Just like the insane conservative scheme of “Binkmanship” cost our beloved country dearly a few years ago in the manifestation of an unnecessary credit rating downgrade issued by influencial agencies, threatening the American public with another “Shutdown” of OUR government if they simply don’t get what they desire during traditional negotiations is nothing less than TREASON and should be addressed as such by prosecutors ~ I, like millions of Americans am quite happy and content to pay my taxes for services rendered and one of the inherent benefits of said tariff, is an OPEN for business, functioning Federal Government as our constitution grants, regardless of anyone’s opinion of effectiveness and or efficiency of said entity, both of which assessment adjectives are purely subjective exercises at best ~ So please don’t try to justify your treasonous protest on a mere superficial political argument, you are WRONG PERIOD and will be held liable for your antics and actions ~
Why do we as a collective, relatively unified taxpaying nation allow a small gang of anarchistic imposter republican congressmen, or HRAC who posses apparent underlying terroristic or human species eradicating tendencies, or dysfunctionally malevolent rebellious temperaments, STOP, Obstruct, or Temporarily Interrupt the most important entity in the civilized world? These deliberate attacks on my intellect, taxpayer dollars, sovereignty, and unimpeded capability to receive my benefits in exchange for monetary consideration rendered, assaults which are designed to intentionally hinder the delivery of services which includes everyday essentials to myself and fellow constituents, is unequivocally unacceptable criminal behavior and must end ~
If you are dissatisfied with our government to this degree, to the point of trying to instigate a “Closure of America” for the duration of a minute, an hour, or even a day or week, it might be time for you to suspend and expel the source of irritation and release your aggravation or unhinged anger by perhaps packing your lead weighted bags and moving on to what you might consider a more hospitable environment ~ Just migrate to another distant country that might actually embrace and tolerate this kind of illegal activity ~ Countries or quasi-countries like this do indeed exist all over the globe so it is well worth exploring your options ~ “Shop n’ Cop” a one way ticket and give it a go, any medical professional with tell you that corralled anger can lead to a myriad of physical and or psychological ailments so relocating to a better fit might be the ultimate solution for everyone involved ~ You can go as crazy as you wish in another country and I get an un-harassed non-closing Federal Government ~ FAIR DEAL FOR ALL ~
The legal definition of “Treason” in my opinion, would encompass such undermining, sabotage efforts we must endure as an irritating nuisance and non-productive intangible obstacle every time congressional budget talks and or negotiations commence ~ This brazen activity or “Brinkmanship” perpetrated by the same conservative political party is tremendously time consuming, dangerous to our nations’ impeccable financial status, adversely affects our leadership ability in the free world, and in plain English, it’s simply a national travesty ~ Believe it or not, there are still many more Americans who accept our Federal, State, and Local Governments as vitally important civil servers, a 250 year old intertwined network built upon a solid constitutional foundation from which essential services and timely information are prepared, launched, and delivered to “We the People” ~
So, in brief recap, if you are seriously interested in driving across country in a serpentine or zig zag pattern a few times per week to retrieve your mail, or have the invaluable disposable time and income to inspect your food and beverage personally at the source prior to consumption, or can devise a fail-proof plan to secure enough time off from your “Slave Slot” to purchase fatigues, train yourself, then plop your couch loving, Fox -Snooze worshiping ass on a plane headed for Jeb Bush’s Neo-Iraq War with explicit intent to replace our army and then engage the enemy with fervor, then by all means, support a Federal Government “Shut Down” and enjoy the robust fireworks show ~ But if the preceding does not tend to motivate nor thrill you, nor ignite a deeply burning desire within to WASTE TIME, RESOURCES, ENERGY, & SECURE A POSSIBLE PRISON TERM, please don’t interrupt my peace of mind with another criminally nonsensical, abrasively dumb assault on my taxpayer assets ~ LEAVE MY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ALONE ~
Here’s a brilliant idea, instead of protesting your vehement contempt for America & Her Values with a militant style illegal foray into “Shut-Down-Land“, why not consider a nice long hunting trip as substitute? At least if you abruptly veer off into the African Safari route in a desperate attempt to release your pent up frustrations or confirm your waning masculinity, you’d have the fabulously charming, old washed up never had been boney assed Ted Nugent as a companion hunting pal ~ How much better can that get? Stalking a regally beautiful, endangered giant animal together with an undisputed self proclaimed master imbecile as a quasi-comatose partner will not only satisfy your hatred and disdain within, but will also help you to avoid being prosecuted for treason <> But then again, be on the look out for poacher-poachers who thrive to snag an easy buck from burnt out “No Hit” stooges like Mr. Nugent ~ Also, Ted seems to be intoxicated 24/7 so make sure his back is to your front at all times ~ SAVE AMERICA’S CREDIT RATING, GO HUNTING WITH AN IDIOT <>
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