Despite attempted debate and or dissuasion to the contrary by mainstream archeologists, knowledgeable scientists, and politicians, human beings did not engineer nor did they construct the great pyramids of Egypt, nor did our ancestors meticulously carve the Churches of Lalibela out of solid stone using antiquated knives, hatchets, or chisels, nor did un-assisted or un-guided Earthlings build then perfectly erect the many spellbindingly symmetric obelisks which are strategically situated at various locations throughout the globe ~ Mere mortals living or should we realistically say “Simply Surviving” thousands of years ago in the evergreen jungles or shifting sands of vast parched deserts did not have the capability, capacity, disposable time, convenient resources, required technology, nor scientific intellect to even draft blueprints for these enormous construction projects, let alone actually secure the raw materials, some of which were not even available locally, and then proceed to lay proper level foundation and finally build these massive stone structures ~ A more plausible description of life 2,000 to 10,000 years ago would depict our evolving ancestors as still relegated to “Hunting & Gathering” status and “Turf Protection“ duty, not as technologically advanced “Da Vinci Style Creators”, unless of course they had help from another species originating from outer-space ~
Although they are certainly on the right track, I disagree vehemently with individuals who have produced television programs and documentaries pertaining to this subject and unlike their diluted, timidly unsure claims, my primary divergent sentiment revolves around solid conviction and not weak assertions riddled with question marks ~ After reviewing and studying the overwhelming available evidence, I’ve arrived swiftly at the logical conclusion with unwavering “Conviction” ~ “OUR HUMAN ANCESTORS DID NOT BUILD MANY OF THE ANCIENT STRUCTURES FOUND THROUGHOUT PLANET EARTH” ~ While Giorgio, Erich, et al Ancient Alien researchers / theorists, all of whom I have a great respect for, always seem to leave the door of “Doubt” wide open after unveiling what they claim to be mysterious, inexplicable phenomena, I do not share their instability especially when I study an iron clad case ~ There is no plausible nor logical Earthly explanation for the incredibly miraculous building methods employed, or perhaps not employed by our ancient ancestors ~ Our human brethren and sistren did not build titanic stone monuments such as the Egyptian Pyramids, and that’s a provable fact ~
Once we accept the concrete factual data that extra-terrestrial space travelers actually staked a claim here on planet Earth at least thousands if not millions of years ago, and there really is no possible way any reasonably sane person can dispute this fact considering the shear volume of proof found just about everywhere globally, then translating or extrapolating this factual information into a logical scenario that an alien force, such as HRAC, has already infiltrated our societal fabric, primarily in the United States Congress, is not as unbelievable or sensational as it may seem at first look ~ “Hostile Republican Alien Contingent”, the malevolent force living and apparently breathing amongst us all ~
I urge all doubters or staunch non-believers of the existence of ET’s here on Earth to conduct your own hands on field experiment ~ Try cutting a multi-ton limestone block out of a quarry located several miles away, carefully extract it, then, within minutes, transport the behemoth to the monstrous construction site precise for placement ~ Make sure all sides are perfectly flat and smooth as to fit snuggly without gaps next to and adjoining the already set stone ~ Now, pick the stone up and carefully place it ~ Perform this monumental task from start to finish in a few minutes as the projected time frame, not hours, days, or weeks ~ Repeat this ultra-strenuous exercise roughly 2.3 MILLION TIMES ~ I know, it’s inconceivable, you can’t do it, I can’t do it, ten healthy athletic ancient men couldn’t do it, and believe it or not, a large group of professionals today can’t do it using modern cutting edge technology ~ It’s impossible and that’s a fact ~ The same is true of other structures found throughout the world such as upright arrowhead obelisks, stupas, stone churches, Puma Punku etc ~
Another difference of opinion between myself and the “Ancient Alien” theorists pertains to the physical labor portion of building the massive pyramids ~ They believe human Egyptians actually built the structures with the “Assistance” of aliens, however the evidence reveals the fact that only extra-terrestrials using advanced precision tools and technology could have possibly achieved a project of this scale to completion ~ “Time” was not the key to success either, just because a civilization might have decades or even centuries to complete a project of this tremendous size and unimaginable magnitude, still doesn’t mean it’s achievable ~ “Time” alone does not compensate for lack of “Necessary Technology” ~ In addition, Kings have a short attention span and other issues to occupy their “Time” like making war or protecting the throne and searching for resources to survive ~ If “Quick” results were not achieved, more than likely the project would have been abandoned by a succeeding King or enemy tribe long before completion ~ Moreover, a king’s entire civilization would have had to have been commissioned as builders, architects, stone masons and cutters, engineers and all other peripheral talent, this would be impossible considering an army of thousands was needed merely to protect the city in question ~
“Miraculous Ancient Builders” no, “Ancient Warriors & Hunters” yes <> It is inconceivable and impossible for ancient humans to have built such complex structures using period technology or lack thereof ~ It just didn’t happen the way history books describe, or even the “Ancient Alien” theory, there was indeed a “Higher Presence” present <>
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