Saturday, December 12, 2015

Earthly FACT - Capitalism Created Working Class Slaves in the United States

The REALITY ~ If you work an average full time job of 40 hours per week in the United States, 70 to 80% of your Life is Wasted, and that’s an unfortunate FACT ~ Digging deeper we discover that even MORE precious, invaluable time is WASTED trying to survive as a human here on Planet Earth if you are an individual living in the United States who out of necessity, works in EXCESS of 40 hours per week ~ The math is irrefutable science as you deduct the number of hours you spend enslaved to a job, the number of hours the average Human Being needs for required rejuvenating sleep, and the amount of time in which the average person allocates for essential chores, meals, showers, personal hygiene etc ~ When you explore and analyze this basic data, the numbers revealed are nothing less than STAGGERING ~ Realizing how much precious time in your life that is wasted, not used to enrich your own living situation or pursuing personal pleasures, the things that truly make you happy and healthy is an eye opening ominous realization and can be a somewhat depressing discovery ~ When you live in a democracy, or some would describe as a reasonable facsimile thereof, it doesn’t need to be this way ~ Unfortunately, “Democracy” here in the United States has been twisted, manipulated, perverted, , then maniacally synthesized into something that more resembles a “Kingdom” of WEALTHY Slave Owners versus a “Fair & Equitable” Society ~

Go right ahead, I encourage you to do the math yourself, subtract then add it all up, and on average, in undeniable reality, the vast majority of time you spend here on Planet Earth is WASTED, gone forever unless you happen to possess or be the proud genetically enhanced owner/inventor of a fully functional “Time Machine” capable of “Matter Manipulation” ~

Is this the way it should be? Do we as invaluable flesh and blood Human Beings deserve more from our relatively insignificant in duration existence? Who said a 40 hour work week is mandatory? Why does our government allow this humanitarian injustice? Unfortunately, the answer to all of the preceding questions amounts to the fact that they are irrelevant if we continue to Embrace & Foster “Capitalism” as our primary economic structure ~ I support & honor my Federal Government which I believe as a whole, plays a Critically Important Role for the states, however, Capitalism, a perverted component thereof, does not care how hard you work, capitalism does not care about chronic illness or conditions caused by hard, tedious and or strenuous work, capitalism does not care that you cannot afford to eat healthier foods to nourish the body, nor does capitalism care about your WASTED Time here on Earth ~ The ONLY thing it cares about is “CORPORATE Greed & EARNINGS” Period, essentially, the absolute maximum amount of money that can be SQUEEZED from their Target Market which is of course us the consumer slave ~ If Corporate Entities and their associated select few executives are Grossly Enriched while you sit in an apartment Owned & Managed by an individual or corporation that has acquired the building as a source of Investment Income, this is really all that matters to the rich, greed driven, corrupt Wall Street Operators ~

Not only are we “Enslaved” in the United States, but we are Undervalued & Underpaid SLAVES, and that’s unacceptable ~ The HRAC consistently OBSTRUCTS legislation designed to enhance minimum wages for our workers, and that’s unacceptable as well ~ Essentially, we have inadvertently, unintentionally and involuntarily forfeited our freedoms and financial ability to live a decent, fulfilling life ~ We have NO CHOICE, we either become a Working Slave or try to survive on the streets, it’s that cut and dry, that simple ~ Congressional Republicans, who were placed in these positions by gullible and in some instances dim-witted voters who are brainwashed into thinking and acting AGAINST their Best Interests, have consistently obstructed, stonewalled, filibustered, and stopped any and all legislation which would enhance wages by periodic increases ~ Today, in the year 2015 kissing 2016, the Federal Minimum Wage is pathetic, insufficient for even the most modest of life styles, and the bottom line reveals the unfortunate fact that poverty is the inevitable outcome unless MULTIPLE jobs are worked or MORE individuals within the household obtain a job(s) ~ Not Pretty nor ACCEPTABLE in today’s advanced technological age ~ It’s time to REJECT the HRAC, REJECT Extreme Conservative Republican Politicians, Reject Wall Street Greed, Reject the Grueling Traditional 40 Work Week, and begin a compelled evolution toward “Wealth Sharing”, where ALL Human Beings are truly Created & Treated as EQUALS <>

Saturday, November 21, 2015

EARTHQUAKES In Oklahoma? Fracking Causes Planetary Destabilization

CONGRATULATIONS to Extreme, Radical Republicans, you have successfully managed to create the most seismically active Earthquake Region in the entire world and it’s not in Japan, Chile, Alaska, nor the West Coast of North America ~ It’s actually situated in an unlikely geographical location, Oklahoma USA! A place where in the past, prior to the this egregious game of “Pillaging for Profit” by Republican Controlled Oil & Gas Corporations, Terra-Firma had been just that, FIRM Earth, a very reliable real estate asset for the Midwestern Region which had experienced 1 to 2 relatively mild tremblers or tremors per year ~ But now, that proud record of relative geological soundness has changed forever and there is no permanent resolution, remedy, nor miraculous healing to be conjured, even given today‘s futuristic advanced technology ~ What’s done is done, and we as a collective global society of humans domiciled here in the United States or elsewhere, will never attain the ability to reverse this unconscionable act of “Destruction for Deliberate GREED” ~ Unless of course “Divine or Extra-Terrestrial Intervention” materializes to mend this apocalyptic outcome, acts of the “Supernatural” which quite conceivably could have occurred centuries ago ~ But let’s not count on that happening again ~

According to recent MSNBC Reports and a spokesperson for the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Oklahoma is now physically shaking constantly placing this region in a state of terminally uncertain peril to say the least ~ Given historical documentation, a logical scientific conclusion would lead us as rational individuals to believe this potentially catastrophic development is irrefutably a direct result of “Fracking”, a dangerous geological destabilizing process which involves the act of artificially “Drilling & Cracking” the Planet’s Solid Crust using heavy duty caterpillar type equipment and machinery in a deliberate attempt to release and capture natural gas which had been previously trapped between the natural rock layers ~ An antiquated “Dinosaur” of the Fossil Fuel Family which will inevitably become obsolete and extinct in the very near future ~ YES, greed driven republican controlled corporations are INTENTIONALLY & Recklessly Artificially Cracking our Planet to no end ~ Removing Natural Insulation called “Oil” from our only habitable planet was not enough to satisfy the insatiable hunger for monetary enrichment, natural gas is evidently the next target ~

According to this recently released data, the man made Destructive Earth Shaking occurs so frequently that a “Seismic Activity Report” is issued routinely which is included as a by-product of the daily weather report ~ Given this colossal development which will inevitably cause adverse consequences to the entire state, surrounding regions, and perhaps the entire world, Republicans have been ever so successful at creating an environment of Earth Crust Degradation to the point of causing a “Creep Effect” by which the Fracking Zones in Oklahoma and of course elsewhere across this nation, could inadvertently or unintentionally ‘Spread” and quite conceivably cause Earthquakes beyond the state borders ~ Earthquakes where a more firm “Non- Fracked” crust previously remained dormant and solid ~

A VALID Question ~ Is this the work of the HRAC? Is the “Hostile Republican Alien Contingent” responsible for this reckless activity? Is this a segment of the intergalactic strategy intended to control our planet from a vast distance? Is a Destabilized Earth somehow Beneficial to the Contingent, or is it just one more component within the arsenal to ultimately destroy all Humans and thereafter colonize our fertile celestial real estate? We NEED immediate Federal Government Intervention to issue a Restraining Order to STOP this insanely blatant degradation of the only habitable celestial body we are currently aware of ~ In addition, we must utilize inherent OUR VOTING Power to REMOVE Republicans from positions of Political and Societal Influence ~ Spread the word and let’s take OUR ONLY Habitable Planet back from the virtual brink of permanent, irreparable damage <>

Monday, October 26, 2015

Solving Unemployment, Reducing Poverty, Stimulating The Economy And Mitigating Loan Defaults

If we are ultimately successful in Calming or Definitively Curing Apocalyptic Climate Change & Pollution, this bluish gray, aquatically dominating Planet we have affectionately embraced and dedicated as Earth, can indeed be an incredibly compatible and relatively comfortable place to actually live and not just survive, if of course we as a collective community can manage to efficiently eradicate all internal and external threats which attempt to suppress positive, productive, and useful progress ~ Common sense dictates the fact that modernization, i.e. the Research & Development of New Technologies, Medical Treatments & Cures, and Creation of General Living Conveniences, is inevitable and provide life changing by-product ~ A constant “Shape-Shifting” for the betterment of life here on this tiny, arguably insignificant speck of cosmic dust floating without suspension within the pure darkness of an infinitely inexplicable universe ~

The United States of America more specifically, with all of her inherent planetary responsibilities, has the incredibly explosive potential to be a model civilization within this global environment, a robust crackling society in which the quality of life for all who live in this plentiful land is at maximum, sustained utopian splendor, immersed in a state of well being, soothing satisfaction, and emotional contentment in which ALL members of this fragile, relatively Short-Gevity organic species has earned and deserves ~ The Ultimate Entitlement ~

Here is a plausible, realistic proposal related to how the United States without converting to a different style of governance or implementing minor to moderate alterations, can easily address, tackle, then in time, wipe out four major economic issues which are severe detrimental suppressers to the populous, hence detrimental to our national fabric which in turn, negatively impacts our global society ~ It will be psychologically painful for those who have already maniacally stockpiled the lions share of OUR wealth using conventional and or non-conventional methods, yet in the long run, this new plan of “Financial Liberty for ALL” not just a tiny percentile of Fortunate Sons, should indeed benefit the entire community, even those who are of the Greed Driven variety ~ In brief, here is the Action Plan, to be expanded upon in future entries right here at PPF ~

The “Wealth Shift Revolution” has actually already begun, as passionately spearheaded by unwavering advocates such as Democratic Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, so we must continue to raise the hourly minimum wage to $15 to start with further enhancement indefinitely into the future, then in harmonious conjunction, reduce the intolerably strenuous, mentally exhausting, health eroding work week to an average of 2.5 days or 20 hours while the employee continues to be compensated for the full 40+ hour week ~ NO change in Compensation, Bonuses, Commissions, Tips, Gratuity, and or Benefits unless “Enhanced“ ~ This is an essential element within the action plan which would create an immediate demand for additional workers to cover the back half of the work week, while the tenured employees can finally begin to slowly piece together a semblance of an enjoyable life versus a mere EXISTENCE working an all consuming, enslaving job, or shackled to several part time positions, or any hectically humiliating combination thereof ~

Once we trigger this substantial, Earth Trembling, Revolutionary Change, all Americans who are currently un-employed and living without the essential security of a steady income, will almost instantly become employed, an immediate, complete and comprehensive remedy to solve the lingering, unpredictable unemployment problem while in addition, increasing the minimum wage for ALL Americans which will in turn, positively affect our economy by decreasing poverty, alleviating the volatile and sensitive component of loan defaults, and ease inadequate health care worries ~ In the beginning, as this action plan is rolled out, Federal Government Subsidies will be necessary to compensate and bridge the income gap for companies that do not generate sufficient revenues or net profits to participate in this plan without assistance ~ To accomplish this, a direct “United States of America Tax” will be applied to all Fortune 500 Wall Street Firms that qualify to participate ~

How else can these 4 critically important issues be resolved to the satisfaction of the majority? Unemployment must be resolved sooner or later until the inevitable conversion to Socialism occurs when our nations wealth must be re-directed, workers must begin to receive a higher base rate of compensation for work hours rendered, poverty already costs all humans untold treasure, and the loan default problem will be an indirect beneficiary of the primary action ~ Raising the minimum wage significantly, to $15 as a starting point, and reducing the work week to 2.5 days while still receiving full compensation and benefits is the prudent, intellectually sound, and most practical way to ensure the Human Race in America and other countries throughout the globe, can finally attain a reasonable social, financial, and humanitarian status here on our planet Earth <>

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Why on Earth Would YOU as a Human VOTE for a Capitalist Republican?

As I’ve clearly articulated in previous PPF entries, I believe republicans to be in-human, an observation based primarily upon decades of monitoring their actions, not just listening intently to their disingenuous words ~ I firmly believe they did not originate here on Planet Earth with the indigenous species ~ I believe the evidence is clear-cut and precise in support of extra-terrestrial visitation and ongoing colonization of this planet and the republican strain of “Imposter Human” is the offspring of this invasive, destructive foreign species ~ I believe the infiltration of our congress, corporate entities, and even the Presidency of the United States in the past, and perhaps the leadership positions in other countries around the globe, is happening right now and has been for centuries stretching back thousands of years ~ I believe our thermally scorching planet is slowly yet methodically being molded, deliberately terra-formed, and comfortably primed for a major offensive and inevitable occupation by said alien species ~ I believe certain CEO’s strategically placed within big oil and gas companies that perpetrate Earth Crust Destabilization Activities such as extracting the natural liquid insulation layer and or fracturing solid rock to “Frack” for natural gases, have been done so by this alien force in an effort to “Cover” or mask this covert global heating strategy by the application and dispersing of carbon toxins into the atmosphere, toxins which create a massive blanket to in effect, act as a barrier to trap the inescapable heat ~ This is their sinister master plan ~

Apparently, a thermally warmer or perhaps even demonstrably hotter climate and atmosphere is conducive to this alien force in order to achieve maximum advantage when breeding and for basic everyday generic survival ~ If I am correct with my assertions, and the evidence to corroborate alien visitation and takeover claims can be found virtually everywhere on the face of this planet, a natural hotbed of paranormal or extra-terrestrial activity would be in positions of great power, which would of course equate to senior ranks within big cap Wall Street Corporations ~ This bastion of greedy sub-human individuals located in a small segment of New York have attained unfettered control of just about everything in the world ~ Our election process right here in the United States of America has been perversely impacted by these entities to the point of being rendered as an invalid method of selecting local, state, and yes, even national representatives and leadership ~

The first logical step toward establishing a defense against this un-Earthly strain of sub-human is to accept the unacceptable, believe the unbelievable, imagine the unimaginable ~ The fact is, our planet has been encroached upon by an intrusive alien army, and we must fight back using the legal system and elections or we as resident homesteading humans, shall perish in an environmentally un-sound way ~ Oil was naturally manufactured by mother nature in strategic areas around Earth to act as an insulation, to help maintain a constant interior temperature to ensure global atmospheric stability ~ This ‘Liquid Savior” has been systematically and deliberately siphoned from Earth’s crust by those who have an agenda, to re-establish an alternative world climate, and of course to make an enormously grotesque monetary profit for use here on this planet ~ Both reasons spell inevitable doom for the human species if we remain idle and inactive within the political domain ~

One way to begin a “Push Back” effort on alien controlled republican politicians is to VOTE them out of office ~ render them incapacitated and impotent in their continued effort to use “Capitalism” and other economic tools to hoard our wealth, use it against us, and further an agenda which includes our demise as a fragile race ~ VOTE in every election, execute a ballot in favor of Progressive Democratic Values and expel conservative intrusion from our one and only habitable planet ~

Friday, September 4, 2015

Aliens From Another World Now Occupy Planet Earth - The Evidence / Proof PART 1

Despite attempted debate and or dissuasion to the contrary by mainstream archeologists, knowledgeable scientists, and politicians, human beings did not engineer nor did they construct the great pyramids of Egypt, nor did our ancestors meticulously carve the Churches of Lalibela out of solid stone using antiquated knives, hatchets, or chisels, nor did un-assisted or un-guided Earthlings build then perfectly erect the many spellbindingly symmetric obelisks which are strategically situated at various locations throughout the globe ~ Mere mortals living or should we realistically say “Simply Surviving” thousands of years ago in the evergreen jungles or shifting sands of vast parched deserts did not have the capability, capacity, disposable time, convenient resources, required technology, nor scientific intellect to even draft blueprints for these enormous construction projects, let alone actually secure the raw materials, some of which were not even available locally, and then proceed to lay proper level foundation and finally build these massive stone structures ~ A more plausible description of life 2,000 to 10,000 years ago would depict our evolving ancestors as still relegated to “Hunting & Gathering” status and “Turf Protection“ duty, not as technologically advanced “Da Vinci Style Creators”, unless of course they had help from another species originating from outer-space ~

Although they are certainly on the right track, I disagree vehemently with individuals who have produced television programs and documentaries pertaining to this subject and unlike their diluted, timidly unsure claims, my primary divergent sentiment revolves around solid conviction and not weak assertions riddled with question marks ~ After reviewing and studying the overwhelming available evidence, I’ve arrived swiftly at the logical conclusion with unwavering “Conviction” ~ “OUR HUMAN ANCESTORS DID NOT BUILD MANY OF THE ANCIENT STRUCTURES FOUND THROUGHOUT PLANET EARTH” ~ While Giorgio, Erich, et al Ancient Alien researchers / theorists, all of whom I have a great respect for, always seem to leave the door of “Doubt” wide open after unveiling what they claim to be mysterious, inexplicable phenomena, I do not share their instability especially when I study an iron clad case ~ There is no plausible nor logical Earthly explanation for the incredibly miraculous building methods employed, or perhaps not employed by our ancient ancestors ~ Our human brethren and sistren did not build titanic stone monuments such as the Egyptian Pyramids, and that’s a provable fact ~

Once we accept the concrete factual data that extra-terrestrial space travelers actually staked a claim here on planet Earth at least thousands if not millions of years ago, and there really is no possible way any reasonably sane person can dispute this fact considering the shear volume of proof found just about everywhere globally, then translating or extrapolating this factual information into a logical scenario that an alien force, such as HRAC, has already infiltrated our societal fabric, primarily in the United States Congress, is not as unbelievable or sensational as it may seem at first look ~ “Hostile Republican Alien Contingent”, the malevolent force living and apparently breathing amongst us all ~

I urge all doubters or staunch non-believers of the existence of ET’s here on Earth to conduct your own hands on field experiment ~ Try cutting a multi-ton limestone block out of a quarry located several miles away, carefully extract it, then, within minutes, transport the behemoth to the monstrous construction site precise for placement ~ Make sure all sides are perfectly flat and smooth as to fit snuggly without gaps next to and adjoining the already set stone ~ Now, pick the stone up and carefully place it ~ Perform this monumental task from start to finish in a few minutes as the projected time frame, not hours, days, or weeks ~ Repeat this ultra-strenuous exercise roughly 2.3 MILLION TIMES ~ I know, it’s inconceivable, you can’t do it, I can’t do it, ten healthy athletic ancient men couldn’t do it, and believe it or not, a large group of professionals today can’t do it using modern cutting edge technology ~ It’s impossible and that’s a fact ~ The same is true of other structures found throughout the world such as upright arrowhead obelisks, stupas, stone churches, Puma Punku etc ~

Another difference of opinion between myself and the “Ancient Alien” theorists pertains to the physical labor portion of building the massive pyramids ~ They believe human Egyptians actually built the structures with the “Assistance” of aliens, however the evidence reveals the fact that only extra-terrestrials using advanced precision tools and technology could have possibly achieved a project of this scale to completion ~ “Time” was not the key to success either, just because a civilization might have decades or even centuries to complete a project of this tremendous size and unimaginable magnitude, still doesn’t mean it’s achievable ~ “Time” alone does not compensate for lack of “Necessary Technology” ~ In addition, Kings have a short attention span and other issues to occupy their “Time” like making war or protecting the throne and searching for resources to survive ~ If “Quick” results were not achieved, more than likely the project would have been abandoned by a succeeding King or enemy tribe long before completion ~ Moreover, a king’s entire civilization would have had to have been commissioned as builders, architects, stone masons and cutters, engineers and all other peripheral talent, this would be impossible considering an army of thousands was needed merely to protect the city in question ~

“Miraculous Ancient Builders” no, “Ancient Warriors & Hunters” yes <> It is inconceivable and impossible for ancient humans to have built such complex structures using period technology or lack thereof ~ It just didn’t happen the way history books describe, or even the “Ancient Alien” theory, there was indeed a “Higher Presence” present <>


Friday, August 21, 2015

Conservative Republican Senators/Congressmen Scheming to Shut Down my Government? Prosecutions for Treason Time

Just like the insane conservative scheme of “Binkmanship” cost our beloved country dearly a few years ago in the manifestation of an unnecessary credit rating downgrade issued by influencial agencies, threatening the American public with another “Shutdown” of OUR government if they simply don’t get what they desire during traditional negotiations is nothing less than TREASON and should be addressed as such by prosecutors ~ I, like millions of Americans am quite happy and content to pay my taxes for services rendered and one of the inherent benefits of said tariff, is an OPEN for business, functioning Federal Government as our constitution grants, regardless of anyone’s opinion of effectiveness and or efficiency of said entity, both of which assessment adjectives are purely subjective exercises at best ~ So please don’t try to justify your treasonous protest on a mere superficial political argument, you are WRONG PERIOD and will be held liable for your antics and actions ~
Why do we as a collective, relatively unified taxpaying nation allow a small gang of anarchistic imposter republican congressmen, or HRAC who posses apparent underlying terroristic or human species eradicating tendencies, or dysfunctionally malevolent rebellious temperaments, STOP, Obstruct, or Temporarily Interrupt the most important entity in the civilized world? These deliberate attacks on my intellect, taxpayer dollars, sovereignty, and unimpeded capability to receive my benefits in exchange for monetary consideration rendered, assaults which are designed to intentionally hinder the delivery of services which includes everyday essentials to myself and fellow constituents, is unequivocally unacceptable criminal behavior and must end ~

If you are dissatisfied with our government to this degree, to the point of trying to instigate a “Closure of America” for the duration of a minute, an hour, or even a day or week, it might be time for you to suspend and expel the source of irritation and release your aggravation or unhinged anger by perhaps packing your lead weighted bags and moving on to what you might consider a more hospitable environment ~ Just migrate to another distant country that might actually embrace and tolerate this kind of illegal activity ~ Countries or quasi-countries like this do indeed exist all over the globe so it is well worth exploring your options ~ “Shop n’ Cop” a one way ticket and give it a go, any medical professional with tell you that corralled anger can lead to a myriad of physical and or psychological ailments so relocating to a better fit might be the ultimate solution for everyone involved ~ You can go as crazy as you wish in another country and I get an un-harassed non-closing Federal Government ~ FAIR DEAL FOR ALL ~

The legal definition of “Treason” in my opinion, would encompass such undermining, sabotage efforts we must endure as an irritating nuisance and non-productive intangible obstacle every time congressional budget talks and or negotiations commence ~ This brazen activity or “Brinkmanship” perpetrated by the same conservative political party is tremendously time consuming, dangerous to our nations’ impeccable financial status, adversely affects our leadership ability in the free world, and in plain English, it’s simply a national travesty ~ Believe it or not, there are still many more Americans who accept our Federal, State, and Local Governments as vitally important civil servers, a 250 year old intertwined network built upon a solid constitutional foundation from which essential services and timely information are prepared, launched, and delivered to “We the People” ~

So, in brief recap, if you are seriously interested in driving across country in a serpentine or zig zag pattern a few times per week to retrieve your mail, or have the invaluable disposable time and income to inspect your food and beverage personally at the source prior to consumption, or can devise a fail-proof plan to secure enough time off from your “Slave Slot” to purchase fatigues, train yourself, then plop your couch loving, Fox -Snooze worshiping ass on a plane headed for Jeb Bush’s Neo-Iraq War with explicit intent to replace our army and then engage the enemy with fervor, then by all means, support a Federal Government “Shut Down” and enjoy the robust fireworks show ~ But if the preceding does not tend to motivate nor thrill you, nor ignite a deeply burning desire within to WASTE TIME, RESOURCES, ENERGY, & SECURE A POSSIBLE PRISON TERM, please don’t interrupt my peace of mind with another criminally nonsensical, abrasively dumb assault on my taxpayer assets ~ LEAVE MY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ALONE ~

Here’s a brilliant idea, instead of protesting your vehement contempt for America & Her Values with a militant style illegal foray into “Shut-Down-Land“, why not consider a nice long hunting trip as substitute? At least if you abruptly veer off into the African Safari route in a desperate attempt to release your pent up frustrations or confirm your waning masculinity, you’d have the fabulously charming, old washed up never had been boney assed Ted Nugent as a companion hunting pal ~ How much better can that get? Stalking a regally beautiful, endangered giant animal together with an undisputed self proclaimed master imbecile as a quasi-comatose partner will not only satisfy your hatred and disdain within, but will also help you to avoid being prosecuted for treason <> But then again, be on the look out for poacher-poachers who thrive to snag an easy buck from burnt out “No Hit” stooges like Mr. Nugent ~ Also, Ted seems to be intoxicated 24/7 so make sure his back is to your front at all times ~ SAVE AMERICA’S CREDIT RATING, GO HUNTING WITH AN IDIOT <>

Thursday, August 13, 2015

As Human Jobs are Replaced by Robots, Computers, and Electronics, Working will become Obsolete

The future is here, this is reality ~ Ordinary, old-school 9 to 5 wage producing jobs, or should we say “Slave Slots” are vanishing at an alarming rate without prior notice, not to be replaced for eternity ~ When you walk into any big box supermarket chain the evidence is crystal clear after glancing at the “Self CheckOut” line where you, the consumer are now in total control of your grocery purchase experience ~ You are buyer and store clerk as you manically scan embedded bar codes through the LED electronic reader and then immediately pay for your goods via plastic chip encoded credit card or cold cash ~ Gas station attendants have long since disappeared, only a sole individual designated within the mini-mart compound is dedicated to receive payment and observe for service oriented problems or delays, this lone watcher dollar collector and change maker will soon vanish as well ~ “Drive Through” and ATM banking has allowed bottom line conscious financial institution owners and shareholders to ecstatically chop approximately 50 % of staff thereby “Banking“ more profit to be used for Maserati purchase, and the “Back in the Day” “Full Service” cheaply suited stockbroker is now also obsolete, replaced by “Self Serve & Manage” discount accounts, where you as analyst can choose your own destiny by activating the market maker of desire ~

How many human jobs have already been eliminated or simply replaced by electronic devices? Millions would be a good speculation ~ How long will it take for all traditional non-ownership or management “Human Jobs” to become obsolete? Not long at all, considering each and every day new discoveries in advanced, futuristic technology are devised, banked, and then implemented thereafter by large corporations with smaller companies not far behind ~ In the very near future when there are no jobs to be found on Earth except for “Observers“, how will humans be paid money or be monetarily compensated, a necessity of life to purchase shelter, food, and other essentials? ~ The answer is crystal clear ~ Despite self induced anguish by conservative hoards who are beholden to Wall Street, the United States, which is us, will have no choice but to either execute a mass population reduction or transplant to another celestial body, or, swiftly convert “Capitalism” into “Socialism” ~ This will indeed occur in the very near future ~ There are no other alternatives to ensure survival of the human race ~ So let’s get on with Terra-Forming our neighbor rocks in close orbit ASAP ~

If we as a fragile species are unsuccessful, or untimely with the terra-form idea, socialism is an inevitable change which once completed, will prove to be a valid, welcomed transition considering all Americans will have acquired enough wealth to live a comfortable, high quality of life existence, just like CEO’s and other so called “Job Creators” who in reality, simply create and shuffle “Slave Slots” for a living ~ Literally, each passing day, another job is eliminated from the human labor pool and either discontinued permanently, or re-designed to facilitate a robot, or machine, or other advanced electronic device ~ The traditional job pool is systematically and deliberately shrinking with replacement positions that are non-existent ~ This is fact not fiction, reality not illusion ~ We are here now, in the midst of an unintentional mass conversion from Capitalism into a more Fair & Just system of social equality, where control by a fortunate few is replaced by level harmony ~

So what will happen to humans who previously worked for a living, or should I say slaved for mere survival? How can we replace an undervalued paycheck which was more than earned for services rendered? The answer is crystal clear, we must begin the fair and equitable re-distribution of our global assets, which includes gold, other precious metals, and of course real and personal property ~

Is this considered a brand of Socialism? ~ Yes, a community sharing program which shifts control of our assets out of the hands of the extremely wealthy and few, and into the awaiting arms of “We the People” of the United States of America, where it belongs ~ It’s the only avenue to pursue which will ensure we survive as a human species, if this is what we actually desire, despite the reluctance of the “Wall Street Corporate Greed” strain of Earthling which would probably adjust swiftly and smoothly into a neo-world consisting of one thousand, not 7 billion if given the opportunity ~

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly - Democrats Between The Sheets or HRAC?

Unquestionably, no more circumstantial or direct evidence required to prove this allegation ~ At first glance and second extensive stare and study, an Earthling of relatively sound mind like you or I could easily come to the mundanely logical conclusion that all four uncomfortably conservative individuals listed in the title could conceivably be covert members of the HRAC (Hostile Republican Alien Contingent) ~ An extra-terrestrial clan which had arrived decades ago carrying explicit orders and intent to sabotage, dismantle, and methodically destroy the extremely fragile human fabric ~ An advanced interstellar race of super-natural beings executing an agenda which includes the final eradication of homo-sapien, leaving an empty, infertile planet of none ~

However, with this premise under serious consideration and well worthy of further intensive investigation, we cannot rule out a more sinister master plan, a plan devised by “Politically Progressive Operatives” designed to undermine and upset the nearly obsolete conservative party, an archaic clan of greed driven anarchists, uncompassionate, and dangerously malevolent alien intruders ~ A rather diabolically ingenious concept which evolves around the willful and deliberate implantation of high profile, rabidly loyal “Conservative” imposters into the news media spotlight with the sole purpose of deception ~ The goal is to annoy, insult, and viciously attack certain critically important and expanding voting bases such as Latinos which represent the fastest growing segment of our society, African Americans, and other demographic groups which always turn out in unbeatable force at primary elections ~

Is this a brilliantly devious plan by Democrats to mitigate conservative votes, or scheme conceived by subversive HRAC operatives from a non-terrestrial, distant celestial body? Whichever plausible explanation you subscribe to, the result would be the same, “HIGH VOTER TURNOFF IMPACT” ~ Case in focus ~ Right now, we are realizing and involuntarily enduring the lingering detrimental results of Donald Trumps blatantly boisterous monologue, complete with credible and believable threats of flipping stripes from conservative to independent if disrespected or annoyed by fellow Cons ~ A calculated move which would bring total annihilation to the remaining skeleton of mainstream conservatism ~ Even if Trump gleefully settles in as a GOP candidate long term, the inevitable election losses to the ever-prevailing common sense “Progressive Values” will be no less than profound in the coming years ~

Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and most notably the whiney, factually impotent Bill O’Reilly, all have made a disingenuous living in the past couple of decades via different media outlets ~ They have maniacally espoused incendiary, inflammatory, and outrageously false political claims which has become a desperate common place practice, absurdity so abundant that their actions have severely and irreparably damaged the already crumbling foundation of what they claim as their own republican party ~ Self inflicted wounds or “Democratic Plants”? ~ While we do have aliens living among us right now, I’m convinced it’s the latter ~

The always uptight, profoundly racist Ann Coulter, the “boney bleached blond olive oil” of the former GOP Clan, has done the same via spotlight segments televised on popular psycho, corporate puppet propaganda outlets such as fox-snooze and various published books ~ Where her presumably genuine fear of African Americans and disdain for Latinos and just about every other nationality originates from is anyone’s guess unless you’re a long term observer as I‘ve been over the years, I surmise it is absolutely money driven greed, anything to get attention and try to sell a book or two ~ Fortunately, the American public is catching on to her con-job and immediately discard her antics for what they truly are ~ Book huckster, democratic plant, or HRAC operative? Once again I believe it’s “Book Huckster/Democratic Plant”, we’ll investigate further and try to have a definitive answer nestled within future entries right here at “PPF” ~

And then there’s Rush Limbaugh, the king of pharmaceutically enhanced penis awakeners, whether or not they actually work on his chubby, overweight, aged conservative anatomy is anyone’s guess ~ A radio loud mouth who always offends Latinos, African Americans, Asians, and every other minority, but never concedes inaccuracies, erroneous information, or factually impotent rhetoric ~ He’s been broadcasting BS by the ship loads for decades, and has either intentionally or inadvertently done more to get Democrats elected to high office than the DNC could ever imagine possible ~

The evidence is crystal clear, and either accusation could indeed prove to be accurate ~ Are they Democratic Pawns, or Alien Intruders executing the Hostile Republican Alien Contingent’s covert agenda which includes the total destruction of Planet Earth? Stay tuned and refer to previously published entries for the proposed answers if you dare to uncover the truth ~ “Your only habitable planet Earth is at stake, get informed, get involved, and stay connected with the facts right here” <>

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Astonishingly George W is NOT the Dumbest Bush to be Plucked from a Texas Nursery - Enter Jeb

Believe it or not, I’m virtually speechless for perhaps the first time in my illustriously gratifying life as I think to myself what a family of totally inept, dishonest, filthy rich imbeciles the Bushs‘ are ~ And yes, I understand my words are wrapped in exceedingly crude sentiment, but sane, lucidly clear individuals should fear not, if turbulently destructive Donald Trump doesn’t end up frying and eating his petroleum soaked testicles as a tasty Pre-Real Estate Acquisition “Power Lunch”, Jeb Bush might still become the nominee, if of course from this point forward he runs the remainder of his lack-luster campaign as a mute ~ Opening his mouth in utterance regardless of subject matter appears to be just as detrimental to his presidential aspirations as his brother George W’s bouts with elusive sobriety as he would involuntarily roll off white house sofas only to fall freely and clonk his fragile alcohol drenched head on the wooden living room table while awaking from a quasi-comatose stuper ~

Although I and presumably many others had already surmised Jeb wasn’t too swift on the intellect scale prior to his engagement activities on the republican political BS trail, his idiotic, inconsistently disingenuous behavior which is clearly present and surprisingly abundant in massive quantities, is still quite a shocking revelation to some who actually listen to his babbling rhetoric, especially when you consider the unfortunate fact that this numbskull from Texas is seeking the Presidency of the United States ~ His father George Sr. presided over one of the worst tenures in history, a one term disaster who unilaterally caused pain and suffering to thousands of Americans, and his very “Special” big brother George W will undoubtedly be inducted into the political archives as thee worst oval office imposter of all time ~ What a waste of invaluable resources, not to mention his uncanny knack for stripping the words “Hope & Dignity” from the dictionaries of all working Americans, Senior Citizens, Students, and of course Minorities ~

Unfortunately though, the insubmersibly apparent facts certainly will not preclude Jeb from possibly becoming the next CEO of the USA, and that’s an extremely sad constitutional shame ~ IQ or lack thereof to my knowledge, is not a condition precedent to be tested or met for a presidential candidate, just prove you possess a quasi-functional mind, meet a certain age threshold, hold citizenship papers, find a few greedy billionaires and in return promise them more wealth and riches, and there you go, you’re pretty much in ~ Time to AMEND the U.S. CONSTITUTION NOW ~ Jeb’s brother George W in swift, uncompassionate, boneheaded order, virtually destroyed this nation of ours by bankrupting our cash reserves in the form of an unsolicited “Grand Gift” delivered to the extremely wealthy, filthy rich deviants who always hoard our assets when the opportune time presents itself ~ This embarrassment is also infamously credited with starting the “Great Un-Winable War” with Iraq in the ever volatile Middle East ~ This guy was and is extremely dangerous to our well being, and certainly a HRAC ( Hostile Republican Alien Contingent) suspect ~ his little impotent brother Jeb has the potential to preside over a demonstrably worse presidency if given the chance ~ How anyone could even consider voting for this filthy rich, incompetent fool is beyond comprehensible ~

So with this inept Bush heritage and history firmly attached to his record, why would anyone of sound mind living in the United States of America even consider an idiot like Jeb Bush for president? Corporations are pushing for him because they understand the odds would be in their favor to receive another round of enormous monetary gifts from him, more of our wealth delivered to the filthy rich which includes CEO’s filled with contempt for our poor, income challenged, and precious senior citizens ~ Having a brain or above average intelligence was never a prerequisite for the corrupt “Wall Street” corporate vote, an ordinary stooge like George W or sibling Jeb, who will inevitably deliver the goods to the wealthy at the expense of all other Americans is all they really desire and need ~ God Bless our Constitution <>

Friday, July 17, 2015

2.75 BILLION in Past Year Issued to Top 100 Athletes - Why?

When I read this highly offensive headline it triggered a lightening bolt sized shiver up and then back down my frigid spine, dividing the nose bleed numbers to determine individual allotments was immaterial ~ Then, I thought to myself, unless one of these very special individuals is the second coming of Leonardo DaVinci or Christ our Sacred Savior, a salary and or bonus based income of this gargantuan magnitude would be considered obscene, insane, and certainly not warranted nor earned by any measure ~ Nobody on this good Earth that I can think of, whether he/she be athlete, scientist, doctor, lawyer or anyone else, neither deserves nor even comes close to genuinely earning this grotesquely absurd kind of money ~ The payment of this astronomically outrageous figure if accurate as reported by Forbes, is utterly ridiculous and should be rescinded immediately and discontinued into the future ~ Contracts must be rendered void and re-negotiated ASAP, for humanity sake ~

Billons issued to mere athletes who play games for our amusement yet the majority of God’s population living Brazil, or Argentina, or even the United States of America struggle mightily to survive while enduring a turbulent, painful life in which some can’t even find the strength to make it past infancy, adolescence, or young adulthood ~ Rarely is an older age enjoyed by the majority in poverty stricken nations ~ Insane ~ “Salary Caps” must be mandatory actions taken now to end this insulting and injurious wealth accumulation and hoarding which is a sharp slap in the proverbial face to all humanity ~

Who amongst us can possibly look at this intentional distribution imbalance of assets and say, yes, I believe this immensely lop-sided, un-earned compensation should continue into perpetuity, while the rest of the globe suffers? ~ Appalling ~ In reality, athletes merely play games, that’s it period, they don’t brainstorm with incredibly super-human intellect to solve sustenance shortfalls that still exist all across the globe, or intensively study asteroid belts floating aimlessly in the heavens to uncover which massive extra-terrestrial celestial body has the potential to swiftly alter trajectory and slam unapologetically into Earth, nor do they even gaze into a microscope to unveil a dangerous biological invader ~ No, athletes do not perform critically important job duties, they merely score goals, throw a ball, or shoot hoops while lining their deep pockets with cold hard cash in between innings or at half time ~

Once I read the headline, I couldn’t even proceed to read the first sentence of the article because it disturbed and disgusted me to the point of feeling physically ill ~ Who got what slice of this pie to me is irrelevant, all I needed to know was the unfortunate overt fact that a greed driven, massive wealth transfer had occurred, an enormous pile of money given to a relatively microscopic group on Earthlings ~ An exchange of sporting services for cold hard cash ~ I’m at the defining point where I refuse to watch most sports and athletic competition regardless of form, especially here in the United States where greed is the primary motivating factor even within the gaming arena ~ I’m still however attracted to the world cup, a global event spectacular which in my opinion has many redeeming qualities even though the players always collect a generous pocket full of cash for their soccer ball manipulation efforts ~

We have unfortunately become desensitized or acclimated to the incredibly grotesque wealth transfer and imbalance that occurs daily within the world of athletics ~ Are they taller, faster, stronger, more agile than the average human or alien living amongst us? Probably so ~ Does this justify astronomically divergent compensation verses the average homo-sapien? Absolutely not ~

Always remember, when this magnitude of our wealth becomes concentrated within the greedy hands of so few on the planet, regardless of philanthropic intent or promises of good will, the social ramifications and or consequences are inevitable and often are profoundly detrimental <>

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Tide is Swiftly Turning in Favor of the Human Race, Against the Hostile Republican Alien Contingent

Exhaustion? Unknown Earthly Biological Interference? Back Channel Push Back? Boredom with the Intergalactic Video Game? Whatever the reason, we as a united global force appear to be slowly defeating the “Hostile Republican Alien Contingent, rendering it impotent, ineffective, and seemingly vulnerable in its covert attempts to suppress essential Healthcare for all Americans and quash equality of human rights for those of the species who choose to embrace, comfort, and intertwine with another of the same gender ~

“Gay Rights” ~ To those of us living on this planet who are lucid, quasi-rational, and crystal clear of mind, it merely seems like “Inherent Instinctual Choice” which should have been legally enforced by legislation amid rights granted long ago ~ But unfortunately, for those human beings trying to engage society and gain acceptance while practicing a non-mainstream lifestyle, a firestorm of unjust scrutiny, embarrassing public ridicule, and steadfast resistance was immediately launched centuries ago and practiced systematically by the undeterred, deliberately determined “Hostile Republican Alien Contingent” ~ We pray the HRAC’s unrelenting effort to coerce conformity to religious beliefs and scripture will swiftly abate leaving a fresh path toward peace and happiness for those who have freely chosen and entered into an alternate lifestyle ~ A human, any human, now has the legal, inherent right from birth to love another human til‘ death, regardless of gender, race, creed, or denomination ~ “Freedom to Love without Discrimination has Finally Prevailed” ~

“Obamacare“, a law formerly known as the “Affordable Care Act” which provides “Human Care“ at reasonable premiums, a concept which is related to another inherent human right referenced in the U.S. Constitution, is now officially the new blueprint to be followed, implemented, and improved upon by our un-tainted, truly compassionate legislators as the months progress ~ This legislative plan which begins to address comprehensive health care coverage for all Americans regardless of wealth, stature, current physical or mental condition, or any other discriminating factor, and will ultimately expand and shape shift into “Universal Single Payer Medicare” sometime in the future, is the beginning of the inherent universal “Right to Health” for all Earthly citizens residing in the United States ~ To broadly expand and fund benefits in the future to include all encompassing Veterans Assistance and Unlimited Nursing Home Expense Coverage For ALL, I eagerly propose a “United States of America Appreciation Tax” levied upon all American based corporations with a pre-determined market cap and revenue stream as qualifiers ~ If a company is solvent, in sound financial condition, domiciled here in this country, and earning BILLIONS, it’s time to divert from executives, who arguably don’t earn millions in salary and bonuses, and spread this excessively exorbitant income to those who actually made it possible for them to take advantage of acquiring these massive fortunes ~ Let’s be generous by sharing the wealth with the Americans who actually welded the iron, fabricated the sheet metal, planed the wooden panel, and harvested the wheat ~

“Minimum Wage Increases” ~ State and municipal governments situated primarily in politically and socially fluid progressive democratic regions, are now pushing hard to finally begin a long over due bridging the income equality gap by implementing legislative measures ~ While it seems like an impossible task going forward, at least the first critical steps are beginning to materialize in human rights tolerant, “Ahead of the Curve”, great states like California, whereas of this printing, the council of Los Angeles had unanimously accepted and ratified into law ~ At $15.00 per hour as the floor, it’s certainly far from where we need to be but still a positive first step good faith gesture in the right direction ~ Other municipalities around the nation have been inspired by the “City of Angels” and are implementing their own laws to bump up wages and incomes of every day workers, we accept it even if this upward adjustment is still well below where we ultimately need to be ~

With this historical, progressive change comes a fervent longing for a completed project ~ The majority of Americans appreciate the current, monumental advancements in HealthcareHRAC will not be easy, a Herculean effort will be necessary but the good news is that I am seeing signs which indicate we are slowly eroding their defenses ~ This is what we’ve been fighting for <>

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Hostile Republican Alien Contingent Forces Consumers to Absorb a Company’s Operating Costs

If the company you own is so sensitive as to become negatively impacted as a result of major or even minor fluctuations in the price of commodities, enactment of new laws which dictate minimum wage advancements, or the implementation of long over due company obligated healthcare responsibilities, why did you open the store to begin with?

The fragility of a corporate structure or company business plan or cosmic political corruption should not be an excuse, nor legal grounds to suppress the passing of new laws which begin the retribution process by re-distributing assets to American workers, retired senior citizens, and income challenged individuals. Assets which are now tightly held by a small percentage of corrupt, greed driven individuals and or entities within the “Underground American Treasure Chest ~ General incompetence, inadequate, or negligent planning to cushion a financial blow due to “Change” or “Inflationary Accelerations” is absolutely no excuse ~ If you cannot adjust to reflect inevitable global evolution, revolution or alien interference, your planning was obviously inept to begin with and your ailing enterprise is the victim of your own mal-judgment or greed driven tendencies ~

If inept corporate executives cannot manage publicly distributed pre-announcements which always influence and drive investor expectations, or refuse to re-design a new path forward which includes a more moderate lifestyle for their personal lives, and adjust accordingly without a major eruption in egotistical bedlam, they need to pack up trade fixtures, inventory, favorable tax leniency and exit the United States of America immediately ~ Who said the unwritten law of corporate asset management should be “Pass the added expense of doing business on to the consumer”? ~ When did this originate and why is this happening? Why can’t the company shoulder the burden of absorbing the additional cost while consumers get a much needed break? Where are the laws that demand, compel, and force a company to absorb the bulk of expenses while extending “Good Faith Savings” to American purchasers? If “Good Faith” toward consumers is not a voluntary option and coercing shareholder participation remains a priority at all cost, then congress must force a change in sentiment ~ Time for more stringent regulations to protect America ~

Why is Wall Street Evil you ask? This is one prime example of exactly why we no longer live in a great country, unfortunately, it’s not even close at this point in time ~ I hope all my readers understand exactly how Wall Street operates, if not, here’s a brief break down synopsis in the fundamental operation of corporate America ~ “Earnings Drive Share Price” “Earnings Drive Share Purchase” Share Price Increases Enriches Shareholders & Corporate Execs” ~ It’s pretty straight forward despite the smoke screens launched by Wall Street Operators ~

If projected earnings are leaked or reported to the public as being lower, even slightly lower than expected, say a penny or two, the stock price of said company could plunge dramatically causing a significant decrease in shareholder value and overall corporate worth ~ Therefore, absorbing additional expected or unforeseen costs of doing business is a philosophy which cannot and will not unilaterally be applied in normal business practice, it will inevitably cut into the bottom line profit margin of the company which means it becomes susceptible to “Wealth Loss” ~ This is intolerable to most greedy Wall Street Operators ~

It’s no surprise, the majority of corporations are operated by republican entities, some or all of which I firmly believe to be under non-Earthly alien control. What else could possibly explain the total disdain for the consumer, utter disregard for Americans? If the “Hostile Alien Contingent” does indeed hold the proverbial strings of Wall Street, it’s game over for the human race period. They will inevitably pillage this and other nations until completely drained of financial fiber ~ A systematic, deliberate siphoning of the American Treasure Chest which belongs to all of us, in equal parts <>

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Evict the Filthy Rich Hostile Republican Alien Contingent from Politics - Federally Subsidize Presidential Elections NOW

Receding deep into thought and imagining a harmonious universe where money is no longer a primary deciding factor in elections held here on planet Earth and perhaps elsewhere on distant celestial bodies ~ Imagine stripping suspected hostile alien spawned individuals or entities like Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, or cretinous Rand Paul of their only true asset in which they zealously use to attempt mal-manipulation, spread disingenuous propaganda, control public thought, and thereafter steal public servant seats within the Government of the United States and elsewhere throughout the globe ~

The proposed partial solution? Discontinue unearned, unnecessary, absurdly unfair subsidies that directly enrich the pockets of oil & gas company execs ~ Vast filthy fortunes generated out of taxpayer dollars which equate to billions each and every year, and then re-direct a tiny fraction of these funds toward federally financed “Level Field” elections. Can anyone amongst us who is of sound mind conjure a better way to spend our riches? Environmentally un-sound oil companies certainly do not need the cash, their annual greed driven profits surpass 99% of other Wall Street enterprises, which means they are grossly stockpiled with OUR hard earned greenbacks. It’s a truly insane reality and the underlying reason why they are unconditionally granted this unnecessary treasure chest for alleged “Reaesrch” purposes is a mystery to be solved one future day right here ~

It’s time to dedicate conditional millions not BILLIONS, of equal amounts to be disbursed to each individual presidential candidate, to be used specifically and pre-conditionally for commercials, campaign convoys, staff compensation etc subsequent to submitting proof of “Presidential Integrity & Worthyness“ to the appropriate governing authority ~ What a world this could be if we would just transform this tiny piece of legislation that gifts billions of our dollars to those greedy corporate outlaws who don‘t need it, into a “Fair & Reasonable” election program which will benefit all of mankind. The only roadblock toward re-tweaking this pending patriotic program is congress, a “Dungeon of Doom” which is now, unfortunately comprised of a republican majority, a creepy, regressive alien clan which is obviously sympathetic to, and/or part of, the purported “Hostile Republican Alien Contingent”. An evil force which I believe now plots behind closed doors to undermine the United States of America ~

Why are only republicans ready, willing, & eagerly able to gift our hard earned tax dollars to filthy, environment destroying oil companies when we still have thousands of homeless American individuals walking within and sleeping on our streets? A sin of biblical proportions and it just doesn’t make legal, ethical, nor moral sense ~ A real time scenario which leads me and all other sane Earthlings to the obvious conclusion that there is a malevolent force right now living within the fabric of our planet which is working tirelessly to transform our home into fertile, alien receptive real estate. A place which once was, but is no longer conducive to the human species. Reverse “Terra-Firma activity if you will ~

Massive, poisonous oil spills have destroyed the gulf states subsequent to a preventable underground eruption, explosion, and subsequent breach of pipeline containment. An enormous sludge like brown toxic cocktail that arbitrarily wiped out the indigenous and exotic wildlife for thousands of square miles in every direction, infected the water to the point of irreversible contamination, and obliterated without conscience the economy, forcing untold local, global, and international companies into either force reduction status, foreclosure, or even involuntary or voluntary liquidation ~ Our human, flesh and blood brothers and sisters left hopeless without jobs, without income, without homes, and without a viable future ~ Blatant Insanity ~

Rescind,, Invalidate, Overturn, Cancel, & Repeal these deadly oil company subsidies, let’s discontinue our public financing of these catastrophic spill events which always have detrimental and in the end catastrophic global consequences, and thereafter re-direct the taxpayer monies into a program designed to inject fairness, illuminate transparency thereby ensuring a higher degree off integrity for our national and local election process ~ Let’s enact legislation which will prohibit and discontinue the gratuitous infusion of dirty, ill-gotten corporate money into public servant contests and replace it with untainted, genuine “Patriotic Financing” ~

“Advocate Federally Funded Elections NOW, Giving ALL QUALIFIED an Equal Opportunity” to revive the United States of America from the very brink <>

Monday, April 6, 2015

Defining The Universe - What Is It? What Are We?

The AUDACITY ~ With my scientific gears in full motion as I quest for concrete answers, I’ve arrived at the only logical conclusion any lucid, quasi-intelligent, reasonable minded individual could possibly settle in at ~ “We are one with the universe, one with all” ~

Why does it need to be more complicated? The universe itself is not that terribly complex ~ A consolidated, intricately connected in totality, living, carbon based space being which goes on into infinity. Transcending parallel, tri-level, and even multi level universes, stretching out into the darkest corners, touching the sacred space of heaven and beyond. I’m convinced this is fact and science supports and corroborates my highly controversial sentiment. An idea which will inevitably upset the status quo for the politically indignant bible belt, conservative republicans, and the irreversible, uncompromising, always maniacally incorrect in their false chastising, radically minded Christian right. A group of individuals primarily domiciled in Southern United States who I believe to be choice suspects inseparabley connected to the “Hostile Alien Republican Contingent” living amongst us in the shadows of society and within our delicate political structure ~

We are both god’s children and we are god, we are not observers of stars, we are integrated with them and share the same make-up, we are not examiners of unidentified flying objects, we are intertwined with them for they are living breathing creatures, and some of us who are within the righteous left, are not hunters of the devil, we are superimposed unto the existence ~ When the idea of “One With The Universe” was conjured then refined out of a spark of thought, I agreed with the inevitability that this would unavoidably mean we take all the good with the bad, I wish it were different ~
We are water and carbon based human beings, our composition contains many of the same elements, substances, and materials out of which the entire universe is comprised, complete with miniature solar systems and star clusters floating around within our essence. Molecules comprised of atoms, electrically charged protons, and mundane neutrons, all swirling around non-stop in an elliptical pattern for eternity within “Their Un-Breachable Universe”. A steady pace at which produces the force of existence ~ “Living Matter” ~

Now, suppose we enlarge and dramatically enhance this model, what do we find? Simply bigger molecules which are shaped the same, primarily spherical with some exceptions, and conveniently comprised of the very same properties. We find our planet, which could be defined as a super-sized molecule, depending on perspective, or atoms on a much larger scale as compared to our bodies. Once again, revolving around another dominatingly large entity such as our scorching sun. Herein lies the summation, we, as human beings, are neutrons, protons, and atoms attached to planet Earth and her gravitational pull, and mother Earth is the molecule unto which we cling. This molecule is evolving around our sun, and we are both along with all other stars, planets, and galaxies, swirling endlessly within an enormous living body called the universe <>


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Correcting the “Aliens Came to Earth for Gold” Ancient Astronaut Theory

Common sense dictates, if aliens have acquired the technological capabilities and mental intellect to devise an infallible way to navigate the intergalactic star systems, we must agree that they have certainly invented a method by which precious gold can be artificially manufactured using indigenous materials found on their own distant planet - Anunnaki? Perhaps - A civilization which existed in the distant past comprised of gigantic extra-terrestrials is not exiled from the realm of possibilities, however, the belief that this ancient race of over sized, flesh and blood ET’s arrived here on Earth thousands of years ago in an effort to extract bundles of gold to be transported and delivered back home to replenish and save their homeland and species is irreparably flawed. Given a morsel of rational thought, the idea becomes more and more remote and of course unlikely, I’d define it as an isolated inclusion within the bigger, more plausible, universal “Ancient Astronaut” blueprint. If a race of beings from another star system has the ability to create a “Time Machine” or “Time & Space Fabric Manipulator”, two probable methods most Earth-bound scientists now agree would be necessary to achieve interstellar travel, the manufacturing of a yellow metal within a laboratory in the greater picture would seem common place, deeming it profoundly insignificant ~ A task which would be the equivalent of an average minded Earthling conjuring a pasta sauce. Not that difficult unless of course the individual is severely “Culinary Challenged“ ~

The overall “Ancient Alien Theory” I believe includes a wealth of very interesting, sensational, and important findings of merit which must be addressed by mainstream science, and this domain is stuffed with entries that define, fine tune, and “Sluice Out” concrete facts, obvious fallacies, and mysterious myths related to this, and a plethora of other critically pressing topics. My conclusions mirror the majority of work product compiled by my fellow experts in the field of study, the belief that we were in the distant past, and still to this very day, have been visited and infiltrated by an alien species to achieve a multitude of objectives. A strain of extra-terrestrial(s) which has traveled here to fertile Earth in a concerted effort to covertly engage, disrupt, and harm the human species. This malevolent contingent I believe veils itself within the guise of the current day Republican Political Party. How else could you explain their utter disdain for American Democracy, hatred of our Federal Government & its Constitution, and dislike of our booked and pending legislation which ensures adequate healthcare for all human beings from top to bottom. More explicit details on this and related topics can be found in previously archived entries right here within this dynamically charged venue ~

Gold is considered a much sought after treasure here on Earth for many reasons such as jewelry usage, computer and auto parts etc, a precious commodity that typically commands a healthy premium to own due to its scarcity and significant cost to locate , mine, and process, yet considered a mere trinket for filthy rich millionaires and billionaires. Why a premium? Because it can only be found on this planet in a natural state usually buried beneath barriers such as terra-firma, solid rock, or even submersed under water in streams or lake beds. Gold in general, gathers in what are call “Hot Spots”, and although it can be found in almost every geographical planetary locale, richly saturated “Veins” are sparsely scattered throughout. California is one of the largest and richest depositories of this valuable mineral just to name one primary “Gold Fever” location. Coincidentally, the great golden state does indeed host perhaps the most UFO sightings and encounters in the Continental United States. We as a species are unable to manufacture precious metals at this point in time, unless covert activities are in process at secret venues such as Area 51, hence a finite quantity exists which only serves to enhance the market price, daily value fluctuations notwithstanding. In conclusion however, subsequent to evaluating the “Visitation for Gold” theory we come to the logical conclusion that interstellar travel utilizing unimaginable futuristic propulsion systems or space fabric stretching methods undeniably equals the ability and capability to artificially manufacture this desirable “Stuff”, and alien life-forms either biological or robotic, have indeed mastered the formula and therefore, need not plunder our tiny planet for its hidden treasures nor create a project specific race of “Slave Miners“ to extract and haul it. <> It just didn’t happen <> Alien beings are indeed assimilated here on Earth, but definitely do not have an agenda to steal our finite supply of gold. The general plan is much more sinister <>

Friday, March 27, 2015

Time to Exile Greed-Driven Alien Controlled Corporations from The United States of America

After all, just like Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, and Mitt Romney, greed driven alien controlled corporations are a tremendous embarrassment and enormous detriment to this floundering country we so fondly refer to as the “United States of America“. If they are unwilling to drastically and significantly alter their business plan to absorb more cost, reduce profits & stock option awards, and thereafter distribute more benefits and monetary compensation to hard working employees, it’s time to these “Fire” these Un-American parasites immediately. They must leave if they are not ready, willing, and able to exit the Wall Street “Projected Earnings Scam” and start giving back generously to our national community, especially pay retroactive retribution to the income challenged, middle and upper class, students, and of course our senior citizen population. If they do not act in a timely fashion we need to evict them permanently and do it now ~

I’m specifically referring to deadbeat, grotesquely greedy companies like Papa Johns Pizza, whose CEO practically went just short of insane in the midst of a past presidential election cycle when he had brilliantly concluded that it might cost his company a whopping 15 cents per pizza to provide adequate health care to ALL employees via ObamaCare, or to secure a policy of equal benefits and lower premium. The mere thought of shelling out a whopping, company breaking 15 cents per hard working staff member nearly drove this pathetic pie peddler to the brink of no return. Companies like Exxon, Chevron, et al oil & gas behemoths, gigantic resource wasting and planet plundering companies whose officers only seem to understand what a reasonable per gallon price should be after congressional hearings are concluded, must be stripped of all subsidies and expediently deported to set up shop in another more suitable global locale, if of course any other sovereign nation or state will accept them. The list of filthy minded companies based here in America is obscenely long, and unfortunately, the number equates to the majority of corporate entities and they must either comply with much more stringent regulations and laws to be enacted by congress, or go away forever ~

The robotic, mal-intended creatures that control these Wall Street churners and burners are certainly prime suspects in my ongoing intergalactic investigation aimed at discovering, rooting out, identifying, and ultimately bringing to justice the Hostile Alien Republican Contingent, a subversively covert force which is embedded within our Earthly fabric this very day. How can good, honest, benevolent, god-respecting persons possibly conduct business with such destructive consequences as the aforementioned do every single day without an underlying alternative agenda. It’s unquestionably a deliberate underground cosmic plan to disrupt and harm our indigenous global citizenry, not to mention destabilize Earth which is of course our only habitable planet within the solar system. Only Sub-Humans, Non-Humans, or hybrid thereof could actually dismiss with prejudice, the prospect of paying a mere 15 cents per employee to provide life healing health insurance for those who spend most of their minutes, hours, days, and yes years, primarily enriching the owners, superiors, and greedy execs. And that‘s a hardcore fact ~

Congress must act now to begin this purification process in an effort to “Sluice Out” the hidden gem corporations that would eagerly agree to comply with the New Terms of Conducting Business” demanded by the genuine, un-tampered with public servants & citizens of this country. For those who remain in contempt of the new structure and regulatory body which would direct more resources, including monetary benefits, to workers verses flowing generously up to the top, we issue one legal warning and then they are gone. We will set up “Courts of Wealth Divestiture & Distribution” around the nation to accommodate legal matters, including the immediate and swift severing of business ties with America ~ On the flipside of the equation, if a good, genuine American company chooses to willfully comply with the new laws but needs additional time to re-structure and re-plan before it can come online and administer the benefits, the court will assess each situation and if approved, grant a reasonable time frame for distribution to begin. Time to flush out the mal-corporations, which I and other scientific minded individuals believe are owned and operated by the Hostile Regressive Republican Alien Intruders, and replace them with fresh new patriotic entities, companies which value the human species and their real dreams, and a flourishing, environmentally sound Planet Earth a little more than their latest option laced contract which includes the receipt of a metallic dipped Rolls Royce if certain greed-driven “Goals“ are achieved ~

If decision making corporate executives are unable or unwilling to re-tweek in a conscious effort to create an atmosphere and environment which is drastically more beneficial to hard working employees, we as a nation must re-examine their Earthly Patriotism or lack thereof, including their allegiance to the United States of America which is domiciled on fertile Planet Earth, nestled comfortably within the Milky Way Galaxy <>

Monday, March 16, 2015

Decisively Defeated and Humiliated Presidential Candidate and Moroni Follower Mitt Romney - Exposing Alien Intrusion

As a pre-curser to the above title and related entry which follows below, here is a brief disclaimer or explanation for the content herein ~ I still love my country and wish it well, I just think it falls short of being a great nation and yes, as I write this piece, I’m considering alternative places to call my home while constitution amendments are contemplated and hopefully enacted ~ Despite impotent efforts by republican owned propaganda entities such as the Fox Loose Channel” to paint me as a liberal loon, I contend an expression of my opinion regardless of subject matter does not make me any less patriotic than an imbecile corporate criminal like Mitt Romney who uses and plunders America and her hard working peoples primarily for personal enrichment, nor does it make me less patriotic than a stand-up, legendary, iconic man of history like George Washington. It simply means I believe the United States is no longer a land where dreams can be pursued fairly or unimpeded by the vast majority of working or retired American Citizens ~ How can an individual or family legitimately and vigorously pursue a dream while under constant suppressive activities deployed by the grotesquely wealthy such as Mitt? As expressed in previous entries, I believe a more concentrated effort toward rooting out the “Hostile Republican Alien Contingent” must commence immediately before it’s too late, so “We The Real People“, not necessarily the filthy rich, can re-claim realizable, genuinely attainable and reachable AMERICAN DREAMS ~

During the interim, until we as a nation make the desperately needed changes, I’ll continue on with my personal public service quest to expose the hostile alien republican force commingled among us, report on terrestrial and super-natural “Counter-Pushback“, and of course, explore other more suitable lands using all mediums ~ Periodically, as I rigorously rifle through my standard television selections tucked deeply betwixed a plethora of investigative paranormal offerings, I’ll arrive at a terrestrial airwave destination which involves a segment or two of an interview with defeated Mitt Romney, former republican presidential candidate and current American disgrace. The piece is usually hosted by a “Fox Loose” network ultra-conservative propaganda peddler such as Sean Hannity or B. O’Reilly. It typically begins with something like this, with Romney proclaiming emphatically “See, I told you I was right”, and ends with something like this “See, I told you I was right”. Ridiculous to say the least because Mitt, as he always does, either embellishes, conveniently contorts, or manically manipulates the truth, or, simply lies without repentance in the same style as his republican and tea party cohorts. Nevertheless, he is granted precious airtime even though he is by all accounts, a loser in every way. An ultra-greedy profiteer that tenaciously tore apart solvent American companies to be sold of as scrap for personal gain, stripping paychecks along with the dignity away from our terrestrial brethren and sistren, only to leave them confused, vulnerable, and understandably angry. He ex-patriated millions in legal or perhaps some would successfully argue ill-gotten millions to foreign, off-shore bank and investment accounts, allowing the depositees the benefit of his filthy fortunes. He is also a lost soul who vowed vigorously to suppress our working class, deny our senior citizen population adequate healthcare and hard earned social security benefits, and make early life miserable for our blossoming students while enriching his cohorts and remaining balance of the wealthiest humans on this and perhaps other distant planets. All, presumably at the sacred order of his high and mighty space traveling deity, Moroni ~ I guess Moroni “Blessed” Mitt’s destructively effective dismantling tactics whereby working Americans were plundered relentlessly of their negligible fortunes and unrealizable dreams ~

Everyone who intimately follows politics should understand the fact that scatter brained corporate criminal, and in-direct alien spawn of Moroni Mitt Romney, was decisively defeated by a youthful, intellectually solvent, compassionately progressive Senator Barrack Obama ~ A vibrant man of African American decent who is a brilliant, calculating child of the good angels ~ The victory was certainly impressive as it should have been, but the process also left many un-answered questions including the following critical query ~ Why did so many voters situated in the middle or upper middle income class get snowballed into casting a ballot for Romney when this sentiment would rub firmly against their best interest? Was it a mass brainwashing effort by an alternative sinister force, namely Mitt’s Moroni? It’s extremely difficult to believe that any mentally sound individual with a modicum of common sense and concern for his/her job, life savings, health, country, and personal family welfare could ever conceive of voting for a slickly polished con-man like this shallow, money grabbing Wall Street Raider. After all, he, his cohorts, and other like minded, ruthless, greedy mal-humans have one goal above all ~ To strip and siphon away any and all wealth and or valuable possessions from the majority of hard working and retired Americans, then re-direct these assets against a natural gravitational pull, unto the upper echelon in a concerted effort to create even a larger pile of treasure for a select few individuals and corporations. And that’s an unfortunate fact ~

If our beloved Constitution of the United States provides a legitimate pathway for an utterly despicable individual like Romney to legally campaign for and occupy public office if successful, this antiquated, error riddled document must be amended, modified, augmented, synthesized and changed immediately to reflect “Good Faith“ sentiment. At the very least, we need a gigantic Chinese Wall in the form of a “Moral Character Test” to act as buffer between us as concerned American citizens, and evil power hungry entities like Romney, a protective shield so to speak. EXAMPLE question on said required test - “Have you or your business associates ever dismantled an American company primarily for personal financial gain? ~ Yes, I understand the old worn out motto, “ Allowing Despicable Individuals Like Romney To Run For President Is What Makes This Country Great”. Well, that’s what a pretend news network like Fox would like you to believe, but as usual, it’s far south of the truth. Ask yourself this simple question, How does allowing someone who has made a dirty, some would argue, unlawful or illegal living out of raping and pillaging our nation, its humanity and resources, only to amass grotesquely immense personal wealth make this country great? I would say emphatically that it doesn’t, and I believe if un-locked and liberated from undue extra-terrestrial influence, such as a possible “Gray Matter” vacuum manipulation action executed by Romney’s Moroni, everyone would truly understand this. In my opinion, destructive externally non-indigenous, malevolent republican alien forces are at work again right here on planet Earth. I firmly believe, any genuine American who is lucid, and of quasi-sound mind could never conceivably vote for such a mal-intended individual such as Romney, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush or any bush et al under his/her free will, it’s just out of the realm of possibilities ~

Fortunately, for the un-affected, we have the “Progressively Democratic Angelic Force” actively at work to counter this evil menace in every way possible, and we as a spearhead for good, righteous values and positive change which will benefit all workers, retirees, and students, are winning the battle ~ We fend off the mal-intended Hostile Republican Alien Contingent to champion common sense causes like affordable or government subsidized health care for ALL Americans, a value which is a constitutional right by the way. A strong labor union to ensure workers have a shield and legal recourse and or remedy against intrusive, belligerent, power hungry managers and corporate executives. A breed which is unfortunately growing in numbers. And of course, we demand a solvent social security and medicare payout program for our current and future senior population augmented by an affordable or completely subsidized student loan program for our youth ~ They deserve adequate funds to finance the college of choice ~ This among many other values we as a hard working nation demand, and we do not accept vicious alien-intrusion nor suppression in the guise of republican public servants ~ We know you’ve arrived on this planet from another distant star system, we know you’ve covertly invaded and have already corrupted republican representatives en-mass, and we will never surrender our dignity, resources, nor minds to your mal-intentions, ~ For we are the “Good of our Earth” and will prevail <>

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Churches of Lalibela Ethiopia - Alien Assistance and De-Bunking the De-Bunkers

De-Bunking the De-Bunkers ~ As what I’d consider a relatively weak retort to the theory proposed by experts in the field who speculate that ancient space travelers could have possibly guided or helped the individuals who crafted the magnificent temples at Lalibela over 900 years ago, certain “Quote Un-Quote De-Bunkers” have suggested and presented the rather anemic explanation that the rock solid churches were built in stages, perhaps over a longer period of time than previously reported and documented by archeologists. Therefore, in their brilliant view and opinion, no alien intervention was necessary, merely a little more time was needed by Terrestrial-Based Antiquated Earthlings to painstakingly chisel, miraculously mold, and subsequently shape these magnificent spiritual monuments out of one gigantic monolithic hunk of stone ~ Sounds logical at first glance however, if you think it through, this theory is almost the equivalent of proclaiming that if we gave those persistent, muscle bound thickly bearded cavemen 10 years instead of 5 to build that fully computerized and functional fighter jet, they could have easily constructed it with time to spare ~ I’m not so sure ~

The other “Exhibit”, or circumstantial bit of evidence presented, which to them equates to definitive proof that borderline primitives and primitives alone carved these temples, is the fact that chisel marks are apparently visible and noticeable on the stone surface. The assertion and or implication is that “Chisel Marks Equal Terrestrial Workmanship From Beginning To End Of Construction” ~ Really? Is this truly the answer? Perhaps the chisel marks were hammered out after the fact in an attempt to conceal Alien Sponsorship ~ In my opinion this is a much more plausible explanation verses the seriously flawed theory that ancient bearded hominids performed millions upon millions of spark dispensing chisel strikes ~ Just because there may be chips or inclusions consistent with primitive tool usage, does not mean this was the only method applied to craft the solid rock into incredible shapes and forms ~ Hollowed out hallowed temples ~

Any individual who takes the necessary time as I have, to meticulously study ancient archeology records and pertinent documentation including the tribes that inhabit all remote or even non-remote regions of the globe, should instantly reach the logical conclusion that it is impossible for ancient clans, or even clans of 1000 years ago, to mold rock into multi-dimensional formations with the available tools of the time, if indeed scientists and historians are accurate with their claims of “Tools of the Trade”. Yes, you heard it correctly, I did indeed use the “I” word ~ Lalibela in Ethiopia is an absolute mystery to many, a curious puzzle perched upon a very complicated scale. These 11 stone temples are indeed a living testament that super-natural or paranormal forces were definitely at play, as they were at so many other locales throughout the continents and that’s a fact. This simplistic, ultra-dismissive response by the “De-Bunkers” reminds me of a statement made by another “DB” which actually made prime time air on a major cable television network ~ In response to the ever pending, critically important question ‘Who Really Built the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt?“ He stated the following with a relatively straight face ~ His Response? ~ And the following is in paraphrase ~ “There really is no mystery, our ancient terrestrial ancestors were perfectly capable of placing one block of stone atop another without physical or intellectual assistance from external visitors” ~

Well, I suppose this might be an acceptable resolution, however, were our ancestors fully capable of cutting and shaping solid rock into relatively precise squares with amazingly accurate dimensions using home made copper blades tied and secured to a wood handle with only twine or a leather strap? Where they fully capable of transporting these huge multi-ton blocks several miles from the quarry, where they were apparently removed without the use of explosives, all the way to the work site? Were they fully capable of performing this function at a sizzling pace of approximately one stone every 7 seconds, which is the estimated time it would require given the time span in which the experts emphatically state was roughly 20 years to complete? Furthermore, if they could indeed cut and transport the goliath stone blocks, were they fully capable of placing them with such precision that there would be negligible gaps if any on a morter-less frame? Were they fully capable of placing the stones as to precisely reflect chosen celestial alignment? I, personally don’t think so and truly believe this to be another impossible achievement without alien intervention ~ Maybe you feel differently ~

In conclusion, I believe there is ample evidence naturally preserved throughout Planet Earth which clearly supports ancient, and present day alien intervention, interaction, interference, influence, and unfortunately, malevolent hostile activity directed toward humanity ~ Some of my previous archived entries address the invasion and embedment of such diabolical aliens which have subsequently penetrated and infiltrated our halls of congress primarily on the right side, only to execute a cosmic agenda, and these dangerous entities must be confronted and the nuisance curtailed then abated by all legal means. But the star-travelers who had assisted our ancient ancestors centuries ago with the planning, blueprinting, and construction of monuments like Lalibela in Ethiopia, and the associated methods applied to achieve such incredible results, still remain a mystery for some, yet are crystal clear to the enlightened like myself ~ In my view, there is only one unanswered question as it relates to these magnificent Ethiopian artifacts ~ Which strain of space-alien contacted and helped our ancestors build them? They are indeed aesthetic wonders majestically protruding from the depths of stone, carved to near perfection, and certainly not of terrestrial human origin <>

<> For an in-depth perspective as it relates to the size, shape, scope, geographical location, intricate craftsmanship, and to get a greater understanding of the indigenous human life which surrounds Lalibela Ethiopia, please visit this short, un-biased You-Tube presentation - On the surface, honestly, do they appear to be a people capable of such dramatically precise stonework? And remember, in this short film, these are the humans of today ~ Now try to envision a civilization approximately 1,000 years ago <>