It will be very interesting to say the least, as it always is during flamboyant Presidential Election cycles, to watch the body language of, and listen to the Republicans who have been pressured out of fear for their own jobs, into an allegiance of necessity that forces each and every elected representative to adhere to an agenda that may or may not be consistent with their true deeply held values and beliefs. A longstanding corporate cozy political party which is at present, virtually controlled and manipulated from top to proverbial bottom by the extreme, insignificantly sized, sub-faction "Tea Party" element. Observing the Republican Candidates as they verbally maneuver to try and reconcile contradictory policy positions by attempting to adequately explain their unambiguous and unconscionable "Pro Federal Government Dismantling" agenda, which will inevitably lead to thousands of job losses, and trying to contrast it to a rather weak, insincere "Job Creation Mantra". The rhetoric is certainly somewhat surreal and quite unsettling, considering the potential negative impact on the vast majority of Americans if a GOP Controlled Administration emerges in the near future, to watch the same "Tea Party Repubs" try to articulate a genuine concern and compassion about job creation, or lack there of, while their current, well documented actions that of course always speak so much louder than fleeting "Mantras", include unconscionable tactics such as blatant attempts to undermine fundamental social benefits and workers rights that everyone agrees actually strengthen our national fabric such as Labor Union Rights, Minimum Wage Laws, and, Social Security, which is designed to provide a reasonable income to ensure the highest quality of life possible for those who deserve it, retired American workers -
How can a political party successfully project the perception of sincerity and compassion necessary to win an election when talking about his/her future plans to create new jobs, when the most persistent and consistent themes boisterously articulated throughout the entire narrative revolves around a small, power hungry sliver of Americans (Who still don't completely understand the true concept of the "Boston Tea Party") who apparently have an uncontrollable insatiable appetite to eliminate as much so called "Intrusive Government", as humanly possible? To this small minority of folks, the Federal Government is, and presumably always will be, "Intrusive & Evil" especially when not needed for life enhancing benefits, or when performing fair and legal tax collecting as it has for centuries, to be funneled right back into the national economy for the common good. However, on the other proverbial hand, the Federal Government is considered by the very same individuals, as an "Essential Element of a Unified Society" when important "Life Bridging" agencies such as FEMA are the only financial and to a certain degree, humanitarian solutions to a natural disaster. Yes, an evil Federal Agency that on occasion, removes it's protruding forehead horn ornaments and provides critical disaster gap closing services to all local jurisdictions who qualify for assistance. Any reasonable person or entity will say we undoubtedly need to expand essential Federal Agencies like FEMA in an effort to keep up with, and maintain the ability to serve our nations growing population. I may be wrong, but I personally have yet to read a single solitary report about an "Anti Everything Federal Government Republican Governor" refusing financial aid from this agency when in time of need. If he/she did refuse, in my opinion it would be an example of gross negligence in serving constituents. My opinion anyway -
With this in mind, why not just be honest and admit to an inevitable negative job growth number right out of the gate on inauguration day if elected? Correct me if I'm wrong, but when a department or agency is downsized or eliminated by any company whether it be private or public, the typical outcome unless transferred to another position elsewhere, is a loss of jobs, unemployment, layed off workers, or any other term we wish to use to describe an economically painful force reduction which will indeed happen under Republican rule. It's almost inconceivable how certain Tea Party Republican Candidates can actually look into a camera or interact with a live crowd during a stump speech, and with a slightly twitching straight face, try to convince the audience that he/she will do everything within his/her power if elected, to pursue and pass job creation friendly legislation through Congress, while at the same time, continue to exuberantly chastise the very existence of, and promise to thoroughly "gut", as much of the American work force as humanly possible starting with the Federal Government and working down from there. Our Federal Government is the adhesive that bonds all individual states together creating a unified country from north to south, east to west. Without it, or, if we try to degrade the underlying fabric with necessary force reductions in the face of consistent population growth, we will surely falter and become less secure as a nation -
The prudent approach is to allow the Federal Government to naturally expand and contract in conjunction with said population growth just like wood does with changing temperature, humidity, and climate, so the capability to serve citizens is adjusted according to our social needs, and not according to an extreme self indulgent ideological desire or covert underlying plan designed to degrade it's strength, a plan which might have been conjured up by a radical tiny fringe element who will probably not be satisfied until state borders are transformed into national borders. We need to grow the Federal Government even if the short term outcome results in "Over Serving" our citizens. I believe the vast majority of people would agree this scenario is a much more preferred and safer option verses the opposite end of the social spectrum, "Under Serving" -
- Federal Government Expansion - Creates good paying permanent jobs -
- Federal Government Expansion - Creates a stronger more secure union. Without it, there is no common thread and we simply become a collection of loosely intertwined and contiguous "STATES" that are essentially responsible for separate individual security and social services within respective borders -
- Federal Government Expansion - Creates the global perception of a stronger United States -
- Federal Government Expansion - Creates a tighter social and economical network between the states and results in seamless commerce, tourism etc -
Unfortunately, some folks remain in a stagnant mental state, holding on to the grand delusion that we still live in the post-Jurassic, pre-modernized 1700's or 1800's and saddle up horses or nag drawn wagons to deliver correspondence between destinations, and our country is only at the very beginning stages of designing a basic infrastructure and forging a legal system template for uncivilized peoples to follow. It might be time for these folks to exit the Delorean, exchange the car keys for a door key to the psychologists office, and hope the end result is another opportunity to check back into the twenty first century's version of club reality, if and when a proper diagnosis and treatment can be administered. I think the vast majority believe check in time is long overdue. The sooner this fringe minority understands what the majority has already comprehended centuries ago, the better off this great nation will be. We are no longer a scraggly rag tag group of distinct "Colonies" striving for new direction in between expeditions to hunt and gather our next meal. Last I checked, there really is no pressing need for great tenacious explorers like "Lewis & Clark" to leave family behind and embark upon long arduous journeys in an effort to explore and discover what secrets may lie between Missouri and Colorado. It's already a done deal, at least I think it's already a done deal. A complete network of asphalt highways and back roads have already been surveyed and built, albeit some are in desperate need of repair and maintenance, but essentially they still provide convenient traveling routes between the United States regardless of physical condition. Our mail is now delivered via a maned and womaned fleet of fuel powered (Soon to be all electrically powered) steel vehicles that are able to perform the same "Pony Express" function in a more timely and efficient manner. Letters, believe it or not, are now received in relatively immaculate condition. Minus hoof prints -
Needless to say, we have progressed, not withstanding our share of mistakes and shortcomings in the process, but nevertheless, even though we as a tightly woven united country have many challenges yet to overcome going forward, they will be taken on and ultimately conquered as they have in the past if we do indeed maintain a strong and growing national presence. A strong presence which is accomplished by consistently expanding the one thread that bonds this nation together like a warm quilt blanket. The United States Federal Government -
"Our Federal Government, conceived and forged by our forefathers, has progressed in the right direction for over two centuries - We as a people in common, have been endowed with the inherent obligation to ensure she continues to expand in conjunction and complete harmony with population growth, which should inevitably result in a continued strengthening of our core existence" - A.P. -
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