I understand this seemingly obscure theory has been toyed with in the past by Hollywood producers but in reality, what other rational explanation could there possibly be for the conservative party’s unwavering contempt of Earth in general and utter disdain for all of her spiritually endowed inhabitants? Fracking up Earth’s solid natural foundation for personal gain, oil rigging, encouraging the tainting of our food supply, elimination of federally funded regulating agencies that manage and attempt to mitigate the potential of poisoned or contaminated food and water, elimination of acceptable quality health care, elimination of student loans, support of offshore drilling or anywhere else money motivated multi-billion dollar corporations such as Exxon Mobil wishes to extract a layer of this planet’s natural insulation, willfully subverting our constitution by utilizing any and all illegal means to “Shut Down” or stonewall our government and her natural process, a government which by the way is paid for by our tax dollars, manipulating and/or circumventing legislative laws in an effort to sabotage the stellar credit rating of the United States of America, an America which has rightfully left the regressive republicans and their outhouses in the proverbial dust, and unfortunately for peaceful god worshiping people around the globe, this Religious Right Conservative “To Do List” goes on in perpetuity. All likely scenarios an alien force would unquestionably try to enact and implement if the intent was to destroy Earthbound inhabitants and our natural habitat then immediately terra-form it right back up to their particular engineering specs and standards.
As we rapidly progress forward with new discovery of scientific breakthroughs leading to enhanced knowledge, we continuously build upon an existing living archive of irrefutable facts and supporting circumstantial evidence which all experts and amateurs alike in the field agree, will eventually point toward concrete proof of intelligent, conversation worthy extra-terrestrial life elsewhere in our immensely congested universe. According to the experts, it’s just a matter of time before we establish contact via visual touch and feel, long distance radio wave, or telepathic mathematical correspondence. Is this sci-fi concept or belief truly a present day reality? Why not? How can we prove the republican party and her dim-witted, maliciously destructive anarchistic members are not a covert contingent sent here to Earth by a distant civilization light years away? Unfortunately, after intensive due diligence to peruse the “Conservative” history including archival records, I believe it would be far more difficult to prove without a shadow of a doubt they ARE NOT sinister foreign invaders from an alternate universe or far away star system. At least the preponderance of evidence, including the conservative party’s own congressional voting record and blatant actions, would indeed point toward the republican party as a hostile entity determined without reserve nor conscience, to render this robustly populated planet’s inhabitants helpless in their daily quest to simply survive. A clear, overt goal of this evil alien contingent seems to be a systematic degradation of the average American’s quality of life with an end game of annihilating the well deserved income stream of our senior citizens, dismantling the working class, the under privileged, the poor, and anyone else who has not been fortunate enough to have inherited a treasure trove of ill-gotten wealth in the same vane as Mitt Romney or any other silver spooned, out of touch exercise deficient "panzyish" rich man.
The perfect infiltration tactic for an alien contingent - Takeover the United States Congress - Where else would a small, stealthy undercover alien squad who was determined to “Shut Down” Earth and all her inhabitants begin this global coo and mass extermination but the hub of global power and domination, namely the United States Congress - Perform a simple exchange of physical molecular structure to avoid visual detection by family members, friends, or co-workers, then follow up with expedient uploading of brain configuration including stored memory and within mere seconds, the aliens are “in”, masquerading as your insane republican representative. A scheme to begin a sinister plan to strip our planet of its very core and fiber starting with what at one time was the biggest trustworthy powerhouse and model of civilized discourse and negotiations, the United States of America, and then moving on to other cultures. Hijacking then perfectly replicating our unique identity and inner essence to move freely within the bounds of society while stroking a tiny pen of destructive initiatives to slowly impede your ability to survive. A dangerously efficient plan.
Your inherent constitutional right to receive adequate, professionally administered health care is placed in constant jeopardy by the mal-intended conservative insurgency, your right to receive monetary benefits derived from earned social security credits is in the process of being eliminated if this alien contingent is successful. An entitlement which if interrupted, could conceivably degrade our economic structure to the point of no return or at the very least, would undoubtedly cause severe internal damage. And the list of targets grows with each passing celestial body. The estimates pertaining to the possibility of the existence of alien life forms are growing daily, soon the scientific community will up numbers of habitable zones from thousands in our galaxy alone, to millions or even billions of alien hosting planets. I know it sounds surreal or even slightly deranged and extremely difficult to comprehend, to ponder the thought of a malicious extra-terrestrial strain currently menacing our one and only human populated Earth, but just ten years ago, the majority of civilized nations could not conceive of self serving narcissists living here in America who would even consider the thought of rendering this great nation impotent simply because they demanded a massive shift of assets away from the working class and in favor of the wealthy, or the repealing of our constitutional right to levy taxes upon all citizens for the common good of the country, or simply because they demand ALL Americans must regress to the point of dismantling indoor plumbing and installing a pine lined outhouse, or at the very least, be compelled to endure a minimum of one episode per week of “Duck Dynasty” or "Larry the Cable Guy". After studying the preceding scenario I’ve come to the only logical conclusion I believe possible. Humor aside for a moment, there is indeed a destructive alien force commingled and assimilated within the communities of our nation’s borders and possibly even throughout the globe, however, despite claims to the contrary, this evil-spirited foreign contingent does not greet you with a smile while uttering the warm and friendly salutation “Holla”.
<> The United States and her progressive society has long since outgrown the Republican Party, Tea Party, and Stone Aged Regressive Religious Conservative Right - Time to "Shut Down" or at the very least, neutralize this malicious Alien Contingent by all legal means necessary including litigation and heavy ballot box participation <>
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