Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Astonishingly George W is NOT the Dumbest Bush to be Plucked from a Texas Nursery - Enter Jeb

Believe it or not, I’m virtually speechless for perhaps the first time in my illustriously gratifying life as I think to myself what a family of totally inept, dishonest, filthy rich imbeciles the Bushs‘ are ~ And yes, I understand my words are wrapped in exceedingly crude sentiment, but sane, lucidly clear individuals should fear not, if turbulently destructive Donald Trump doesn’t end up frying and eating his petroleum soaked testicles as a tasty Pre-Real Estate Acquisition “Power Lunch”, Jeb Bush might still become the nominee, if of course from this point forward he runs the remainder of his lack-luster campaign as a mute ~ Opening his mouth in utterance regardless of subject matter appears to be just as detrimental to his presidential aspirations as his brother George W’s bouts with elusive sobriety as he would involuntarily roll off white house sofas only to fall freely and clonk his fragile alcohol drenched head on the wooden living room table while awaking from a quasi-comatose stuper ~

Although I and presumably many others had already surmised Jeb wasn’t too swift on the intellect scale prior to his engagement activities on the republican political BS trail, his idiotic, inconsistently disingenuous behavior which is clearly present and surprisingly abundant in massive quantities, is still quite a shocking revelation to some who actually listen to his babbling rhetoric, especially when you consider the unfortunate fact that this numbskull from Texas is seeking the Presidency of the United States ~ His father George Sr. presided over one of the worst tenures in history, a one term disaster who unilaterally caused pain and suffering to thousands of Americans, and his very “Special” big brother George W will undoubtedly be inducted into the political archives as thee worst oval office imposter of all time ~ What a waste of invaluable resources, not to mention his uncanny knack for stripping the words “Hope & Dignity” from the dictionaries of all working Americans, Senior Citizens, Students, and of course Minorities ~

Unfortunately though, the insubmersibly apparent facts certainly will not preclude Jeb from possibly becoming the next CEO of the USA, and that’s an extremely sad constitutional shame ~ IQ or lack thereof to my knowledge, is not a condition precedent to be tested or met for a presidential candidate, just prove you possess a quasi-functional mind, meet a certain age threshold, hold citizenship papers, find a few greedy billionaires and in return promise them more wealth and riches, and there you go, you’re pretty much in ~ Time to AMEND the U.S. CONSTITUTION NOW ~ Jeb’s brother George W in swift, uncompassionate, boneheaded order, virtually destroyed this nation of ours by bankrupting our cash reserves in the form of an unsolicited “Grand Gift” delivered to the extremely wealthy, filthy rich deviants who always hoard our assets when the opportune time presents itself ~ This embarrassment is also infamously credited with starting the “Great Un-Winable War” with Iraq in the ever volatile Middle East ~ This guy was and is extremely dangerous to our well being, and certainly a HRAC ( Hostile Republican Alien Contingent) suspect ~ his little impotent brother Jeb has the potential to preside over a demonstrably worse presidency if given the chance ~ How anyone could even consider voting for this filthy rich, incompetent fool is beyond comprehensible ~

So with this inept Bush heritage and history firmly attached to his record, why would anyone of sound mind living in the United States of America even consider an idiot like Jeb Bush for president? Corporations are pushing for him because they understand the odds would be in their favor to receive another round of enormous monetary gifts from him, more of our wealth delivered to the filthy rich which includes CEO’s filled with contempt for our poor, income challenged, and precious senior citizens ~ Having a brain or above average intelligence was never a prerequisite for the corrupt “Wall Street” corporate vote, an ordinary stooge like George W or sibling Jeb, who will inevitably deliver the goods to the wealthy at the expense of all other Americans is all they really desire and need ~ God Bless our Constitution <>

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