TRUMP Recklessly Disrespects "ONE China Policy" ~ China Responds by Exercising MILITARY Might by FLOATING Nuclear Armed Assets ~ I’m not necessarily thrilled with the fact that an unprecedented legal action and notice in the form of an “Official COMPLAINT” manifested shortly after the publication of my previous article which suggests a Trump Presidency GOD Forbid, will ultimately present Dramatically Increased ODDs of Nuclear War between the U.S. & CHINA, but unfortunately for the entire peace hopeful world, it’s true ~ Subsequent to publishing my fact based, common sense “Assessment & “Prognostication” which served as a warning to the entire global population that sensationally brilliant “Nuclear EXCHANGEs” would not only be a likely scenario, but could indeed occur with unabated frequency here on Planet Earth if GOD Forbid the “Electoral COLLEGE” of the United States exercises “GROSS Negligence” by actually VOTING for a Dangerously INEPT Unhinged Presidential Candidate like Donald Trump against the Explicit Instructions of the Constitution, the first critical step in an “Escalated Tension & AGGRESSION” between CHINA & the U.S. is now in motion ~ This Negligent Behavior Recklessly Conducted by Donald J Trump could conceivably culminate with catastrophic global circumstances and consequences before the quote unquote “President Elect” even has a chance to maniacally rescind OBAMACARE Funds, or to hire contractors who he’ll NEVER Pay, to meticulously “GOLD Plate” the White HOUSE Pillars, DOME & Bathroom Fixtures ~
What is causing the unnecessary “FRICTION” ?? ~ Genius Donald Trump unwittingly accepted a phone call from the leader of Taiwan ~ Well, it certainly doesn’t seem like a “HOSTILE” or “Detrimental Event” at first glance however, it’s actually considered a Bumbling Incoherent ACT of Negligence which no American President has embarked upon in recent history for very good reason ~ The UNITED States Recognizes the “ONE China Agreement” which means the Leader of the USA, whomever that may be at any given point in time, must communicate exclusively with the Leader of CHINA ~ That’s the way it is and has been for decades regardless of “Political Denomination” in power ~ Primary reason for this mutual respect between the countries? China considers Taiwan an extension of the “PEOPLES Republic” and in light of the fact that it doesn’t directly affect our relationship and has no strategic value & there is no detrimental byproduct, we’ve agreed to Respect & Honor” this request ~ UNTIL Now ~
It’s unclear as to what will or could possibly develop as a direct result of the “FORMAL Complaint” filed by CHINA, nor do we know the extent of HOSTILITY & Mal-Feeling” Trump’s Bumbling Overture will ultimately cause within the regime and elsewhere ~ But here’s a certainty, prior to taking office, if indeed he does make it to our oval office because the “Electoral COLLEGE“ was Explicitly Created by our founders to BLOCK a Deranged Unfit & UNQUALIFIED Imbecile like him to Infiltrate OUR White House, he’s already unwittingly or perhaps intentionally Enticing, Inducing, Agitating & PRODING a Nuclear ARMED Nation which is home to BILLIONs of Loyal Inhabitants ~ Unlike the United States of AMERICA where the VAST Majority of Citizens REJECT, Disrespect & Refuse to Accept Donald J. Trump as their Legitimate “Commander in CHIEF” for a whole host of VALID Reasons including suspicions of his direct association with the Hostile Republican Alien Contingent or “HRAC” & Communists Leftovers such as Vladimir Putin who “HACKED“ Our Election in his favor ~ Stay Tuned for UPDATEs as we rigorously prepare for the “RESISTANCE” aimed against the Brutally Inhuman Assaults we expect from our OWN Dangerously INEPT & Deranged President <>
Monday, December 12, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
One "GIANT Leap" Forward Toward Nuclear EXCHANGE With Trump Presidency
GLOBAL Travesty “RED Alert” ~ The “HRAC” (Hostile Republican ALIEN Contingent), in the “Terrestrial Manifestation” of the Republican Party which is comprised of several different factions of “Hostile Entities“, is one step closer toward “Invading, Infiltrating & OCCUPYING” OUR Sovereign White House ~ Unless of course the “Electoral College” comprised of Voter Operatives, justifiably intervenes on this Ailing Planet’s behalf to Legally BLOCK this INSANE “Catastrophe in Waiting” ~ Although Unprecedented, Extremely DANGEROUS Planet THREATENING Circumstances such as Donald Trump attaining ultimate EARTHLY Power is an Egregiously Warped & Perverted Notion which is irrefutably rejected by most Americans“, The “COLLEGE” in all REALITY, will probably “AFFIRM” the Trump Presidency Despite his LOSING the Majority VOTE & Aggressive Petitions by “WE the PEOPLE” to ask for a “Nullification“ of the Ultra-Flawed Illegitimate Regional Result to prevent Trump and his OBVIOUS Psychological Shortcomings, Nazi Proxies & Communist Influence from Endangering Earth via the most POWERFUL Platform located in Washington DC ~
This horrifically nightmarish possibility is absolutely unacceptable however, as immediate “Precautionary Measures” to accept and assume the worst case is upon us if the “Electoral COLLEGE” Fails to act in accordance to OUR Founders INTENT to BLOCK Madmen from our White House, we must begin the critical adjustment period to “Prepare & Ready” ourselves & children for a much more Unstable, ERRATIC & VIOLENT Culture, filled to the utmost brim with “Racist Tendencies, Ignorance of Foreign Policy, Misunderstandings of Social Frame-Work, Routine Nuclear Exchanges & LEWD Public Behavior perpetrated by those “TWISTED” non-human individuals who now believe in “LEADERSHIP by Example“ ~ We must ASSUME this will occur if of course we SURVIVE to ENDURE it ~ “We Must RESIST the Temptation to “PRETEND” this “Transfer of POWER” is “Legitimate” ~ The “NORMALIZATION” of Trump which is now being “Cultivated & Propagated” by the MEDIA must END Immediately ~
The Criminal Act of SUBVERTING the United States ELECTION with Blatant SABOTAGE Committed by Communist Agents, some of who may have be embedded within a specific branch of the FBI and may have close ties to Trump himself, seems to have resulted in a successful endeavor and is absolutely a determinative factor as to WHY we now must involuntarily “Live to Survive” in a world which will soon reach an unprecedented level of “Uncomfortable Instability“ and perhaps sustained global strife ~ The Cuban Nuclear Missile Crisis of the 1960’s was CHILD’s Play compared to what is about to engulf us ~ Fortunately, we had a Lucid Rational President in JFK at the time and the unprecedented dyer circumstances still pushed the very limits of an unprecedented “Bona Fide” “Nuclear Incident” & Perhaps WAR which could have led directly to the efficient EXTERMINATION our Fragile Existence here on Earth ~
Fast Forward to the present, via a Manipulated Undermined U.S. Election Result, and we’ve now taken a GIGANTIC Backward Leap Toward the “COLD War” era and perhaps worse, where outlying incidents notwithstanding, Super-Powers remained “FROZEN” in a state of relative “STALE-Mate” by “Mutually Assured Nuclear Destruction”, CALM & Steady Temperament in LEADERSHIP”, at least on the side of the USA in JFK, RK etc, and of course an Abundance of Knowledgeable Experienced Establishment Professionals in POWER who understood Psychology, Diplomacy & Effective Negotiations ~ A scenario and necessary attributes which are Clearly ABSCENT following Trump being “GIFTED” the Presidency of the United States of America by a Covert HOSTILE Entity within the FBI & possibly the Kremlin ~ SOON, if the political process remains uninterrupted, Planet Earth will be a Celestial Body Shepherded by DARK Individuals such as Steve Bannon who possess Severely Detrimental Attributes which will inevitably induce “Highly COMBUSTIBLE” Interludes, “Dis-functional Instabilities”, “Erratic Bouts of WORLD Domination Delusions”, Uncontrollable Narcissistic Overtones & of course, will usher in the “Epitome of Unpredictability Leading to Imminent Danger & Turmoil” Globally ~ This Dyer Scenario could easily be Averted if the “Electoral COLLEGE” Acknowledged & COUNTED ALL Votes, a majority of which were cast for Hillary Clinton, and invoked a LUCID, Rational Intervention on behalf of the Planet which would include a REBUKE & Rejection of an UNPRECEDENTED, Deranged Meglomaniacal EVIL Nuisance called Donald Trump <>
This horrifically nightmarish possibility is absolutely unacceptable however, as immediate “Precautionary Measures” to accept and assume the worst case is upon us if the “Electoral COLLEGE” Fails to act in accordance to OUR Founders INTENT to BLOCK Madmen from our White House, we must begin the critical adjustment period to “Prepare & Ready” ourselves & children for a much more Unstable, ERRATIC & VIOLENT Culture, filled to the utmost brim with “Racist Tendencies, Ignorance of Foreign Policy, Misunderstandings of Social Frame-Work, Routine Nuclear Exchanges & LEWD Public Behavior perpetrated by those “TWISTED” non-human individuals who now believe in “LEADERSHIP by Example“ ~ We must ASSUME this will occur if of course we SURVIVE to ENDURE it ~ “We Must RESIST the Temptation to “PRETEND” this “Transfer of POWER” is “Legitimate” ~ The “NORMALIZATION” of Trump which is now being “Cultivated & Propagated” by the MEDIA must END Immediately ~
The Criminal Act of SUBVERTING the United States ELECTION with Blatant SABOTAGE Committed by Communist Agents, some of who may have be embedded within a specific branch of the FBI and may have close ties to Trump himself, seems to have resulted in a successful endeavor and is absolutely a determinative factor as to WHY we now must involuntarily “Live to Survive” in a world which will soon reach an unprecedented level of “Uncomfortable Instability“ and perhaps sustained global strife ~ The Cuban Nuclear Missile Crisis of the 1960’s was CHILD’s Play compared to what is about to engulf us ~ Fortunately, we had a Lucid Rational President in JFK at the time and the unprecedented dyer circumstances still pushed the very limits of an unprecedented “Bona Fide” “Nuclear Incident” & Perhaps WAR which could have led directly to the efficient EXTERMINATION our Fragile Existence here on Earth ~
Fast Forward to the present, via a Manipulated Undermined U.S. Election Result, and we’ve now taken a GIGANTIC Backward Leap Toward the “COLD War” era and perhaps worse, where outlying incidents notwithstanding, Super-Powers remained “FROZEN” in a state of relative “STALE-Mate” by “Mutually Assured Nuclear Destruction”, CALM & Steady Temperament in LEADERSHIP”, at least on the side of the USA in JFK, RK etc, and of course an Abundance of Knowledgeable Experienced Establishment Professionals in POWER who understood Psychology, Diplomacy & Effective Negotiations ~ A scenario and necessary attributes which are Clearly ABSCENT following Trump being “GIFTED” the Presidency of the United States of America by a Covert HOSTILE Entity within the FBI & possibly the Kremlin ~ SOON, if the political process remains uninterrupted, Planet Earth will be a Celestial Body Shepherded by DARK Individuals such as Steve Bannon who possess Severely Detrimental Attributes which will inevitably induce “Highly COMBUSTIBLE” Interludes, “Dis-functional Instabilities”, “Erratic Bouts of WORLD Domination Delusions”, Uncontrollable Narcissistic Overtones & of course, will usher in the “Epitome of Unpredictability Leading to Imminent Danger & Turmoil” Globally ~ This Dyer Scenario could easily be Averted if the “Electoral COLLEGE” Acknowledged & COUNTED ALL Votes, a majority of which were cast for Hillary Clinton, and invoked a LUCID, Rational Intervention on behalf of the Planet which would include a REBUKE & Rejection of an UNPRECEDENTED, Deranged Meglomaniacal EVIL Nuisance called Donald Trump <>
Sunday, November 13, 2016
United States of EARTH 2016 Presidential Election - Russian Intervention, FBI Subversion, Demon of the ANTI-Christ?
Like it or NOT, these are the ONLY 3 Uncomfortably Sinister Scenarios that could possibly be “Acknowledged, Accepted & RECORDED” as genuine reasons as to WHY ANTI-American “Patriot BASHER” Donald Trump won the Electoral College Count of the U.S. Election but failed to win the “VOTE of the People”, nevertheless propelling him in all his Infinite Racism, Misogynistic Tendencies, EARTH Neglecting Notions & Mentally Compromised Deranged Mind, into OUR previously untainted White House ~ Unless of course any number of Law Suits Pending or yet to be FILED, manage to interrupt his current unabated trajectory toward maniacal intrusion of OUR President’s Residence ~ With very few exceptions, every POLL, Model, Forecast, Projection & Prognostication conjured and published by every seasoned expert in the field just prior to the END Result on November 8, 2016, confirmed Hillary Clinton with a Comfortable to “Dramatically Insurmountable LEAD” in both National & State Polls ~ In a “CLEAN Election” absent of Mala-Fide Infiltration either terrestrial or otherwise, she was unquestionably and irrefutably the “Presumptive President Elect” of the United States of EARTH ~ So, what actually happened? What went so Unusually WRONG? How did Trump win even the Electoral VOTE? A logical conclusional answer to this question is that this inexplicably abnormal outcome is typically a “Unique Result” of “TAMPERING” ~
While the Human Population within the “North America Zone” is far from perfect as it relates to I.Q. Intellectual Solvency, as a matter of fact certain outlying remote regions would be considered by most rational human beings as “Intelligence Challenged”, the Complicated Mathematical “Equations & FORMULAS” combined with other Assumptions. Models & Scientific Injections, are Historically Accurate & Reliable Despite the Radical Right Wing Extremist’s, or “Hostile Republican ALIEN Contingent’s” assertions that Mr. Trump became the President due entirely to his Non-Political “UNIQUENESS” or Unmitigated LEWD Grotesque “Rawness“ of “Personality, Demeanor & SOUL ~ An abnormal individuality, as Demonic & Repulsive as it is, which was so far outside of what we consider normalcy as to “INSULT, Bend, Manipulate & Pervert” the Laws of Predictive Physics and create a new order of “Ineptitude & Indecency” ? ~ NO, this did nor happen as a result of the “GENIUS of Trump” ~ In REALITY, he was “GIFTED” OUR Presidency by a HOSTILE Terrestrial / Extra-Terrestrial Force & That‘s UNACCEPTABLE ~
No, despite his Terminally Egotistical & Delusional Inclinations to actually believe this NONSENSE, this was not the reason WHY Mr. Trump managed to find his way to the “Winners Circle” ~ The real reason he attained this prestige is actually one of 3 ~ Russians “HACKED” Voting Stations & Corrupted the Result in Donald’s Favor, The FBI Conspired with “Evil ANTI-American Entities” to “Subvert & SABOTAGE” the Election Process by Halting Hillary’s Robust Momentum and ultimately REVERSING it in Donald’s favor by introducing the unprecedented “MEMO Bomb“ dropped just 10 days prior to the polling, or the “HRAC” manifested itself in a “Supernatural Sabotage” to Gain Access & Control” of the most powerful structure on EARTH, a seat in the Oval Office located in Washington DC ~ These are the ONLY 3 Viable, Logical & ACCEPTED scenarios by those of us on the INSIDE ~
My INVESTIGATION of this Disturbing & Immensely Consequential Development has just begun and will continue into the foreseeable future & I will of course share my findings on this unprecedented “EARTH Shattering” event as the FACTs pertaining to this “Frightening Trail” of Subversion are “Uncovered, Unearthed & Revealed” to all Human / Hybrid Society situated here on Planet EARTH <>
While the Human Population within the “North America Zone” is far from perfect as it relates to I.Q. Intellectual Solvency, as a matter of fact certain outlying remote regions would be considered by most rational human beings as “Intelligence Challenged”, the Complicated Mathematical “Equations & FORMULAS” combined with other Assumptions. Models & Scientific Injections, are Historically Accurate & Reliable Despite the Radical Right Wing Extremist’s, or “Hostile Republican ALIEN Contingent’s” assertions that Mr. Trump became the President due entirely to his Non-Political “UNIQUENESS” or Unmitigated LEWD Grotesque “Rawness“ of “Personality, Demeanor & SOUL ~ An abnormal individuality, as Demonic & Repulsive as it is, which was so far outside of what we consider normalcy as to “INSULT, Bend, Manipulate & Pervert” the Laws of Predictive Physics and create a new order of “Ineptitude & Indecency” ? ~ NO, this did nor happen as a result of the “GENIUS of Trump” ~ In REALITY, he was “GIFTED” OUR Presidency by a HOSTILE Terrestrial / Extra-Terrestrial Force & That‘s UNACCEPTABLE ~
No, despite his Terminally Egotistical & Delusional Inclinations to actually believe this NONSENSE, this was not the reason WHY Mr. Trump managed to find his way to the “Winners Circle” ~ The real reason he attained this prestige is actually one of 3 ~ Russians “HACKED” Voting Stations & Corrupted the Result in Donald’s Favor, The FBI Conspired with “Evil ANTI-American Entities” to “Subvert & SABOTAGE” the Election Process by Halting Hillary’s Robust Momentum and ultimately REVERSING it in Donald’s favor by introducing the unprecedented “MEMO Bomb“ dropped just 10 days prior to the polling, or the “HRAC” manifested itself in a “Supernatural Sabotage” to Gain Access & Control” of the most powerful structure on EARTH, a seat in the Oval Office located in Washington DC ~ These are the ONLY 3 Viable, Logical & ACCEPTED scenarios by those of us on the INSIDE ~
My INVESTIGATION of this Disturbing & Immensely Consequential Development has just begun and will continue into the foreseeable future & I will of course share my findings on this unprecedented “EARTH Shattering” event as the FACTs pertaining to this “Frightening Trail” of Subversion are “Uncovered, Unearthed & Revealed” to all Human / Hybrid Society situated here on Planet EARTH <>
anti christ,
donald trump,
hostile republican alien contingent,
president elect,
presidential election,
presidential polls,
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Plants on Planet Earth no Longer REQUIRE Light to Achieve “Photosynthesis”
A basic fundamental formula I eagerly learned from a very competent teacher in science class when I was a very young boy in school, was the delicate, subjectively miraculous process related to how all living plants found here on Planet EARTH are Born, Nurtured, Germinated, and Ultimately Grow to Maturity then thereafter, “SEED a New Life“ to ensure survival of the species ~ If you remember your lesson from a time long ago which was likely coupled perhaps with unwelcome home-work to be completed and submitted for inspection the following day, or even the Dreaded “Home PROJECT”, that miraculous, truly inconceivable process was revealed to us all as the more commonly known natural Earthly activity called “Photosynthesis” ~ A key element within this life birthing procedure which allows a fledgling plant to create and thereafter absorb nutrients is SUN-light, or so I thought this was an essential according to my in-depth studies in High School ~
Today, in the progressive year 2016, I’ve discovered what I believe to be an interesting, intriguing, and perhaps alarming scientific fact ~ All around me, from the arid, warm therapeutic deserts sands, to the wide open balmy seas, I see plants, miscellaneous grasses, and indigenous weeds sprouting Up just about everywhere in very unusual places, and they all have one common denominator ~ They might receive water but No SUN-Light ~ It’s nothing less than a strange and eerie development, an observation which I find to be highly unusual to the point of baffling ~ These fledgling botanical sprouts are growing rapidly without any signs of Mal-Nutrition, they display Herculean strength by pushing Up through solid concrete foundations and from underneath stones or bricks, and they easily fasten roots to the Earth beneath thick cement slabs, sidewalks, and other places, all remote unlikely locales which to my knowledge, do not invite nor accept fresh rays from our distant sun ~ Penetration of sun-light in these tightly sealed underground caverns and crevasses is virtually impossible ~ Unless of course some inconceivable concept or odd undiscovered principle exists in certain quadrants within our Planet ~ “Space & TIME” anomalies or “Parallel UNIVERSEE” realities? Perhaps ~ Even without the assistance of SUN-Light, they develop the startling potent strength required to PUSH-Up through solid barriers with what seems to be relative ease, until reaching maturity then passing on their genetic make-Up to future generations ~ Astonishingly Eerie
So what’s actually happening here on Planet EARTH? Have some or perhaps all plants rapidly evolved to the point where an essential element of their existence is no longer necessary for survival? If so, did it happen naturally through random selection? Is it a direct result of radiation exposure or other contamination? Or was it an artificial intervention by another civilization in a deliberate attempt to mutate and alter this fragile formula for ulterior, selfish motive? A mutation which was rolled out and introduced to the fertile fabric of Planet Earth for a Sinister Purpose? Or, perhaps just Mother Nature Flexing her evolving muscles again? If you are familiar with my previous entries right here at “PPF“, you’ll understand my personal opinion is obvious, and I believe I’m vividly correct in my assumption ~ Be vigilant and observe your plants in your natural surroundings, you might be amazed and Uncomfortably ALARMED at the same time <>
Today, in the progressive year 2016, I’ve discovered what I believe to be an interesting, intriguing, and perhaps alarming scientific fact ~ All around me, from the arid, warm therapeutic deserts sands, to the wide open balmy seas, I see plants, miscellaneous grasses, and indigenous weeds sprouting Up just about everywhere in very unusual places, and they all have one common denominator ~ They might receive water but No SUN-Light ~ It’s nothing less than a strange and eerie development, an observation which I find to be highly unusual to the point of baffling ~ These fledgling botanical sprouts are growing rapidly without any signs of Mal-Nutrition, they display Herculean strength by pushing Up through solid concrete foundations and from underneath stones or bricks, and they easily fasten roots to the Earth beneath thick cement slabs, sidewalks, and other places, all remote unlikely locales which to my knowledge, do not invite nor accept fresh rays from our distant sun ~ Penetration of sun-light in these tightly sealed underground caverns and crevasses is virtually impossible ~ Unless of course some inconceivable concept or odd undiscovered principle exists in certain quadrants within our Planet ~ “Space & TIME” anomalies or “Parallel UNIVERSEE” realities? Perhaps ~ Even without the assistance of SUN-Light, they develop the startling potent strength required to PUSH-Up through solid barriers with what seems to be relative ease, until reaching maturity then passing on their genetic make-Up to future generations ~ Astonishingly Eerie
So what’s actually happening here on Planet EARTH? Have some or perhaps all plants rapidly evolved to the point where an essential element of their existence is no longer necessary for survival? If so, did it happen naturally through random selection? Is it a direct result of radiation exposure or other contamination? Or was it an artificial intervention by another civilization in a deliberate attempt to mutate and alter this fragile formula for ulterior, selfish motive? A mutation which was rolled out and introduced to the fertile fabric of Planet Earth for a Sinister Purpose? Or, perhaps just Mother Nature Flexing her evolving muscles again? If you are familiar with my previous entries right here at “PPF“, you’ll understand my personal opinion is obvious, and I believe I’m vividly correct in my assumption ~ Be vigilant and observe your plants in your natural surroundings, you might be amazed and Uncomfortably ALARMED at the same time <>
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
2016 Presidential Election - United States of EARTH - The TRUMP Con JOB
No, We are NOT COMPARING Apples & Oranges ~ It is Clear & Unambiguously Legible ~ There are no excuses nor can it simply be explained away by the usual perverted pseudo-justification phrase “I’m a Businessman”, which in Reality, is an illegitimate meaningless and un-patriotic mantra which is vocalized constantly by unsavory individuals in a concerted attempt to try to “Justify“ corporate corruption and greed driven behavior ~ Sorry, but this Empty Proclamation does not give you an irrevocable license to move Assets and or Jobs out of the country, nor does it give you the “Green Light” to invest in companies which are based in a communist country like China ~ But it does however prove to the universe that you are indeed a Greed Driven Human Swindler or Hostile Extra-Terrestrial entity who will stop at nothing to enrich yourself at the expense of your country and “We the People“ ~
It’s no closely held secret to those of us who follow and investigate global business dealings that Apple Computer has Ex-Patriated 10’s of THOUSANDs of Jobs to Communist China to maximize profits and meet expected earnings ~ Apple now has Extensive TIES to China and her slave labor work force ~ An unhealthy, unclean, and controversial perverted relationship based exclusively upon GREED and mutual favors ~ Carl Icahn’s Failing Company Icahn Enterprises has a Substantial Investment Stake in Shares of APPLE Computer ~ Donald TRUMP has Pledged that if by that miracle he’s elected president, he will appoint Carl Icahn who now presides over a FAILING Wall Street Company to his cabinet as “Master Negotiator” assigned to handle where else? Yup, China, Japan and perhaps additional regions of the world ~ What? Sound a little suspicious? ~
Considering Carl Icahn has a Massive Equity Stake in Apple Computer and this un-patriotic company tries to Maximize Profits by taking advantage of and exploiting Slave Labor in Communist China, Icahn has a VESTED Interest in Apple Computer STAYING in CHINA or even ex-Patriating more assets and jobs while NOT moving a single brick back to the United States nor replacing a single Chinese Working SLAVE with an American ~ So how could Carl actually negotiate in Good Faith for America and her workers when this enormous conflict of interest exists between the three parties? The united States, Communist China & Carl Icahn? The correct answer is “Good Faith Negotiations” would be virtually impossible and who but Trump would even consider an inept “DEAL Maker” like Icahn‘s anyway? ~
Most GOP Conservative Republican voters are oblivious to the FACTS which unfortunately renders them unaware of this Stunning Arrangement between a Communist Entity such as China, and a GREED Driven Wall Street Hustler, so this shocking development ultimately leads to the only question a concerned Patriotic American on both sides of the isle could possibly ask ~ What is Donald Trump’s “Ulterior Motive” for assigning Carl Icahn to China ? The evidence reveals his genuine reason is certainly not to conduct “Good Faith Negotiations & DEAL Making” for the benefit of the United States & “We the People“ ~ Below is a SUMMARY of the cozy arrangement Icahn now has with Communist China, an arrangement which obviously Disqualifies him from acting as Donald Trump’s “Foreign DEAL Making Agent” despite Trump‘s apparent enthusiasm for his friend and fellow Wall Street Hustler ~
SUMMARY ~ Apple Computer resides in Communist China to take advantage of LOW Paying Slave Labor Wages ~ Apple Makes MORE Net Profit by residing in China due to a Lower Wage Payout ~ Carl Icahn via Icahn Enterprises holds a MASSIVE Stake in Apple Computer amounting to Millions of SHARES which means Carl Icahn has a VESTED Interest in Apple Computer keeping a substantial presence including 10’s of THOUSANDs of Jobs in China ~ With this obvious “Conflict of Interest” looming over Icahn and his Failing Company, WHY is Donald Trump promoting him as his main “Point Man” assigned to “Bring JOBs Back to America” when Icahn has a clear vested interest in keeping as many jobs as possible in China? ~
If you study the irrefutable FACTs of this case, “Ulterior Motive” for an Icahn "Negotiator" position within the White House and NOT necessarily "DEALs" which benefit the United States and "We the People" is the ONLY possible logical conclusion ~
It’s no closely held secret to those of us who follow and investigate global business dealings that Apple Computer has Ex-Patriated 10’s of THOUSANDs of Jobs to Communist China to maximize profits and meet expected earnings ~ Apple now has Extensive TIES to China and her slave labor work force ~ An unhealthy, unclean, and controversial perverted relationship based exclusively upon GREED and mutual favors ~ Carl Icahn’s Failing Company Icahn Enterprises has a Substantial Investment Stake in Shares of APPLE Computer ~ Donald TRUMP has Pledged that if by that miracle he’s elected president, he will appoint Carl Icahn who now presides over a FAILING Wall Street Company to his cabinet as “Master Negotiator” assigned to handle where else? Yup, China, Japan and perhaps additional regions of the world ~ What? Sound a little suspicious? ~
Considering Carl Icahn has a Massive Equity Stake in Apple Computer and this un-patriotic company tries to Maximize Profits by taking advantage of and exploiting Slave Labor in Communist China, Icahn has a VESTED Interest in Apple Computer STAYING in CHINA or even ex-Patriating more assets and jobs while NOT moving a single brick back to the United States nor replacing a single Chinese Working SLAVE with an American ~ So how could Carl actually negotiate in Good Faith for America and her workers when this enormous conflict of interest exists between the three parties? The united States, Communist China & Carl Icahn? The correct answer is “Good Faith Negotiations” would be virtually impossible and who but Trump would even consider an inept “DEAL Maker” like Icahn‘s anyway? ~
Most GOP Conservative Republican voters are oblivious to the FACTS which unfortunately renders them unaware of this Stunning Arrangement between a Communist Entity such as China, and a GREED Driven Wall Street Hustler, so this shocking development ultimately leads to the only question a concerned Patriotic American on both sides of the isle could possibly ask ~ What is Donald Trump’s “Ulterior Motive” for assigning Carl Icahn to China ? The evidence reveals his genuine reason is certainly not to conduct “Good Faith Negotiations & DEAL Making” for the benefit of the United States & “We the People“ ~ Below is a SUMMARY of the cozy arrangement Icahn now has with Communist China, an arrangement which obviously Disqualifies him from acting as Donald Trump’s “Foreign DEAL Making Agent” despite Trump‘s apparent enthusiasm for his friend and fellow Wall Street Hustler ~
SUMMARY ~ Apple Computer resides in Communist China to take advantage of LOW Paying Slave Labor Wages ~ Apple Makes MORE Net Profit by residing in China due to a Lower Wage Payout ~ Carl Icahn via Icahn Enterprises holds a MASSIVE Stake in Apple Computer amounting to Millions of SHARES which means Carl Icahn has a VESTED Interest in Apple Computer keeping a substantial presence including 10’s of THOUSANDs of Jobs in China ~ With this obvious “Conflict of Interest” looming over Icahn and his Failing Company, WHY is Donald Trump promoting him as his main “Point Man” assigned to “Bring JOBs Back to America” when Icahn has a clear vested interest in keeping as many jobs as possible in China? ~
If you study the irrefutable FACTs of this case, “Ulterior Motive” for an Icahn "Negotiator" position within the White House and NOT necessarily "DEALs" which benefit the United States and "We the People" is the ONLY possible logical conclusion ~
2016 presidential election,
apple computer,
carl icahn,
communist china,
donald trump,
icahn enterprises,
presidential election,
wall street
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
“JUNK Status Danger” for Donald Trump’s “Main Negotiator” Carl Icahn
A "Unique & Fascinating" place where at critical junctures in Human History, politics and the surrealistic antics thereof, seamlessly intersect with the PARANORMAL" *
In the extreme scorching climate altering HEAT of this 2016 presidential election season here on Planet Earth, have you ever wondered WHY Narcissist Capitalist Donald Trump is audaciously promoting and pushing a quasi-senile old coot like Carl Icahn to become a key member of his foreign policy administration if elected Commander in Chief? Well, believe it or not, it looks like 80 year OLD Carl might be in desperate NEED of a regular hourly paying JOB Really SOON and a letter of job offering issued from the TRUMP White House just might keep him from becoming another Homeless STATISTIC ~ God Forbid, from greed driven Billions of Dollars to Billions of “Cement Sores” in the proverbial blink ~
As if “We the People” of this ailing human inhabited planet needed MORE Evidence to confirm TRUMP’s run for the Presidency of the United States of EARTH was little more than a “Publicity STUNT” gone spinning radically out of CONTROL and into an alternative orbit where REALITY is replaced by illusory intent ~ Well here are the undeniable Facts ~
Carl Icahn, you know, the Proverbial “GENIUS” Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is now Promoting as his spiffy, un-matched in skills “Negotiator in Chief” if he ever became Commander in Chief, well, needless to say, the holding company or “SHELL” called Icahn Enterprises through which the CEO / FOUNDER Carl himself buys, sells, exchanges, & trades equities on paper and presumably other securities and or derivatives thereof is now in the year 2016, in DANGER of being DOWNGRADED to “Junk STATUS” by a Major well respected and extremely accurate Wall Street rating service called “Standard & Poors” ~ Obviously, the Icahn company it’s a very “Poorly” managed and operated failing business venture, the unfortunate victim of apparent ineptitude, unbridled GREED, and just plain BAD or antiquated ideas ~
So here we are, an 80 year old man who essentially Owns & Operates a FAILING Enterprise is the Donald’s main “POINT Guy” & Strategist for his critically important Foreign Negotiations ~ VOTE Trump, Carl will certainly be a “Killer” on Foreign Trade Deals for the United States, or, more likely, he’ll end Up “Killing” all HOPE of gaining the TRADE Advantage for the U.S. ~ HE NEEDS a Real JOB NOW ! <>
I'll keep you informed right here at "PPF" regarding any future developments <>
In the extreme scorching climate altering HEAT of this 2016 presidential election season here on Planet Earth, have you ever wondered WHY Narcissist Capitalist Donald Trump is audaciously promoting and pushing a quasi-senile old coot like Carl Icahn to become a key member of his foreign policy administration if elected Commander in Chief? Well, believe it or not, it looks like 80 year OLD Carl might be in desperate NEED of a regular hourly paying JOB Really SOON and a letter of job offering issued from the TRUMP White House just might keep him from becoming another Homeless STATISTIC ~ God Forbid, from greed driven Billions of Dollars to Billions of “Cement Sores” in the proverbial blink ~
As if “We the People” of this ailing human inhabited planet needed MORE Evidence to confirm TRUMP’s run for the Presidency of the United States of EARTH was little more than a “Publicity STUNT” gone spinning radically out of CONTROL and into an alternative orbit where REALITY is replaced by illusory intent ~ Well here are the undeniable Facts ~
Carl Icahn, you know, the Proverbial “GENIUS” Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is now Promoting as his spiffy, un-matched in skills “Negotiator in Chief” if he ever became Commander in Chief, well, needless to say, the holding company or “SHELL” called Icahn Enterprises through which the CEO / FOUNDER Carl himself buys, sells, exchanges, & trades equities on paper and presumably other securities and or derivatives thereof is now in the year 2016, in DANGER of being DOWNGRADED to “Junk STATUS” by a Major well respected and extremely accurate Wall Street rating service called “Standard & Poors” ~ Obviously, the Icahn company it’s a very “Poorly” managed and operated failing business venture, the unfortunate victim of apparent ineptitude, unbridled GREED, and just plain BAD or antiquated ideas ~
So here we are, an 80 year old man who essentially Owns & Operates a FAILING Enterprise is the Donald’s main “POINT Guy” & Strategist for his critically important Foreign Negotiations ~ VOTE Trump, Carl will certainly be a “Killer” on Foreign Trade Deals for the United States, or, more likely, he’ll end Up “Killing” all HOPE of gaining the TRADE Advantage for the U.S. ~ HE NEEDS a Real JOB NOW ! <>
I'll keep you informed right here at "PPF" regarding any future developments <>
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Senator Bernie Sanders To TAX Mitt Romney’s Hidden Off-Shore Bank Accounts
It’s about time we aggressively hunt down these Unscrupulous Un-American Pillagers of the United States & her Treasures which in reality, belong to us as the universal “Community of Citizens” ~ A Campaign Promise by “Values & Integrity Rich” Vermont Senator and 2016 Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders which will hopefully translate into a Solid Collective Commitment by all Democratic, American Socialist & Independent Public Servants, is to “Locate, Find & Retrieve” Billions and possibly even Trillions in Hidden Treasures which are now snuggly “Stashed & Situated” around the globe and which legally belong to all of us as a Collective American Populace ~ Unlike a maritime expedition to probe unknown oceans and “Sluice & Sift” through ever-shifting under-water sands deep beneath the seas in a futile effort to “Hunt” for what we simply believe to be lost “Illusionary Buried Riches” abandoned centuries ago by fictitious pirates or other scurvy stricken swashbucklers, this “TANGIBLE Corporate Booty” is well documented, well known, and easily identifiable unlike “Ghost Trunks of Gold“ ambiguously annotated on a torn and tattered paper map of shabbily woven thread ~ Cash & Cash Equivalent Treasures of today which we know for an irrefutable FACT do indeed EXIST and simply need to be recovered by a team of capable investigators ~ Bank Records, Public Comment Admissions, Large Purchases of Real Estate, Equities, Wire Transfers, and or other Personal Property Possessions could be considered solid evidence in a court of law to support the fact that an individual and or business entity is indeed attempting to “Hide & Conceal” OUR National Assets in a fraudulent, un-patriotic manner ~
We have voluntarily progressed into the new millennium, an ultra-modern time sneaking up silently on a futuristic society in the year 2016, so WHY do we as a Collective American & Global Society of Earth-Bound Human Beings continue to allow and tolerate Greedy Free Market CAPITALISM Manipulators like Mitt Romney and other Wall Street Swindlers to “Duck & Dodge“ while “Hiding” OUR assets to avoid paying their Tax Obligations by simply Ex-Patriating & Shipping MILLIONs in Cash either physically or electronically to another Country like the Cayman Islands, while Hard Working & Retired Americans who are essentially SLAVES to a job are Forced to “Pick Up“ the TAB and unilaterally ABSORB the financial burden for these Filthy Rich Loafers by paying even higher taxes than would be necessary if the Millionaires & Billionaires repent of their Greed Driven SINs and simply pay their fair share which the law requires of them? ~ NOT interested in paying your legally bound share of taxes? That’s fine, just MOVE yourself and or your greed driven company to another country which is willing to accept your unlawful “Terms of Operation”, however, as a Condition Precedent, you must FORFIET the opportunity to sell your goods and or services to American Consumers ~ YOU are ABOLISHED & Banned from the United States of America ~
Regardless of a Bernie Sanders Presidential win, it’s now time to immediately begin the process of Recovering OUR Assets from Abroad and file EVASION Charges on guilty parties if justified, and then “Compile & Utilize” these much needed funds to finance “Community GOOD“ for ALL Americans and if warranted, distribute portions to Earthlings in Need as a “Global HELP Initiative” ~ We must establish a “National WEALTH Distribution Hub“ to evaluate and administer “Cash Allotments“ to be used to Strengthen & Expand Social Security & Medicare, Finance Long Term Nursing Home Care, Assist the Income Challenged, Assist our Veterans, and Finance Nationwide Infrastructure Projects before we enter a phase of irreversible “CRUMBLING” ~ If an individual and or business entity is allowed to continuously rape this great nation of her treasures un-abated with impunity, then have the audacity to SLAP us right in the face once again by trying to “Hide” these assets in “Secret Caves” located in dark spaces around the globe, then we are destined as a populace to wallow in a state of mere existence, wasting 50% of more of our invaluable time here on EARTH, and in some unfortunate instances, are relegated to intolerable poverty where we inevitably shall die before we even get a FAIR opportunity to live ~ A steady “JOB” or “Slave SLOT” was never the “American DREAM” regardless of attempted brainwashing by CONservative Republicans and FOX Loser Propaganda Channel ~
We must diminish the POWER of the life threatening, invasive “HRAC” by using U.S. and international LAW & ~ These Wall Street Criminals & Swindlers have no right to unilaterally pillage this Fragile Planet and as guardians loyal to a Terrestrial Land, “We the People” have a moral obligation to END this Unlawful “Wealth Accumulation & Stockpiling” being perpetrated right now by a few unscrupulous human and perhaps non-human beings primarily of the CONservative Republican Breed <>
We have voluntarily progressed into the new millennium, an ultra-modern time sneaking up silently on a futuristic society in the year 2016, so WHY do we as a Collective American & Global Society of Earth-Bound Human Beings continue to allow and tolerate Greedy Free Market CAPITALISM Manipulators like Mitt Romney and other Wall Street Swindlers to “Duck & Dodge“ while “Hiding” OUR assets to avoid paying their Tax Obligations by simply Ex-Patriating & Shipping MILLIONs in Cash either physically or electronically to another Country like the Cayman Islands, while Hard Working & Retired Americans who are essentially SLAVES to a job are Forced to “Pick Up“ the TAB and unilaterally ABSORB the financial burden for these Filthy Rich Loafers by paying even higher taxes than would be necessary if the Millionaires & Billionaires repent of their Greed Driven SINs and simply pay their fair share which the law requires of them? ~ NOT interested in paying your legally bound share of taxes? That’s fine, just MOVE yourself and or your greed driven company to another country which is willing to accept your unlawful “Terms of Operation”, however, as a Condition Precedent, you must FORFIET the opportunity to sell your goods and or services to American Consumers ~ YOU are ABOLISHED & Banned from the United States of America ~
Regardless of a Bernie Sanders Presidential win, it’s now time to immediately begin the process of Recovering OUR Assets from Abroad and file EVASION Charges on guilty parties if justified, and then “Compile & Utilize” these much needed funds to finance “Community GOOD“ for ALL Americans and if warranted, distribute portions to Earthlings in Need as a “Global HELP Initiative” ~ We must establish a “National WEALTH Distribution Hub“ to evaluate and administer “Cash Allotments“ to be used to Strengthen & Expand Social Security & Medicare, Finance Long Term Nursing Home Care, Assist the Income Challenged, Assist our Veterans, and Finance Nationwide Infrastructure Projects before we enter a phase of irreversible “CRUMBLING” ~ If an individual and or business entity is allowed to continuously rape this great nation of her treasures un-abated with impunity, then have the audacity to SLAP us right in the face once again by trying to “Hide” these assets in “Secret Caves” located in dark spaces around the globe, then we are destined as a populace to wallow in a state of mere existence, wasting 50% of more of our invaluable time here on EARTH, and in some unfortunate instances, are relegated to intolerable poverty where we inevitably shall die before we even get a FAIR opportunity to live ~ A steady “JOB” or “Slave SLOT” was never the “American DREAM” regardless of attempted brainwashing by CONservative Republicans and FOX Loser Propaganda Channel ~
We must diminish the POWER of the life threatening, invasive “HRAC” by using U.S. and international LAW & ~ These Wall Street Criminals & Swindlers have no right to unilaterally pillage this Fragile Planet and as guardians loyal to a Terrestrial Land, “We the People” have a moral obligation to END this Unlawful “Wealth Accumulation & Stockpiling” being perpetrated right now by a few unscrupulous human and perhaps non-human beings primarily of the CONservative Republican Breed <>
Monday, January 25, 2016
“Bits with a Universal BITE” - Installment 1 - “The RETARDATION of Alaska’s Sarah Palin”
“Human Intelligence Procured From Extra-Normal Interstellar Sources” ~ Sarah Palin perhaps NOT of Planet EARTH in January 2016, as she rambled "Robotically & Aimlessly" through a contrived, paper-written speech directed at Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump’s “Special Audience” of purported supporters in Iowa, proclaimed the following in paraphrase as she READ very slowly and perhaps inaccurately from a poorly prepared SCRIPT ~ “President Obama and his “Teleprompters” will soon be out of the White House” ~ The audience was nothing less than Perplexed as she "Stumbled & Fumbled" pathetically through the remainder of her retro-archaic nonsensical words ~ "The Retardation of Sarah Palin" <> <>
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