if a sudden illness, or unavoidable catastrophe occurred such as being struck by an intoxicated driver, or any one of an infinite number of scenarios played out which required immediate extended stay medical hospitalization and treatment. Even a short stay at a hospital or one hour visit to the emergency room to treat a minor injury could conceivably drain any and all personal savings resulting in severe, life changing financial hardship. Loss of cash reserves in savings, automobiles, second homes, primary residences, or endless list of other assets could be seized and sold to pay for medical bills if the child is not insured -
Most experts would agree the previous "21 & Out" rule, which was in effect up until President Obama's plan was enacted into law, was certainly not extensive enough coverage considering most young adults at that age are barely out of high school and virtually years away from finishing college studies and a part time employment position, which is the only alternative due to heavy academic loads, typically do not provide health insurance to employees. So once again, Americans were stuck between the proverbial "Rock & Hard Place". But now, as the new health care plan is rolled out in stages, Americans should become more familiar with the new coverage expiration age which has been pushed out to 27 in an effort to accommodate the majority of young adults and respective families. Now, parents can sleep a little sounder knowing their children are covered under their plans until the "High School to Career Gap" is closed. Now, under the new law, our children have a reasonable time frame in which to complete the natural progression from college studies, to finding a good paying full time job that will allow them to seamlessly convert over to an employee sponsored health insurance plan -
)( Affordable Coverage For All
Bottom line? When you navigate through all the Republican rhetoric, which is unfortunately an unavoidable time wasting task in present day politics, if you are of relative sound mind, I believe you really have no other alternative but to draw one logical conclusion. "Obamacares" and the self indulgent Tea Party led GOP Doesn't" -
If the Republican position on this subject wasn't so absurd and potentially destructive to the quality of life for the vast majority of Americans and their families, it would indeed be laughable to the point of absurdity. Listening to the GOP try to reconcile their blatant fact based medicare dismantling campaign with their feeble, disingenuous attempt at bamboozling working class American votes by intermittently espousing random shallow words of health care compassion which everyone knows will never materialize into tangible affordable health care, is unfortunately a despicable display of gutter politics that may indeed adversely effect ALL Americans including the working class Republican base as well. It's borderline unconstitutional behavior in my humble opinion. I guess from this point in time until election day, in addition to maintaining an active roll in supporting Democrats to be elected and re-elected, we can only keep our fingers crossed and pray that the Republicans don't get hold of our lives in 2012, and the inherent benefits of "Obamcares" continues to be rolled out to the majority of Americans, some of whom are already receiving essential, tangible, relief from the program and will continue to benefit greatly going forward -
Unquestionably, Obamacares will indeed provide the most comprehensive and affordable health insurance coverage short of universal single payer policies. One of the inherent mechanisms that will drive prices lower is the mandate within the law that requires all Americans to be covered, or at the very minimum, pay their fair share into the reimbursement pool if he/she can afford to enroll but refuses to participate. This mandate will inevitably bring an initial 10 million more customers into the health care market with thousands more incrementally added thereafter as under aged young adults reach the age and become eligible to participate on their own without parents as sponsors. 10 million plus additional potential customers for insurance companies to compete for will unquestionably provide a large enough monetary windfall incentive that it will inevitably cost them more in the long run if they do not strive to attain a portion of this new client base even if it takes deep discount incentives to attract customers. A growing customer pipeline is the life's blood of any "For Profit" corporation, and maintaining this ongoing client build creates new opportunities to sell them "Add On" or "Upgraded" services in the future -
- FINAL NOTE - We should not underestimate the American public's apparent susceptibility toward being easily bamboozled into voting for a Republican candidate that does not have their best interests at heart. Not so bright GOP candidates who blatantly espouse the intent to tear down essential retirement income generating programs like social security. As is the case with all Republicans if you study history or simply tune into a present day cable news channel. Exhibit A - In the year 2000 we essentially elected Rick Perry in drag. And look what happened. Exhibit B - Willard "Mitt" Romney, not so bright, however, he has built a rather dubious reputation as an extremely efficient opportunist, willing to organize a group of affluent investors, purchase companies, tear them apart piece by piece, then sell the remnants off to the highest bidder for profit despite the number of jobs eliminated and families torn apart as a result. Although it doesn't take a high flying IQ to accomplish this endeavor, it's a very efficient and shrewd strategy that has made a small group of money motivated folks extremely rich, but it's not such a good thing for city and state tax rolls, the local economy, or, the hard working Americans who were ultimately served pink slips as a result of his actions -
- Always remember, handing complete control of the health care industry over to "For Profit" insurance companies as Republicans have a long history of advocating, is like handing a bag of milk chocolates to a 5 year old and saying "Please don't eat too much" -
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