Monday, January 25, 2016

“Bits with a Universal BITE” - Installment 1 - “The RETARDATION of Alaska’s Sarah Palin”

“Human Intelligence Procured From Extra-Normal Interstellar Sources” ~ Sarah Palin perhaps NOT of Planet EARTH in January 2016, as she rambled "Robotically & Aimlessly" through a contrived, paper-written speech directed at Republican Presidential Candidate  Donald Trump’s “Special Audience” of purported supporters in Iowa, proclaimed the following in paraphrase as she READ very slowly and perhaps inaccurately from a poorly prepared SCRIPT ~ “President Obama and his “Teleprompters” will soon be out of the White House” ~ The audience was nothing less than Perplexed as she "Stumbled & Fumbled" pathetically through the remainder of her retro-archaic nonsensical words ~ "The Retardation of Sarah Palin" <> <>