Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Democratic Party - Heaven Sent Angelic Protectors

Within the context of recently indexed and archived editions of “Paranormal Political Files”, we’ve briefly touched upon the realistic possibility that certain elements or rogue factions of the severely tattered, decisively discredited, and alarmingly delusional republican party could conceivably be malicious insurgent alien beings from another world or a leftover dysfunctional breed of humanoid stemming directly from an extra-terrestrial DNA experiment performed centuries ago - Although competing explanations of why a small group of republicans traditionally act as if our ripe planet and her flourishing inhabitants are burdensome to their particular way of life fall far short of a preponderance of evidence, I understand the sinister alien connection presented here for the first time ever is of course ample theoretical hypotheses to digest. But now, with that seasoned recipe inflamed on the front burner to be sauteed' in continuum at this venue, let’s switch intergalactic gears and begin an uplifting, inspirational exploration of those heroic Earthlings delivered to us by the guardian of good who are working tirelessly to protect all of mankind from this malevolent conservative contingent.

“The visible inclusions of this labor and senior citizen friendly creed called “Democrats” are noticeable yet over powered and offset by their persistent willingness to fight for those human constituents who are not of wealthy means - This irrefutably compassionate political party undeniably possesses potentially irreparable flaws which are understandable and accepted as inherent to the intelligent terrestrial life form found here on Earth, therefore forgiven by the vast majority of genuine, law abiding, patriotic Americans“ -

Fortunately, for the collective good of our imperfect yet highly evolved and adequately functional human species, an eclectic and diverse inter-planetary race known more commonly as “Progressive Liberals” is trying desperately to concoct an impenetrable defense to protect us against the alleged malicious conservative alien contingent, thereby enhancing the survivability factor for normal, deity or non-deity worshiping individuals living peacefully here on fertile Earth while suppressing the repugnant republican aggression. A Herculean covert nuisance abatement effort is evidently under way to neutralize and eventually defeat what a growing number of experts would unambiguously classify as a hostile republican alien insurgency, a clan which is unrelentingly attacking our populous from all conceivable angles as it emerges from the dark side. This righteous, powerful force providing the initial canopy of defense against our tea party controlled GOP menace is spearheaded by several of our high profile angelic saviors - This magnificently imposing posse of quilled-pen armed gladiators consists of several election certified human beings including multi-term, beloved California Representative and first “Wonder Woman” Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, lean mean hoop shootin’ machine from Chicago President Barrack Obama, and robotically reserved yet steadfast and firm Senator Harry Reid et al authenticated democrats. As time progresses, they will be replaced periodically by other angelic soles of equal tenacity and we as a unified country with the obvious exception of the not so great state of Texas, shall forever be grateful to this ink filled, saber wielding legislative ensemble and when this insane conservative offensive against the common good of mainstream America is finally quelled and permanently put down, we shall honor their strength and sacrifice in memoriam for future generations of legitimate Earthlings to admire, appreciate, and of course emulate.

Absent this rigorous “Push Back” against the relentless conservative sorties deployed daily via congressional stonewalling, filibustering, propaganda dissemination, disingenuous, self-serving, and misleading legislation, and innumerable other illegal means attempted by tea party beholden ingrates coupled with unscrupulous offensives initiated by extremely wealthy and greed driven deviants, assaults which constantly target innocent, hard working or retired humans domiciled here on this planet, the bulk of our land and fortunes would have undoubtedly been seized forcefully long ago by unilateral eminent domain. Treasure troves of America’s collective wealth aggressively stolen, not to mention the inevitable toll this would have taken on our health. Our valuable terrestrial-based assets to be confiscated and essential life sustaining resources diverted from the poor and middle class then subsequently used gratuitously for local, self anointed aristocracies or reserved for interplanetary delivery to a distant alien world and not necessarily distributed in kind for universal common good right here at home for those who desperately need it. Enter our god given saviors, our abaters, our defenders - Consisting of a small nucleolus of angelic entities who were evidently implanted within this tiny life yielding celestial body third from the sun to uncover the true identity of, and subsequently stave off the “Anunnaki Mistake” called the “Tea Party”, or more commonly referred to by the increasing number of historical investigators as “The Insurgent Republican Alien Contingent” or in brief “IRAC” -

“I realize this may be a difficult subject to digest for most readers and therefore appreciate for what it‘s truly worth at this point in time, even though we as a relatively young, religion rooted civilization have entered a near miraculous nano-byte era where scientific discoveries pertaining to our outer-space and beyond origins have accelerated at the virtual speed of light, but many more than a gaggle of geeky knowledgeable scholars coupled with energetic enthusiasts alike, believe that when the ancient Anunnaki departed Earth centuries ago subsequent to mining adequate quantities of gold to save their distant planet, they neglected to “fix” or de-program the exceptionally porous minds of those slave-like humans who were left behind in haste and miraculously flourished like an infectious plague only to spawn a fresh new batch of their kind” -

End result? The abandonment of a small, un-organized, un-regulated, quasi-barbaric group of experimental individuals who roamed the planet freely while handing down a malicious, confused, severely demented, and greed driven chain of ancestral lineage which had unfortunately survived into our sparkling new millennium - This dysfunctional, diminutive in numbers, degenerately regressivist clan is now called “The Republican Party” in modern times - “The sole quest for riches by this pre-programmed clan evidently resulted in an irreparable “Greed” or “Gold Fever” gene deeply embedded in perpetuity to be inherited forever without impunity” -

Understanding the turmoil and unsafe living conditions a dangerous faction like this would pose to the rest of the civilized world, the theory suggests a cosmic counter insurgency force consisting of “Angelic Protectors” was hand selected by our intangible savior subsequent to intensive surveillance here on Earth. Immediately thereafter, they were organized, meticulously trained, then expediently deployed with an overt mission to identify then efficiently repel this evil minded, terrorizing conservative menace. Nancy Pelosi, a heroic leader and organizer of our powerful angelic contingent has been a champion of the common worker and their resilient middle class families for decades. She has also worked tirelessly to help and assist the underprivileged, senior citizens, and impressionable children of the world. Although her employment stature is technically considered of lower ranking than president, she is without a doubt the unmovable solid rock of this righteous force. Imposing her compassionate motherly will upon the president and various members of congress to do the right thing regardless of the expected consequential “Republican Attack”. This admirable set of values will surely be the cornerstone of her stellar legacy when the last line to define her amazing career is penned.

President Obama, another guardian of good will is a former community organizer who chose early on in his blossoming vibrant career to teach his neighbors as they learned how to mobilize and subsequently make a societal difference ahead of immediately joining the workforce to begin enriching his own life. A values oriented super star who continuously exhibit’s the attributes of a true leader and consummate champion of the people. Lastly, Senator Harry Reid, a powerful man who is seemingly diminutive in physical presence yet a ferocious lion where and when it counts, specifically when defending average human beings, their property, and health. Together with a much larger force of lower profile, democratically affiliated angelic protectors who are diligently working without receipt of visible accolades nor notoriety, the aforementioned modernized “Neo-Gladiators of Good Will” forged a strong unity bond and now work tirelessly as one within political walls and beyond to stave off the relentless “IRAC” and bring the remaining balance of normal human beings which number in the tens of millions, peace, happiness, and the inherent constitutional right to simply live their lives here in America without being constantly terrorized or tormented by an insane republican led insurgency - Let us pray our Democratic Saviors succeed and do everything we possibly can to help, assist, and support them, for your fertile, habitable planet perfectly situated within this seeded solar system together with her indigenous race affectionately called “Mankind” depend on it <>

<> Custom Images Created by A.P. <>

Saturday, October 19, 2013

"Test" of a Hostile Republican Alien Insurgent

<> The Face of an Earthling? <>

In an effort to avert catastrophic consequences for our tumultuous yet extremely fertile planet Earth, I believe the time is now to publish the definitive manual on how to uncover the true identity of an associate, employer, neighbor, friend, acquaintance, or even blood relative. Included within this extensively researched, comprehensive manual, is the following fact finding and verification material. Is the individual in question a legitimate, bona fide member of the human species? A valid, gene-certified messenger of good will toward man? Or cretonous deviant from another world? It’s a psychological “Alien Test” to accurately identify and confirm a loving family member or elected public servant. Or, if the brief quiz is failed, expose him or her as an unwelcome alien intruder secretly embedded within the threads of terrestrial worldly fabric here on Earth presumably with the explicit intent to infiltrate our integrated tribes and ultimately cause severe, irreparable damage to our social habitat and systematically corrupt the adopted political structure.

<> Rep. Eric Cantor or Hostile Alien? <>
In previously published installments right here at “Paranormal Political Files“, we’ve already begun to explore the realistic possibility that a small hostile alien contingent lurks both underground and in plain sight among genuine human beings, and we as concerned patriotic Americans, are in the process of methodically investigating the growing body of scientific evidence which supports the distinct possibility this band of biological or robotic scouts have illegally acquired legitimate seats in congress through advanced mind and body DNA manipulation, the equivalent of a severe, involuntary compromise of our unique physiology. So now, to abate further damage, it’s time to endow all humans who are concerned about protecting our habitable planet with the tools necessary to unearth and prosecute this foreign born strain of malicious extra-terrestrial menaces. The following quick “values” guide, which is a critical component found within the multi-faceted manual, will ensure irrefutable accuracy when applying the “Test” to determine whether or not the subject under examination is indeed who he or she claims to be, a peaceful, productive, benign member of the human race, or if this questionable person is indeed a subversive, malignant, outer-space spawned impostor with violent combative tendencies aimed directly at mankind. To uncover the truth from a psychological standpoint, include and apply the following group of essential questions during your overall examination and evaluation to determine hidden, underlying values of the “Testee” - The following batch of eleven was extracted directly from a much larger pool of reliable tale telling queries - "Identify the aliens and understand the urgency of developing an effective defense" - Let’s begin.

1 <> Does the suspect ridicule the unfortunate economic situation of a person who is currently underprivileged or in a financially strained circumstance?

2 <> Does the suspect favor unobstructed, nationalized, and subsidized affordable health care for all Americans regardless of financial situation?

3 <> Does the suspect masquerade as a genuine Christian yet conveniently ignores vitally important segments and passages contained within bible parchment?

4 <> Most experts agree Labor Unions provide a “Buffer” or critically important layer of protection for the common worker against managers/owners that could otherwise arbitrarily issue unjustified orders or directives which could adversely affect employees. Does your suspect support Labor Unions?

5 <> Does your suspect understand the fact that the 2cnd Amendment to the United States Constitution DOES NOT give all Americans the right to own a firearm unless and until certain conditions are met?

6 <> Does your suspect have the uncontrollable tendency to lie or embellish to the point of ridiculousness or obscurity when asked meaningful, substantive questions?

7 <> Does your suspect understand that the actions of the “Real” tea party in the 1700’s were executed to affirm tax collection with the existence of representation from a congressperson or senator and not to abolish taxes as the irrational, mis-guided, and ill-advised tea party of the 2000’s advocates.

8 <> Does your suspect understand the concept of the “United” States of America?

9 <> Does your suspect understand this country would become insolvent and fail shortly thereafter if federal tax collection was abolished?

10 <> Does your suspect understand the fact that Representative Paul Ryan along with other cohorts such as Senator Rand Paul, Representative Eric Kantor, et al unscrupulous conservatives will indeed eliminate social security payments and medicare medical benefits for all our senior citizens if given the unchallenged chance?

11<> Does your suspect exhibit reckless, irresponsible, obliviously comatose, or even subversive tendencies toward honoring our collective debt obligations? Almost as if he/she does not even understand the importance of the fundamental concept of paying our bills on time without delay?


Suspect is a “Republican Alien Insurgent” - ANSWERS (Fail):

1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. No 6. Yes 7. No 8. No 9. No 10. No 11.Yes

<> Goofy, Out-of-Touch Rep. Paul Ryan or Subversive Alien Insurgent? <>

Concurrent with test results, the murky uncertainty subsides while a clear understanding of the suspect’s true underlying values emerges - The preceding eleven questions should provide you as Earthly inquisitive “Tester“, with enough valuable data from which to begin the “alien/human” evaluation process - If the suspect fails, you as a bona fide American citizen have the inherent right and obligation to challenge this individual and his/her malicious intent to the maximum extent of the law. As a deputized officer authorized by our constitution, always exercise caution when approached by the suspect and watch this alien intruder with the utmost vigilance to ensure you provide a protective layer of security while you observe from a safe distance, report your findings, and hopefully are successful in averting the execution of a sinister scheme perpetrated on fellow human beings by this foreign insurgent. The majority of rational citizens would agree, our founding fathers would be appalled while closely monitoring the conservative right, the obliviously absurd tea party, and their shocking anti-union attempts at sabotaging the very core of the United States of America and her people. Always remember, your country, your family, your life savings, your well being and safety, your health, and of course, our only habitable planet is at stake. All true Americans urge you to accept the responsibility of “caretaker” just like our brave ancestors did in the 1700’s while defeating massive foreign armies from across the Atlantic that invaded our land for purely capitalistic purposes, and proceed with the utmost care, professionalism, and steadfastness to impede progress of the unwelcome “Alien Contingent” and its ability to arbitrarily tamper with society while you strive mightily to preserve the integrity and survivability of our fragile human species. Work diligently to become more sensitive, tuned in, and aware of your personal surroundings, political legislative consequences, and financial situation, all of which are intertwined with your way of life and seek to understand how all are negatively affected by this non-human conservative insurgency, then act accordingly within the law, media, or internet channels to protect your family, fortune, home, and of course, mankind’s future.

<> What Really Lurks Behind John Boehner's Unattractive, Disturbing Public Persona? <>

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Is the Republican Party a Hostile Insurgent Alien Contingent?

I understand this seemingly obscure theory has been toyed with in the past by Hollywood producers but in reality, what other rational explanation could there possibly be for the conservative party’s unwavering contempt of Earth in general and utter disdain for all of her spiritually endowed inhabitants? Fracking up Earth’s solid natural foundation for personal gain, oil rigging, encouraging the tainting of our food supply, elimination of federally funded regulating agencies that manage and attempt to mitigate the potential of poisoned or contaminated food and water, elimination of acceptable quality health care, elimination of student loans, support of offshore drilling or anywhere else money motivated multi-billion dollar corporations such as Exxon Mobil wishes to extract a layer of this planet’s natural insulation, willfully subverting our constitution by utilizing any and all illegal means to “Shut Down” or stonewall our government and her natural process, a government which by the way is paid for by our tax dollars, manipulating and/or circumventing legislative laws in an effort to sabotage the stellar credit rating of the United States of America, an America which has rightfully left the regressive republicans and their outhouses in the proverbial dust, and unfortunately for peaceful god worshiping people around the globe, this Religious Right Conservative “To Do List” goes on in perpetuity. All likely scenarios an alien force would unquestionably try to enact and implement if the intent was to destroy Earthbound inhabitants and our natural habitat then immediately terra-form it right back up to their particular engineering specs and standards.

As we rapidly progress forward with new discovery of scientific breakthroughs leading to enhanced knowledge, we continuously build upon an existing living archive of irrefutable facts and supporting circumstantial evidence which all experts and amateurs alike in the field agree, will eventually point toward concrete proof of intelligent, conversation worthy extra-terrestrial life elsewhere in our immensely congested universe. According to the experts, it’s just a matter of time before we establish contact via visual touch and feel, long distance radio wave, or telepathic mathematical correspondence. Is this sci-fi concept or belief truly a present day reality? Why not? How can we prove the republican party and her dim-witted, maliciously destructive anarchistic members are not a covert contingent sent here to Earth by a distant civilization light years away? Unfortunately, after intensive due diligence to peruse the “Conservative” history including archival records, I believe it would be far more difficult to prove without a shadow of a doubt they ARE NOT sinister foreign invaders from an alternate universe or far away star system. At least the preponderance of evidence, including the conservative party’s own congressional voting record and blatant actions, would indeed point toward the republican party as a hostile entity determined without reserve nor conscience, to render this robustly populated planet’s inhabitants helpless in their daily quest to simply survive. A clear, overt goal of this evil alien contingent seems to be a systematic degradation of the average American’s quality of life with an end game of annihilating the well deserved income stream of our senior citizens, dismantling the working class, the under privileged, the poor, and anyone else who has not been fortunate enough to have inherited a treasure trove of ill-gotten wealth in the same vane as Mitt Romney or any other silver spooned, out of touch exercise deficient "panzyish" rich man.

The perfect infiltration tactic for an alien contingent - Takeover the United States Congress - Where else would a small, stealthy undercover alien squad who was determined to “Shut Down” Earth and all her inhabitants begin this global coo and mass extermination but the hub of global power and domination, namely the United States Congress - Perform a simple exchange of physical molecular structure to avoid visual detection by family members, friends, or co-workers, then follow up with expedient uploading of brain configuration including stored memory and within mere seconds, the aliens are “in”, masquerading as your insane republican representative. A scheme to begin a sinister plan to strip our planet of its very core and fiber starting with what at one time was the biggest trustworthy powerhouse and model of civilized discourse and negotiations, the United States of America, and then moving on to other cultures. Hijacking then perfectly replicating our unique identity and inner essence to move freely within the bounds of society while stroking a tiny pen of destructive initiatives to slowly impede your ability to survive. A dangerously efficient plan.

Your inherent constitutional right to receive adequate, professionally administered health care is placed in constant jeopardy by the mal-intended conservative insurgency, your right to receive monetary benefits derived from earned social security credits is in the process of being eliminated if this alien contingent is successful. An entitlement which if interrupted, could conceivably degrade our economic structure to the point of no return or at the very least, would undoubtedly cause severe internal damage. And the list of targets grows with each passing celestial body. The estimates pertaining to the possibility of the existence of alien life forms are growing daily, soon the scientific community will up numbers of habitable zones from thousands in our galaxy alone, to millions or even billions of alien hosting planets. I know it sounds surreal or even slightly deranged and extremely difficult to comprehend, to ponder the thought of a malicious extra-terrestrial strain currently menacing our one and only human populated Earth, but just ten years ago, the majority of civilized nations could not conceive of self serving narcissists living here in America who would even consider the thought of rendering this great nation impotent simply because they demanded a massive shift of assets away from the working class and in favor of the wealthy, or the repealing of our constitutional right to levy taxes upon all citizens for the common good of the country, or simply because they demand ALL Americans must regress to the point of dismantling indoor plumbing and installing a pine lined outhouse, or at the very least, be compelled to endure a minimum of one episode per week of “Duck Dynasty” or "Larry the Cable Guy". After studying the preceding scenario I’ve come to the only logical conclusion I believe possible. Humor aside for a moment, there is indeed a destructive alien force commingled and assimilated within the communities of our nation’s borders and possibly even throughout the globe, however, despite claims to the contrary, this evil-spirited foreign contingent does not greet you with a smile while uttering the warm and friendly salutation “Holla”.

<> The United States and her progressive society has long since outgrown the Republican Party, Tea Party, and Stone Aged Regressive Religious Conservative Right - Time to "Shut Down" or at the very least, neutralize this malicious Alien Contingent by all legal means necessary including litigation and heavy ballot box participation <>

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why Are Republican Controlled Banks Intentionally Cheating Depositors?

<> Is it illegal or considered an excessive abuse of fiduciary responsibilities exercised by banking CEO’s who willingly rake in record breaking profits while distributing record low interest or dividend payments to depositors? <>

A reasonable, impartial person would say absolutely, and as an individual who is fortunate enough to own a savings account with a local bank, I am furious - In case you’re a little too busy or pre-occupied with the minor, insignificant yet essential chores in life such as working hard, nurturing, teaching, and humanely schooling the children, or possibly even exercising caregiver duties for an elderly parent or relative, a generous task I’m sure Mitt Romney and Rush Limbaugh perform religiously as they journey from nursing home to nursing home with rectal thermometer and gold plated bed pan in hand, you’re probably not privileged enough to possess the discretionary time it takes to educate yourself in an effort to stay abreast of “In Your Face” high finance trickery that is actively occurring right now in the banking industry. Blatant trickery which results in a major detriment to the average American‘s financial situation. Your accounts are absolutely and unequivocally being pillaged, and siphoned profusely in indiscriminate fashion to the screeching tune of trillions while conservative leaning financial Wall Street Barons are joyfully lining gold plated commodes for maximum “Shine“ effect with the ill-gotten proceeds.

Unfortunately, cheating the unsuspecting or gullible public historically is an all too common scenario which is practiced with regularity. A routine scheme that targets the masses which CEO’s of said industry as a collective group, unapologetically welcome, encourage, and silently condone behind closed doors in their private round table meetings. The average American is learned in the fine art of filing or deburring a rough piece of metal to be fastened onto a bigger, useful product, but not necessarily experienced in the process of filing a juris prudence worthy law suit per se to protect their inherent rights. Time for you, the average American consumer to become enlightened, educated, and informed in regard to the aforementioned travesty of money manipulation perpetrated by Wall Street Swindlers. A chilling, devious, and inexcusable yet prosecutable injustice of the monetary persuasion for which if pursued through legal channels, could indeed result in a satisfactory conviction of the mass kind. Greedy Bankers and Wall Street Manipulators who use the United States and her massive wealth as an awaiting repository to farm their illegal “Scams & Schemes” could conceivably be escorted to prison where they truly belong.

With that said, if you are the proud owner of a traditional savings account, money market, checking, or CD, or even a non-FDIC insured annuity or quote unquote “Stable Fund Deposit” with an uninsured mutual fund company either domiciled as a stand alone or affixed within a 401K or IRA retirement plan, chances are extremely favorable that your hard earned cash is essentially snoozing idly by collecting nothing but a reddish brown rash on its green rear end from motionless inactivity for so long while the institution in which it is domiciled, is raking in the lions share of monetary benefits at your expense. So what else is new here in the greed driven mother of all capitalistic societies called the U.S. of A? We live in a great country so please don’t misunderstand my sentiment, however the financial and business industries have carved a crystal clear precedent of intentionally infiltrating and consciously exploiting this land with mal-intent to harvest personal profit and gain are severely under-regulated. Ponder this for a moment - Would you as lender ever knowingly front a perfect stranger money for say a home loan only to collect a mere .5% in return? Perhaps a tad too much risk for such an anemic inflation absorbing profit wouldn’t you say? Well, believe it or not, that’s exactly what you are doing inadvertently if indeed you are the proud owner of a savings, CD, or checking account with a primary address located at any given bank or financial institution anywhere in the U.S. - Even though your deposit is FDIC insured in most cases, the return you receive for acting as intermediary silent lender is still the equivalent of a slap in your grotesquely ignorant and generous face.

Time to get loud & noticed. Time to expose these greed driven anti-establishment bankers for what they truly are, the equivalent of modern day pirates, thieves, and yes, dare I speak the truth by insinuating a fitting moniker such as “Unscrupulous Monetary Rapists“. As if this is a new revelation? Once upon a time, skimpy profits or even major loses primarily due to shoddy management and not necessarily progress impeding economic headwinds as some execs would have you believe, might have been a legitimate and justifiable excuse in some cases for the subsequent distribution of such a puny interest rate payout to depositors. But those days are gone at least for the foreseeable future, with record profits racked up almost daily for several consecutive years by several banks and financial institutions, combined with a rock solid Real Estate Market, at least that’s the case here on the west coast, it’s time to immediately start paying out an appropriate, fair, and reasonable rate of interest return to all depositors regardless of financial stature instead of merely greasing the wheels of a select few inside partners, associates, and cohorts. Where is the outrage and follow through by working Americans? My belief is that enlightenment which can be found within the confines of brief insightful pieces such as these which are designed exclusively to educate the ignorant, will eventually empower and guide readers to the point of confronting their local bank representatives and demanding a fair payout for hard earned deposits verses the current kick in the teeth painfully received without even the slightest prick of novocain to mitigate the sickening ill-effects of a chronic case of MONETARY ANEMIA <>

<> Case File - In the early 2000’s most banks were netting a fraction of the profit they are today yet interest on savings paid to depositors averaged roughly .5 to 7% respectively verses a laughable .5% to 1% today - Why?

*Original Custom Images Created by A.P.*

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Relocating The Republican Party

Somalia maybe? As our nation congregates religiously around two primary and overwhelmingly dominant news outlets, namely MSNBC and FOX , we are voluntarily bombarded daily and nightly via portable tablet, tube, or LCD display with an unhealthy dose of political insight, or in many cases ill-conceived and shoddily thought out propaganda, the latter mainly streaming fluidly from the FOX corner. But regardless of your denomination, brain wave configuration, or affiliation, one thing is certain, it appears as if the vast majority of Republican politicians and Conservative leaning U.S. citizens are extremely dissatisfied with the American way of life, the laws by which we live, our constitutional inheritance, and common sense regulations which are drafted, implemented, and amended periodically to ensure we intake the safest drinking water, consume edible food, and benefit from all other incidentals.

So why stay here with citizenship papers in hand when apparently the United States has evolved, progressed, and advanced so far ahead, as it rightfully should as a nation, to the point of causing what is articulated as “Irreparable Misery” to those who carry and raise the severely tattered “Paul/Ryan/Limbaugh/Hannity/O’Reilly Flag of Unjustified Discontent”? Even though most Americans would categorize this “Misery” as a mere convenient excuse to filibuster, stonewall, and in some instances illegally obstruct what they perceive to be as legislation designed to facilitate “Evil Modernization” or a “Level Playing Field“ for the working class and senior citizen population.

So here’s the bottom line - If you’re not interested in driving to a local grocery store and prefer to go “Militant” by running into the jungle to shoot your own sustenance like a demented Ted Nugent and so many other Republicans who long for a “Little House on the Prairie“ redeux, even though dense treeline terrain might be sparse to non-existent there, Somalia just might be for you. When nature calls, if your heart is set on sitting in a slightly uncomfortable outhouse with ass in seat and a hand full of leaves at the ready like so many Republicans apparently long for, once again Somalia might be the perfect fit to accommodate these antiquated desires. Moreover, if you’re unabashedly eager to completely abolish all gun laws in favor of “Anything Goes” including bazooka or even tank ownership for all citizens regardless of organized military affiliation or lack thereof, why strive for this ridiculous “Regressivist” outcome here in a civilized country like the United States when Somalia will presumably welcome you and all your psychotic visions with open FIREarms right now?