Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vote Democrat or Republican? Parties Core Values and Traditional Views - Pt 1

So you're more than a little confused about which major political party has you're best interest at heart as you anxiously contemplate which one in it's entirety to support once you enter the local voting station to proudly exercise your constitutional right via ballot box? A little too busy or pre-occupied as most Americans are with essential every day life commitments and income generating necessities like work, or taking care of the kids, to try to stay abreast of current political developments? A daily physical grind and mentally exhausting routine which significantly erodes your available time tick by invaluable tick to the point of significantly inhibiting your ability to effectively engage in thorough cable television news ( Legitimate sources such as ESPN), or online political research which can provide the essential information that enables you to weigh the pros and cons and ensures you make the most educated decisions possible? If the answer is yes, you are certainly not alone, and as a matter of fact, I would venture a guess and say the vast majority of hard working people living in this great country today are probably in the same time restrictive position and typically must resort to randomly piecing together a spare minute here and there as futile an attempt as it may be, to try to enlighten themselves and family members regarding important political issues -

If given the choice, we would have to assume everyone would prefer to walk in the appropriate venue on election day to vote with the utmost confidence that he/she will be making the most educated choices possible to ensure their candidate(s) if elected, will pursue an agenda designed to enhance their family's quality of life and not pander once again to the wealthy by "Enriching the Rich". Trying to avoid inadvertently supporting a candidate that will inevitably endorse another massive distribution of our hard earned dollars in the form of a handout to those who certainly don't need the money is always a concern for many Americans. A concern for Americans, and unfortunately standard operating procedure by the Republican Party. The GOP has a long controversial history of "Gifting" corporate conglomerates and well to do individuals with grotesque amounts of free tax payer cash which is rarely if ever used for job creation and almost assuredly funneled into executives front pockets in the form of "Bonuses" to be used for the construction of yet another 10,000 square foot summer home in a high end community like La Jolla California which overlooks the outdated 5,000 square foot summer home that was simply just too small and claustrophobic to comfortably accommodate an active and growing family. As in the reported case of Willard "Mitt" Romney -

If time is not on your side when it comes to either enjoying a little quality entertainment, helping the kids with homework, or performing adequate research to enable you to draw well informed, sensible, and logical conclusions regarding political candidates and politics in general, you've come to the right place. I've personally compiled a virtual mountain of pertinent information and compressed it into a convenient, condensed, time friendly and easy to understand bullet point menu of the major political issues complete with corresponding traditional mainstream views of the major political party's. With a quick glance, you can virtually scan a topic and read a brief synopsis of each respective party's historical stance on said issue. This should provide the reader with at least a basic foundation of knowledge from which to begin the decision making process. Re-visiting these extremely important subjects which can have a significant negative or positive impact on our day to day lives whether we realize it or not, is an exercise I do frequently to re-enforce my own personal knowledge file folder. So in an effort to keep you informed in a timely fashion right along side yours truly, of all relevant political platforms and or respective views, I will publish frequent blog articles right here as an ongoing series  designed to address and define a different small group of political issues in each new entry, on a regular basis. I will essentially report my personal findings to you, my friends and peers, via this online "PPF" venue - 

The following information was gathered from a multitude of readily available sources including but not limited to, the Internet and personal observations via visual media. The views articulated in paraphrase, accurately reflect the general consensus of the majority of local, state, and federal representatives from each distinct party. The views and or positions have been established over the previous decades and although they may have changed slightly throughout the years, the core beliefs still remain intact. If you have the time to explore the issues yourself, please do. I'm confident your conclusions will mirror the following almost verbatim - 


  • PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATIC - Unquestionably a very difficult subject for just about everyone who has a conscience to discuss except perhaps the unwavering, hard core, evangelical wing of the Republican Conservative Party who are feverishly adamant about the subject. In contrast, Democrats traditionally have held a more realistic, non faith based view and believe that while abortion is certainly not a "Contraceptive" and should never be preplanned as one, the majority of Progressives understand the fact that intercourse between young adults will inevitably occur as a natural biological function regardless of up bringing and or religious faith, and every conceivable, reasonable precaution to prevent pre-marital pregnancy should be taken. The Democrats as a whole, believe abortion is justified in certain circumstances during certain trimesters and can be considered as one alternative by the mother in conjunction with extensive consultation with Medical Professionals, family members, and anyone else she feels can provide invaluable advise prior to making the extremely difficult decision. Essentially, Democrats believe in the case of incest, rape, or medical safety of the mother, the ultimate decision rests with the mother of the unborn child and as a last resort, abortion is an option - 

  • CONSERVATIVE TEA PARTY/REPUBLICAN - Traditionally, even the more moderate conservatives, who are still positioned at the extreme left of center, have maintained a non negotiable biblical stance in regard to this very sensitive and controversial issue. A hard line position established centuries ago mainly by the Evangelical Christian stalwarts, and continuously re-affirmed throughout the years by the religious movements television "Celebrities" and "Personalities" such as Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, and literally hundreds of other revered reverends and pretentious preachers. Essentially, even though this issue has been a struggle for some members of the right wing Conservative Party, there is still no give at all in the 21st Century when it comes to abortion. Life begins at inception, even though the living organism is barely visible through a high powered microscope, and regardless of the situation, Conservatives consider this legally authorized act to be both immoral and unlawful despite critical circumstances that may endanger the mother. Abortion at any time under any circumstances, is believed to be against gods will period -


  • PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATIC - The Progressive left has a longstanding and well documented history of vigorously supporting core elements of Labor Unions general principles, the members which now number in the multi millions, and overall concept of workers rights which apply to tens of millions of American citizens who wake up each and every morning only to begin the day with full or part time employment obligations. Democrats have always demonstrated persistence and insistence in securing basic fundamental aspects such as raising the minimum wage to the highest level possible on a consistent basis despite significant resistance from the Republican side of the isle, which is evident during most legislative proceedings. Meetings and negotiations (Or lack there of in the case of Republicans) that are conveniently aired live via well respected public access cable networks such as the popular family of C-SPAN channels. Unions and American workers in general, although still display independent tendencies when evaluating all respective candidates regardless of party affiliation, have a long documented history of casting their ballots in favor of the Progressive Left Democratic Party for very obvious reasons, the party that has consistently exhibited steadfast support for American workers since it's very inception. Democrats have traditionally been rock solid advocates of the middle and upper middle working class for decades and the relationship established between the two has become progressively stronger over the decades as a result - 

  • CONSERVATIVE TEA PARTY/REPUBLICAN - "Let the Market Place which is controlled by the largest corporations and most influential special interest groups decide a fair minimum wage for workers" is the typical phrase shouted out and espoused almost daily by the vast majority of Republican Politicians, and this pro corporate position has only become more and more prevalent within the ranks ever since the Tea Party faction assumed complete control of the GOP agenda by employing what some would consider undue influential tactics. Essentially, this one simple sentence defines the nucleus of the policy and overrides all other considerations regardless of prevailing economic factors which can and do put an enormous, sometimes unbearable strain on workers and their families. The one positive aspect of keeping a "Hermetically Sealed Lid" on American workers wages and essential benefits is the potential monetary gain corporations inherently reap in the form of increased net profit as a result of hoarding revenues to be used for company executive perks verses sharing a little more with employees who desperately need it. This strategy which is practiced regularly by Wall Street and Corporate America, always places considerable strain on the family unit, however, on the positive side, it can indeed result in an increased common stock price for corporations to the benefit of shareholders, who practice this type of "Tight on Employee Wages & Benefits" strategy - 

- Next Installment - SOCIAL SECURITY & HEALTH CARE -

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