Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Churches of Lalibela Ethiopia - Alien Assistance and De-Bunking the De-Bunkers

De-Bunking the De-Bunkers ~ As what I’d consider a relatively weak retort to the theory proposed by experts in the field who speculate that ancient space travelers could have possibly guided or helped the individuals who crafted the magnificent temples at Lalibela over 900 years ago, certain “Quote Un-Quote De-Bunkers” have suggested and presented the rather anemic explanation that the rock solid churches were built in stages, perhaps over a longer period of time than previously reported and documented by archeologists. Therefore, in their brilliant view and opinion, no alien intervention was necessary, merely a little more time was needed by Terrestrial-Based Antiquated Earthlings to painstakingly chisel, miraculously mold, and subsequently shape these magnificent spiritual monuments out of one gigantic monolithic hunk of stone ~ Sounds logical at first glance however, if you think it through, this theory is almost the equivalent of proclaiming that if we gave those persistent, muscle bound thickly bearded cavemen 10 years instead of 5 to build that fully computerized and functional fighter jet, they could have easily constructed it with time to spare ~ I’m not so sure ~

The other “Exhibit”, or circumstantial bit of evidence presented, which to them equates to definitive proof that borderline primitives and primitives alone carved these temples, is the fact that chisel marks are apparently visible and noticeable on the stone surface. The assertion and or implication is that “Chisel Marks Equal Terrestrial Workmanship From Beginning To End Of Construction” ~ Really? Is this truly the answer? Perhaps the chisel marks were hammered out after the fact in an attempt to conceal Alien Sponsorship ~ In my opinion this is a much more plausible explanation verses the seriously flawed theory that ancient bearded hominids performed millions upon millions of spark dispensing chisel strikes ~ Just because there may be chips or inclusions consistent with primitive tool usage, does not mean this was the only method applied to craft the solid rock into incredible shapes and forms ~ Hollowed out hallowed temples ~

Any individual who takes the necessary time as I have, to meticulously study ancient archeology records and pertinent documentation including the tribes that inhabit all remote or even non-remote regions of the globe, should instantly reach the logical conclusion that it is impossible for ancient clans, or even clans of 1000 years ago, to mold rock into multi-dimensional formations with the available tools of the time, if indeed scientists and historians are accurate with their claims of “Tools of the Trade”. Yes, you heard it correctly, I did indeed use the “I” word ~ Lalibela in Ethiopia is an absolute mystery to many, a curious puzzle perched upon a very complicated scale. These 11 stone temples are indeed a living testament that super-natural or paranormal forces were definitely at play, as they were at so many other locales throughout the continents and that’s a fact. This simplistic, ultra-dismissive response by the “De-Bunkers” reminds me of a statement made by another “DB” which actually made prime time air on a major cable television network ~ In response to the ever pending, critically important question ‘Who Really Built the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt?“ He stated the following with a relatively straight face ~ His Response? ~ And the following is in paraphrase ~ “There really is no mystery, our ancient terrestrial ancestors were perfectly capable of placing one block of stone atop another without physical or intellectual assistance from external visitors” ~

Well, I suppose this might be an acceptable resolution, however, were our ancestors fully capable of cutting and shaping solid rock into relatively precise squares with amazingly accurate dimensions using home made copper blades tied and secured to a wood handle with only twine or a leather strap? Where they fully capable of transporting these huge multi-ton blocks several miles from the quarry, where they were apparently removed without the use of explosives, all the way to the work site? Were they fully capable of performing this function at a sizzling pace of approximately one stone every 7 seconds, which is the estimated time it would require given the time span in which the experts emphatically state was roughly 20 years to complete? Furthermore, if they could indeed cut and transport the goliath stone blocks, were they fully capable of placing them with such precision that there would be negligible gaps if any on a morter-less frame? Were they fully capable of placing the stones as to precisely reflect chosen celestial alignment? I, personally don’t think so and truly believe this to be another impossible achievement without alien intervention ~ Maybe you feel differently ~

In conclusion, I believe there is ample evidence naturally preserved throughout Planet Earth which clearly supports ancient, and present day alien intervention, interaction, interference, influence, and unfortunately, malevolent hostile activity directed toward humanity ~ Some of my previous archived entries address the invasion and embedment of such diabolical aliens which have subsequently penetrated and infiltrated our halls of congress primarily on the right side, only to execute a cosmic agenda, and these dangerous entities must be confronted and the nuisance curtailed then abated by all legal means. But the star-travelers who had assisted our ancient ancestors centuries ago with the planning, blueprinting, and construction of monuments like Lalibela in Ethiopia, and the associated methods applied to achieve such incredible results, still remain a mystery for some, yet are crystal clear to the enlightened like myself ~ In my view, there is only one unanswered question as it relates to these magnificent Ethiopian artifacts ~ Which strain of space-alien contacted and helped our ancestors build them? They are indeed aesthetic wonders majestically protruding from the depths of stone, carved to near perfection, and certainly not of terrestrial human origin <>

<> For an in-depth perspective as it relates to the size, shape, scope, geographical location, intricate craftsmanship, and to get a greater understanding of the indigenous human life which surrounds Lalibela Ethiopia, please visit this short, un-biased You-Tube presentation - On the surface, honestly, do they appear to be a people capable of such dramatically precise stonework? And remember, in this short film, these are the humans of today ~ Now try to envision a civilization approximately 1,000 years ago <>