As I’ve clearly articulated in previous PPF entries, I believe republicans to be in-human, an observation based primarily upon decades of monitoring their actions, not just listening intently to their disingenuous words ~ I firmly believe they did not originate here on Planet Earth with the indigenous species ~ I believe the evidence is clear-cut and precise in support of extra-terrestrial visitation and ongoing colonization of this planet and the republican strain of “Imposter Human” is the offspring of this invasive, destructive foreign species ~ I believe the infiltration of our congress, corporate entities, and even the Presidency of the United States in the past, and perhaps the leadership positions in other countries around the globe, is happening right now and has been for centuries stretching back thousands of years ~ I believe our thermally scorching planet is slowly yet methodically being molded, deliberately terra-formed, and comfortably primed for a major offensive and inevitable occupation by said alien species ~ I believe certain CEO’s strategically placed within big oil and gas companies that perpetrate Earth Crust Destabilization Activities such as extracting the natural liquid insulation layer and or fracturing solid rock to “Frack” for natural gases, have been done so by this alien force in an effort to “Cover” or mask this covert global heating strategy by the application and dispersing of carbon toxins into the atmosphere, toxins which create a massive blanket to in effect, act as a barrier to trap the inescapable heat ~ This is their sinister master plan ~
Apparently, a thermally warmer or perhaps even demonstrably hotter climate and atmosphere is conducive to this alien force in order to achieve maximum advantage when breeding and for basic everyday generic survival ~ If I am correct with my assertions, and the evidence to corroborate alien visitation and takeover claims can be found virtually everywhere on the face of this planet, a natural hotbed of paranormal or extra-terrestrial activity would be in positions of great power, which would of course equate to senior ranks within big cap Wall Street Corporations ~ This bastion of greedy sub-human individuals located in a small segment of New York have attained unfettered control of just about everything in the world ~ Our election process right here in the United States of America has been perversely impacted by these entities to the point of being rendered as an invalid method of selecting local, state, and yes, even national representatives and leadership ~
The first logical step toward establishing a defense against this un-Earthly strain of sub-human is to accept the unacceptable, believe the unbelievable, imagine the unimaginable ~ The fact is, our planet has been encroached upon by an intrusive alien army, and we must fight back using the legal system and elections or we as resident homesteading humans, shall perish in an environmentally un-sound way ~ Oil was naturally manufactured by mother nature in strategic areas around Earth to act as an insulation, to help maintain a constant interior temperature to ensure global atmospheric stability ~ This ‘Liquid Savior” has been systematically and deliberately siphoned from Earth’s crust by those who have an agenda, to re-establish an alternative world climate, and of course to make an enormously grotesque monetary profit for use here on this planet ~ Both reasons spell inevitable doom for the human species if we remain idle and inactive within the political domain ~
One way to begin a “Push Back” effort on alien controlled republican politicians is to VOTE them out of office ~ render them incapacitated and impotent in their continued effort to use “Capitalism” and other economic tools to hoard our wealth, use it against us, and further an agenda which includes our demise as a fragile race ~ VOTE in every election, execute a ballot in favor of Progressive Democratic Values and expel conservative intrusion from our one and only habitable planet ~
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