Unquestionably, no more circumstantial or direct evidence required to prove this allegation ~ At first glance and second extensive stare and study, an Earthling of relatively sound mind like you or I could easily come to the mundanely logical conclusion that all four uncomfortably conservative individuals listed in the title could conceivably be covert members of the HRAC (Hostile Republican Alien Contingent) ~ An extra-terrestrial clan which had arrived decades ago carrying explicit orders and intent to sabotage, dismantle, and methodically destroy the extremely fragile human fabric ~ An advanced interstellar race of super-natural beings executing an agenda which includes the final eradication of homo-sapien, leaving an empty, infertile planet of none ~
However, with this premise under serious consideration and well worthy of further intensive investigation, we cannot rule out a more sinister master plan, a plan devised by “Politically Progressive Operatives” designed to undermine and upset the nearly obsolete conservative party, an archaic clan of greed driven anarchists, uncompassionate, and dangerously malevolent alien intruders ~ A rather diabolically ingenious concept which evolves around the willful and deliberate implantation of high profile, rabidly loyal “Conservative” imposters into the news media spotlight with the sole purpose of deception ~ The goal is to annoy, insult, and viciously attack certain critically important and expanding voting bases such as Latinos which represent the fastest growing segment of our society, African Americans, and other demographic groups which always turn out in unbeatable force at primary elections ~
Is this a brilliantly devious plan by Democrats to mitigate conservative votes, or scheme conceived by subversive HRAC operatives from a non-terrestrial, distant celestial body? Whichever plausible explanation you subscribe to, the result would be the same, “HIGH VOTER TURNOFF IMPACT” ~ Case in focus ~ Right now, we are realizing and involuntarily enduring the lingering detrimental results of Donald Trumps blatantly boisterous monologue, complete with credible and believable threats of flipping stripes from conservative to independent if disrespected or annoyed by fellow Cons ~ A calculated move which would bring total annihilation to the remaining skeleton of mainstream conservatism ~ Even if Trump gleefully settles in as a GOP candidate long term, the inevitable election losses to the ever-prevailing common sense “Progressive Values” will be no less than profound in the coming years ~
Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and most notably the whiney, factually impotent Bill O’Reilly, all have made a disingenuous living in the past couple of decades via different media outlets ~ They have maniacally espoused incendiary, inflammatory, and outrageously false political claims which has become a desperate common place practice, absurdity so abundant that their actions have severely and irreparably damaged the already crumbling foundation of what they claim as their own republican party ~ Self inflicted wounds or “Democratic Plants”? ~ While we do have aliens living among us right now, I’m convinced it’s the latter ~
The always uptight, profoundly racist Ann Coulter, the “boney bleached blond olive oil” of the former GOP Clan, has done the same via spotlight segments televised on popular psycho, corporate puppet propaganda outlets such as fox-snooze and various published books ~ Where her presumably genuine fear of African Americans and disdain for Latinos and just about every other nationality originates from is anyone’s guess unless you’re a long term observer as I‘ve been over the years, I surmise it is absolutely money driven greed, anything to get attention and try to sell a book or two ~ Fortunately, the American public is catching on to her con-job and immediately discard her antics for what they truly are ~ Book huckster, democratic plant, or HRAC operative? Once again I believe it’s “Book Huckster/Democratic Plant”, we’ll investigate further and try to have a definitive answer nestled within future entries right here at “PPF” ~
And then there’s Rush Limbaugh, the king of pharmaceutically enhanced penis awakeners, whether or not they actually work on his chubby, overweight, aged conservative anatomy is anyone’s guess ~ A radio loud mouth who always offends Latinos, African Americans, Asians, and every other minority, but never concedes inaccuracies, erroneous information, or factually impotent rhetoric ~ He’s been broadcasting BS by the ship loads for decades, and has either intentionally or inadvertently done more to get Democrats elected to high office than the DNC could ever imagine possible ~
The evidence is crystal clear, and either accusation could indeed prove to be accurate ~ Are they Democratic Pawns, or Alien Intruders executing the Hostile Republican Alien Contingent’s covert agenda which includes the total destruction of Planet Earth? Stay tuned and refer to previously published entries for the proposed answers if you dare to uncover the truth ~ “Your only habitable planet Earth is at stake, get informed, get involved, and stay connected with the facts right here” <>
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